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Upschulte House

SKU: 0007
  • Ornament insert write-up

    Margaret Upschulte House, Circa 1865    Date: 2008


    The Upschulte House is owned and occupied by Cole County Historical Society, 109 Madison Street, Jefferson City, Missouri.  As one of 52 buildings in the Missouri State Capitol Historic District to be placed on the national Register in 1976, it is listed as the Margaret Upschulte House.  Built circa 1865, the original location of this structure was 327 West High Street.  This unique two-story, red brick house has German architectural features characteristic of the style brought to Central Missouri by German immigrants who settled the Missouri River Valley in the 1840s.  A few of its stylistic elements include an arched entranceway, chimneys on the end gables, and brickwork patterns on the façade.  Its listing on the National Register reads, “two-story, red brick, German-style house (which) exhibits a good degree of original integrity.”


    Currently, the Upschulte House sits behind the main building of Cole County Historical Society.  It was moved to this location on April30, 1980, in order to preserve it and avoid its demolition during construction of the harry S. Truman State Office Building.  Preparations for moving the house involved raising it off of its foundation and onto a moving platform.  Boards were laid on the ground in tow layers to prevent the moving platform wheels from sinking in the dirt.  A hole was dug at its new location and once it was moved a new foundation was constructed around it.  The cost to Cole County Historical Society for moving the structure was $19,000, with the Jefferson City Housing Authority assuming other expenses. 


    Bernard Henry Upschulte purchased the property at 327 West High Street in 1904.  (Insert of photo-He is pictured here with his family.  Front row, left to right:  Otto C., Bernard Henry, Margaret E and Bernard Henry, Jr.  Back row, left to right: Anna Mary, Leo G., Joseph H. and Margaret M.  ) Members of the Upschulte family lived in the house for nearly 50 years, up until 1975.  They belonged to St. Peter’s Catholic Church.  Bernard H. Upschulte’s obituary from 1911 states he “…made his home in this city a great many years and enjoyed a large acquaintance. He was engaged in the building of bridges until a few years ago, when he retired.”  After his death, his wife Margaret E. inherited his estate, which the children inherited upon her death in 1934.


    The Upschulte House is pictured here in the early 1900s.  Remodeling was conducted on the house in the 1920s, during which dormers were added and a wooden structure attached to the east (left) side of the house was removed. This wooden structure is reported to be the site of the first Catholic mass celebrated in Jefferson City in 1831, by Fr. Felix L. Verreydt, S. J. (Insert picture of house)

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