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Civil War Room and Information
Confederate Soldier Biographical Sketch
Pvt. Missouri State Guard
Pvt. 42nd Regt., EMM
Peter Alexander was born April 27, 1838 in Ohio. He came to Cole County with his family as a
young boy. Peter and his brother John were well to do farmers in Cole County and both joined
the Missouri State Guard. Peter fought at Wilson's Creek, Pilot Knob and Carthage. After
being captured, he was forced to join the Union Army or have his Cole County property taken
away from him.
He married Prudence Virginia Dunnica on November 26, 1862. Her family was among the
earliest Cole County pioneers. Her grandfather James Dunnica built the first Cole County
Court House, first MO State Capitol and the MO State Penitentiary.
Peter and Prudence were the parents of Minnie May, Leroy, Mary Mariah, Eliza Jane, Frederick
and Hettie Ann. Peter continued to farm in Cole Co. until his death on January 10, 1900. He is
buried in the Centertown Cemetery.
Pvt., Clark's Reg't. MO Inf. Co. A
Josiah homesteaded a farm in Callaway County just across the river from Jefferson City. His log house still stands today and is occupied by his descendants.
A foot soldier under General Sterling Price, Josiah fought and was wounded at the Battle of Pea Ridge. He died in a make-shift hospital at Fort Pleasant, Arkansas on March 21, 1863.
His personal effects, including his musket, on loan to the Cole County Historical Society Museum, were sent home to the family. The musket was thrown under the porch of his log house and laid there until it was retrieved by his great-great-grandsons, Bill Burkett and Linus Wigenstein. While playing with the weapon, the young boys decided it was too long and unwieldy, and attempted, unsuccessfully, to saw off the end of the walnut stock to make it more manageable. Family members have chosen not to repair the damage since it is part of family history and a warm memory of their late father, Bill.
Pvt., 23rd VA Vol. Cav. CSA
William Davison, prosecuting attorney of Cole County, was born October 4, 1845 in Cole County, the son of Edward and Eleanor (Baldwin) Davison. Edward came to this area about 1839 or 1840, making his home in Cole County. William was orphaned in childhood and was reared by an aunt in Frederick Co., VA.
In 1863 and 1864 he served in the army from Virginia, enlisting in Co. D, 23rd VA Volunteer Cavalry, and active field work. At the battle of Fisher's Hill, he was wounded and suffered the loss of his right arm. Before he had recovered, he returned to his command and served until the close of the war.
In 1866 he attended a school in Baltimore, MD and in 1867 came to Missouri where he attended school. He then taught school and worked in various clerical employments until 1874 when he began reading law, and later was admitted to the bar. During this time he filled the position of City Registrar.
Immediately upon being admitted to the bar he began practicing law and filled the positions of Associate Justice of the County Court, City Attorney, and County Prosecuting Attorney. He married Miss Anna M. Davison, daughter of Dr. William A. Davison of Cole County. Four children were born of this union: Edmonia, Cecil, Hite and Joseph.
William was one of the original organizers of the Jefferson City Water Works Company. He was a Democrat in politics and a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen.
Pvt. Co. A Pindall's Batt'n, MSG
Pvt. Co. G., 9th MO Inf.
Ashley Ewing was born in Cole Co., MO December 28, 1838, the son of Robert Allen and Jane Ramsey Ewing. He voted for Tilden for President in the 1860 election. After the war he served a term in the legislature and for a number of years was commissioner of the permanent seat of government. In 1888, he was elected Mayor of the City of Jefferson. He married Sallie E. Bolton, daughter of Waller and Mary (Lansdown) Bolton, December 4, 1889 and lived at 604 Madison Street in Jefferson City. They had no children.
Mr. Ewing died March 22, 1905 and is buried in Jefferson City's Old City Cemetery.
12th GA Reg't. Inf. C.S.A.
J. B. Gantt was born in Putnam Co., GA, Oct. 26, 1845. In the Sprig of 1862, at the age of 16, he enlisted in the 12th GA Regiment Infantry, C.S.A., and served in Jackson's Second Army Corps, Army of Northern VA, until permanently disabled by a wound at Cedar Creek Valley, VA in Oct. 1864. Previous to this he was twice wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg and at the Battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864.
After the war he studied law and graduated from the Univ. of VA in 1868. He moved to MO and engaged in the practice of law. He was elected Judge of the 22nd Judicial Circuit of MO in Nov. 1880, serving 6 years. In 1890 he became Judge of the Supreme Court of MO and rose to the position of Chief Justice and Presiding Judge.
He married Alice Warth, April 23, 1872, who died August 8, 1889. They had four children. On July 23, 1891 he married Matilda (nee Weidemeyer) Lee. The family resided at 111 East McCarty Street in Jefferson City. He was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
Sgt., 2nd MO Cavalry, CSA
This son of Job and Sarah (Embree) Goodall was raised on a farm at Cole Junction. Along with his cousin, Isham Embree Gordon, son of Alexander Gordon, Walker joined the Confederate Cavalry in Aug. 1862, but a couple months later they were dismounted and integrated into the infantry. Walker and Isham fought at Battle of Prairie Grove in Dec 1862 as well as other Arkansas battles. The 10th Missouri was under command of General M.M. Parsons who was under Sterling Price. Their worst battle was at Helena, AR in July 1863 where the 10th MO lost almost 60% of their men and Walker Goodall was taken prisoner. He remained a POW for 20 months then became part of the famed 2nd MO Cavalry as Sgt. under Col. Robert McCullock in AL. He and several others escaped from the Battle of Mobile by hopping a train to Baldwin, MS. When the war was over he walked back to Cole Junction from MS.
For the next 9-10 years, Walker farmed and taught school. He married Sarah Handley, daughter of Tom and Mary Ann Gordon Handley and worked at the Missouri Penitentiary for 18 years as a guard and foreman. At age 60 he entered county politics and served as a Judge for the next 16 years.
Judge Goodall had 8 children and numerous grandchildren. He was politically prominent and active in church and civic organizations. Though he was a well known public figure, he practically never talked about his experiences in the terrible war.
Co. D, 1st MO Inf.
J. H. Green was born at Troy, Lincoln Co., MO, April 2, 1842. At the outbreak of the Civil War, he was teaching school in West Prairie, MO. On a Friday afternoon (1861), he dismissed his school, borrowed a horse and rode to Troy. He sent his horse back to its owner and with about 700 others, started for Jefferson City. After 2 days' march they reached the home of Gen. Jeff Jones in Callaway County where they whole neighborhood had prepared a feast.
They were unable to cross the MO River as Gen. Lyon had just fought the Battle of Boonville and had the MO River guarded. The command broke up into squads and Green with his stepbrother, James Carter, worked their way south, and ultimately joined Capt. Martin Burke's 1st MO Infantry at New Madrid, MO.
During the war, Mr. Green was in a number of conflicts. He was wounded at the battle of Champion Hill and his step-brother, James Carter, was killed at the same time. He was discharged on account of disability, coming across the river where he was commissioned Colonel by Gen. Price and sent to MO to recruit. He was captured and taken to Gratiot Street Prison, then to Johnson Island and exchanged. He went to Mexico for a couple of years then returned to Jefferson City in 1867 where he engaged in the insurance business, then moved on to Sedalia where he worked in real estate. He was general land agent of the M K & T Railroad and returned to Jefferson City in 1899.
Tandy Greenup was born in Wayne Co., KY and came to Cole Co., MO with his father, Christopher B. Greenup, at the age of seven. He was the fourth of six sons, five of whom were living at home when the War broke out. James L., Tandy A. and George W. served with the Union Army and Charles E., Samuel W. and Thomas served the Confederate Army.
At the battle of Wilson's Creek, Charles and Samuel were on the Confederate side and Tandy was with the Union; all were wounded. Samuel was shot through the hips and thigh, Tandy was shot through the hand and Charles was shot in the arm and went on with his command. Tandy was taken home by his mother to recuperate. While he was convalescing, a squad of Confederates sent word that if he would surrender his horse, saddle and arms they would not molest him further; if he did not surrender they would burn his stepfather's place. He responded that they would get nothing from him except at the point of a bayonet. The squad advanced on the house with burning hay, and as they came over the fence, Tandy fired at the head of one and shot him through the thigh. The others took to their heels and left. Tandy rode to Georgetown, Pettis Co., where he enlisted and served in the Fifth Missouri Cavalry. At Swas Prairie, MO he was wounded in the knee, rendering him crippled for life. At the end of four months he was back again in the ranks, and was with his regiment until the battle of Cane Hill, AR when he was wounded again in the same knee. He rejoined his regiment in two months and served until his term expired, April 23, 1865. July 12 he re-enlisted in Co. F, 2nd Veteran Cavalry and remained until August 26, 1866 when he was mustered out at Salem, MO.
After the war he was employed by the MO Pacific Railroad and later kept a hotel in Center Town. He married Miss Martha A. Schaufler and they had five children, two sons and three daughters. Mr. Greenup was Justice of the Peace and Center Town and also held the office of deputy assessor and collector. Later he became postmaster.
General, Missouri State Guard
James Harding was born in Boston, MA, Feb. 13, 1830, the son of Chester and Caroline M. (Woodruff) Harding. He came to St. Louis for a short time at age 14 but returned east to attend Phillips Academy. From 1847 to 1852 he traveled widely before returning to MO where he went to work for the MO Pacific Railroad and was on surveys in charge of construction west of Jefferson City. In 1855, he married Christine Cordell. In 1860 he was appointed Chief Clerk of the State Auditor's office, and in January 1861, was appointed Quartermaster General of the State of MO by Gov. C. F. Jackson. At the outbreak of the War he left the Auditor's office to become Quartermaster General of the Missouri State Guard, in 1862, resigning at Van Buren, AR.
He was appointed by Gen. Price as Division Quartermaster in the Confederate service, serving a short time, his resignation taking effect at Corinth, MS. He then became Captain of Artillery and was later promoted to Major, which position he held until the close of the War. Most of his time was spent in Charleston, SC on ordnance duty. He participated in nearly all the engagements around Charleston while on duty there, and in 1864 was ordered to Columbus, GA where he had charge of the Confederate States armory and pistol factory.
At the close of the war James went with his family to Pensacola, FL. In Feb. 1871, he returned to Jefferson City and shortly afterward was made Chief Engineer of the Jefferson City, Lebanon & Southwestern Railroad where he worked for over 2 years. He then accepted the position of Clerk in the Auditor's Office, and in 1875 was appointed Architect and Supt. of Improvements of the prison. He held this position and also that of bookkeeper at the prison resigning when he was elected Railroad Commissioner. Harding served until 1889, when he was made secretary of the commission.
The General was a prominent citizen of Jefferson City. He was the father of 9 children, 8 of whom survived; Margaret, Chester, Eugene, Virginia, Christine, Stanley, Phillip and James.
Capt., 4th Reg't. MO Vol., Co. D
Captain James Levi Keown was born near Nashville, TN on April 11, 1821 and came to Missouri as a young boy, learning the carpenter's trade. He went to the California gold fields in the 1849 Gold Rush. Returning to Missouri, he ran the woodworking shop at the Missouri State Penitentiary. He would later play a major role in the interior construction of the Governor's mansion.
He joined the Confederate Army of General Sterling Price and served as Captain of Company "D" 4th Regiment of Missouri Volunteers attached to General M. M. Parsons' Brigade. He fought in several major engagements during the War, including the Battle of Wilson's Creek. During the bloody Wilson's Creek battle he observed that a long-time friend, Frederick Buehrle of Jefferson City, was wounded in the shoulder and leg. Buehrle was a Union soldier. Under heavy fire, Keown went onto the battlefield and pulled Buehrle to safety. Both survived and remained lifelong friends.
At age 92, Captain Keown died at his Jefferson City home, 327 East Main Street (Capitol Avenue) on May 1, 1913. He is buried in Riverview Cemetery. Captain Keown and his wife, Georgia Barkley, had six children.
Scout, Quantrill's Battalion
George Maddox, Quantrill's Chief Scout, was a noted guerilla of the times. He also fought
with General Jo Shelby. In this photograph he sports a pair of Remington's 1863 New Model
Army Pistols. Following the war, he lived in Jefferson City with his wife, Nanny (Boswell)
Maddox, and their eight children, three daughters and five sons. His occupation was listed
on the 1900 census as farmer; he worked as a prison guard in Jefferson City.
George Maddox died in 1906 at his home at 618 McCarty Street in Jefferson City.
Brig. General, C.S.A.
John Sappington Marmaduke was born March 14, 1833, near Arrow Rock in Saline Co., MO. His father was Meredith Miles Marmaduke, 8th governor of MO. His mother was Lavinia Sappington, daughter of Dr. John Sappington of Saline County.
John attended Yale and Harvard before graduating from Westpoint in 1857. He served in the Mormon War and as a Colonel of the MO State Militia before joining the Confederate Army as a Lt. and sent to Arkansas. Marmaduke was thought by some to be the best-trained pro-Southern military man in Missouri at the outbreak of the war. He was commissioned Lt. Col. and assigned to Gen. Hardee's staff in Arkansas.
Marmaduke took conspicuous part in the desperate battle of Shiloh, where he was wounded and promoted to Brigadier General because of his bravery and unusual ability displayed upon the battlefield.
After Shiloh he was again transferred to Arkansas where he served with marked ability and was promoted to Major General. In April 1863, he invaded southeast Missouri but was forced to retreat back into Arkansas. In 1864 he commanded the cavalry on Sterling Price's raid into Missouri, was captured at the Marais des Cygnes River and held prisoner until the end of the war.
The above information is common knowledge and probably well known by the reader. However, one incident during the war may be underreported, and that is the duel between John and Marsh Walker from Tennessee. Like Marmaduke, Walker was also a West Point graduate whose mother, Jane Maria Polk, was the sister of President James K. Polk. Also like Marmaduke, in the summer of 1863, Walker was commanding his own cavalry division under Lieutenant General T. H. Holmes, C.S.A. in Arkansas. Their feud began at the abortive Battle of Helena, when Marmaduke accused General Walker of failing to protect his flank (a claim supported in General Holmes afteraction report), and Walker accused Marmaduke of failing to pass on orders, etc. One thing led to another in the following several weeks' charges of cowardice toward Walker firmly ignited the actual duel with pistols at 15 paces on September 6, 1863. Walker lost.
Marmaduke, a Democrat, was elected governor of MO in 1884 and served until his death on December 28, 1887. He is buried in Woodland Cemetery.
10th MO Cavalry, CSA
Eli Bass McHenry was born in Jefferson City April 15, 1840, son of James Bennett McHenry. For three or four years before the war he was a member of the Governor's Guards. His first duty after the Federal occupation of Missouri was guarding military stores. When the State government was transferred out of Jefferson City, he accompanied those citizens who followed and later rendezvoused with the State troops in southwest Missouri where he joined an independent company of cavalry.
Soon afterward he was appointed adjutant of Col. J. T. Cearnal's regiment of cavalry. With the State troops he took part in the battles of Carthage, Wilson's Creek, and Pea Ridge, where he was slightly wounded. He mustered into the Confederate service as a private in Col. R. C. Wood's Tenth Missouri Cavalry, of which he became adjutant in 1864. He was engaged in the Corinth, Mississippi campaign with General Price, Shelby's raid in Missouri in 1863, the Camden campaign in Arkansas, and Price's raid in Missouri in the fall of 1864.
After the surrender in June 1865, he returned home to find anti- Confederate sentiment predominant and promptly moved to Memphis, upon being warned to leave his native city. Mr. McHenry became clerk and master of the Chancery Court of Memphis, and was a member of the Memphis Bar for many years as well as a member of the Confederate Relief and Historical Association of that city. He held the rank of Major on the staff of the late Gen. A. J. Vaughan, Major-general commanding the division of Tennessee, United Confederate Veterans.
Major McHenry is an ancestor of the late Judge James F. McHenry.
Pvt., 4th MO Cav., Co. I
John T. Musick was born on Dec. 11, 1841, on a farm in 20 miles southwest of Jefferson City
in Cole County, MO. In 1861 at the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted in what is now called
the "Lost Cause". Joining McKinzie's Company, Parson's Brigade, at Hickory Hill then switching
to CSA in 1862, he was in active service the following three years. He fought at Prairie Grove
and other sites.
He returned home in 1864, bought a farm in Clark Township in 1865 and in 1866 married
Marinda Simpson. They had five children: Ida, Dora, Anna, Eliza and Thomas Delaware.
Judge Musick was a member of the Christian Church and a Democrat in politics. He served as
Judge of the county court.
Pvt. 2nd Reg't., Cav. Vols. Co. E CSA
Irvin S. Oliver enlisted June 1, 1863 in Panola, MS and saw extensive battlefield service in Salem, Collierville, Wyatt Ferry, Collierville, Moscow, Smith and Grierson's Raid, Harrisburg and Memphis.
In his final years, he was a resident of the Confederate Veterans Home in Higginsville, Missouri.
Lt., Co. B, Pindalls S.S. MO Vol. C.S.A.
Gus was the youngest son of General Gustavus Adolphus and Patience Monroe Bishop Parsons and the brother of General Mosby Monroe Parsons. He came to Missouri with his parents, first settling in Cooper County then moving to Jefferson City around 1840.
He enlisted at the age of 16 and served as a Lieutenant with Pindall's Sharp Shooters. Gus was 17 years old when he was killed at the Battle of Pea Ridge December 12, 1862. He was buried in Fairview Cemetery in Vanburen, Crawford Co., Arkansas.
M. M. Parsons was born on May 21, 1822 in Charlottesville, VA, son of General Gustavus Aldophus Parsons. Around 1840 he moved with his family to Cole County where he studied and was admitted to the bar in 1846. During the Mexican War he organized and commanded the Cole Co. Dragoons. He was Attorney General of MO, elected to the House of Representatives and was subsequently elected to the State Senate in 1858.
He commanded the 6th Division, MO State Guard from the outbreak of war until he was commissioned brigadier in the Confederate service on Nov. 5, 1862. Parsons fought at Carthage, Springfield and Elkhorn, and in the AR campaigns of 1862 & 1863. The following year he was sent to reinforce Richard Taylor during the Red River campaign where he was present at Pleasant Hill, and later participated at Marks' Mills and Jenkins' Ferry against Steele. He was appointed commander of the MO State Guard to replace Gen. Sterling Price who had joined the Confederate Army. Parsons was commissioned Brigadier General after the battle of Pea Ridge and the AR campaigns. He commanded the Div. of MO Inf. At the battle of Pleasant Hill, was with Price in his last march through AR and MO. As of April 30, 1864 he was assigned to duty as a Major General by Kirby Smith and was so paroled, although he was never officially appointed by the President.
He went to Mexico after the close of the war. About Aug. 7, 1865, Parsons was captured and executed by Juaristas near Chino, Mexico. He is probably buried in the state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Born in Kentucky in 1834, Jim homesteaded south of Jefferson City, along with his two brothers. All three represented Cole County in the War, Jim as a Confederate and his two brothers George and John on the Union side.
Jim was killed at the Battle of Helena, fighting in Mosby Parson's Brigade as part of General Sterling Price's Division. Cole County experienced a number of casualties in this campaign, where the total loss was about 40% on the Confederate side and less than that on the Union side.
One of Jim's sons, John W., was a well known builder in Jefferson City. Another son, Robert Price, became a prominent attorney, prosecutor and judge. A grandson, William P. Stone, built and lived at what is now 722 Cliff Street in Jefferson City (currently a bed and breakfast inn), and was a well known builder like his father. He is credited with building Jefferson City's first "modern apartment building", Wymore Apartments, located behind the post office and still in use today.
Jim died July 4, 1863.
Major, C.S.A.
Born April 4, 1840, in Columbia, VA, Thomas Oliver studied law before joining the Confederate Army in April 1861. Thomas served throughout the Civil War. He was present at the bombardment and surrender of Ft. Sumpter in 1861 and witnessed the great naval fight on March 9, 1862, between the Merrimac and the Monitor.
Following the War he resumed the study of law and came to Missouri in 1866, finally settling in Jefferson City in 1874, where he became very active in politics. He was a member of the Democratic State Convention at St. Louis in 1868 and served as Asst. Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the 27th Gen. Assembly (1873-1875). In 1875 he was appointed Assistant Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, subsequently becoming Chief Clerk, serving until 1895.
Maj. Towles was made Secretary of the National Democratic Bimetallic Committee. This committee organized the Free Silver Democrats of the United States in the struggle for control and management of the National Democratic Convention at Chicago.
He was married in 1885 to Florence M. Ewing, daughter of Judge Ephraim B. Ewing of the MO Supreme Court. They had two sons, William Beverly and Eph Ewing. The family home was located at 612 East Main Street. Maj. Towles was particularly active in the Masonic organization.
Sgt., 3rd MO Field Battery, Co. C
Robert was one of four children and the only son of Judge William C. Young, a native of Ireland and Colonel in the Missouri Military in the 1830's. Robert was in his junior year at Mizzou in May of 1861 when the criminal act at Camp Jackson occurred, causing him and many others to join the State Guard.
In the War, Bob was a Pvt. and eventually a Sgt., initially in the cavalry and orderly to General Parsons for awhile. Later he saw action with the artillery, "lots of it", first with the Guard and then in several regular CSA units. Battles included Carthage, Oak Hill, Lexington, Elkhorn Tavern, Pea Ridge, Corinth, Helena (the worst according to Young), Pleasant Hill and Jenkins Ferry. He was praised for bravery by General Parsons at Wilson's Creek but no medals were awarded by the South. Seeing men killed on both sides of him on several occasions, he maintained in his writings that the "God of Battles" was watching over him throughout the war. Apparently this was so.
He would not return to Jefferson City until late 1866, finished his degree work in Columbia, completed medical school at the University of PA in 1871 then devoted the next 30+ years to private practice, various public appointments and local politics. For a time he was Superintendent of the Mental Hospital at Nevada, MO.
Robert Married Lota McKama and they had two children. Late in life he contributed numerous articles to the local newspaper. Robert died in 1904.
Peter Alexander

Josiah Burkett
William Smith
Ashley Washington

James Britton Grant
Walker Goodall
Joseph Henry Green

Charles E., Samuel W.
& Thomas, Greenup

James P. Harding
James Levi Keown
George Webster Maddox

John Sappington

Major Eli Bass
John T. Musick
Irvin S. Oliver

Gus A. Parsons

Gen. Mosby Monroe

James Stone
Thomas Oliver Towles

Robert E. Young, M. D.