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M. R. Aldridge

Doctor Mahlon R. Aldridge, Jefferson City physician and surgeon, was born at Fairmont, Illinois, February 1, 1879. His parents were Mahlon and Maggie Brought Aldridge, his father being a merchant and farmer. Dr. Aldridge's grandfather was a soldier in the Mexican War. His father was partially disabled from a wound received in battle in the Civil War and one of his two brothers who served in the Spanish-American War eventually died of wounds received at the Battle of San Juan Hill.

After graduating from high school at Fairmont, Dr. Aldridge was for four years a bookkeeper at Butte, Montana during which time he attended night school. Then entering medical college, he graduated from the St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1907 following which he located in Jefferson City. He took post-graduate work in Chicago and New York, and in Vienna, specializing in surgery. He was past president of the Cole County Medical Society and a member of the state medical society and the American Medical Association. Dr. Aldridge was a Knight Templar and a Shriner.

In 1911, Dr. Aldridge married Miss Caroline Morlock of Jefferson City. They had two sons, Mahlon R. and Ray. The family lived at 804 East High Street.

Prof. B.F. Allen, A.B.A.M.

Prof. Benjamin F. Allen was born in Savannah, Georgia and received his early education in the public schools of his native city. He attended the University of Atlanta as well as the National University, graduating with high honors. He became very proficient in languages and served as a student teacher. He afterward served as Principal of Monticello High School and later as Principal of Risley High School in Brunswick, Georgia.

Prof. Allen was then offered a position as Principal of the Florida Baptist College in Jacksonville as well as a position with the Natural and Physical Sciences Department at the Sate University in Louisville, Ky., however, while he was considering both of these positions, he received a telegram asking him to accept a position as Vice President of Lincoln Institute as well as a Professor in the Latin and Greek Department, of which he accepted. He was a Professor of Modern Languages, History and Pedagogy as well as one who helped to build up the Collegiate Department of the same institute. He was a fearless speaker, born teacher and had a reading knowledge of four of the modern languages.

Theodore Angenendt

Theodore Angenendt, or Judge Angenendt as he was called in later years, was born in Dusseldorf, Germany. His father was a soldier in the French army. They came to America when Theodore was 12 years old. The family settled on a farm in Cole County near Stringtown. Later the family moved to Osage County.

Young Angenendt enlisted in the Home Guards and after the war he married Catherine Iven of Cole County in 1865. He resided at Linn and after filling the job of deputy sheriff of that county he was elected sheriff. He moved his family to Jefferson City in 1887 where he worked on the addition to the old Capitol building. In 1901 he opened a coal office and for years conducted that business, building it up to considerable proportions. He was elected county judge of Cole County in 1908 and rendered great service on the county bench. He died in 1924.

Dr. F.B. Antrobus

Dr. Frank Benjamin Antrobus, of Jefferson City, was born December 15, 1868 in Kossuth, Iowa and son of Dr. B. Antrobus of Jefferson City. At the age of twelve, Dr. F.B. Antrobus moved with his family to Beloit, Kansas where he attended public schools, graduating from Kansas State University in 1887. He then attended the Medical College of Kansas City, graduating in 1897. He immediately located at Jefferson City where he enjoyed such great success as a physician, that he called upon his father to join him in his practice.

On May 20, 1898 he was united in marriage to Frances M. Bull, daughter of John A. Bull, a prominent and wealthy furniture merchant of Beloit, Kansas. They resided at 206 Monroe Street in Jefferson City.

Dr. Antrobus was appointed a member of the Board of Managers of State Hospital No. 1 for the Insane, located in Fulton, Missouri in March, 1899 and was a member of the K of P, the Brotherhood of the Elks as well as a member of the Homeopathic School of Practioners.

Ralph Asel

Ralph Asel was the third generation of his family operating a meat market in Jefferson City. The business was originally founded around 1850 by his grandfather, John Michael Asel. John Asel emigrated from his German home in Niederstedten in 1849 and met up on the ship with Margaretta Mueller who was emigrating from Saxony. The two parted when the ship docked in New York harbor but met by accident in a church in Washington a few weeks later. Romance and matrimony followed and John, the oldest son, was born in Washington, D.C.

The Asels came west to St. Louis whence on account of an epidemic of cholera there, came on to Jefferson City. On arriving here, John Asel had a capital of twenty dollars. With this he bought a cow which he butchered and sold the meat from door to door. That was the beginning of the business. For a time he continued to sell meat from door to door, then rented a stall in the old city market house. In 1852, he bought an acre of ground just south of town and with the help of neighbors built a log house at what is now the corner of Ashley and Madison Streets.

The younger six children of John Asel’s family were born in this little house: Otto, Mrs. Henrietta Byers, Mrs. Clara Doerrer, Patsy, Mrs. Sophia Bosse, and Chris. John, Jr. was born in Washington, D.C., and Henry in Jefferson City. When Margaretta Mueller Asel…and her emigrant husband…with their two American born sons moved into this picturesque log house, she was terrified by the proximity of a band of Indians camping on a nearby hill. These same Indians became well-paying customers for her home-baked bread. As many as thirty loaves a day were drawn from her huge oven in the side yard, to be replaced by as many pies. Great piles of logs salvaged from Missouri River driftwood, supplied fuel for this oven and for the little log smokehouse now resting on a corner of the flower-filled yard. Improvements were added and butchering, curing and cooking of meat was done on the place. Margaretta, with the assistance of her oldest son, is said to have made a thousand dollars selling fried sausages to soldiers during the Civil War. In 1938, Ralph Asel’s market at 711 Madison was in the immediate vicinity of the original homestead.

Ralph was the son of Christ Asel, the youngest son of John Asel. Christ Asel spent his mature life in the meat business in this southside neighborhood, dying September 13, 1937, at the age of sixty-nine. His wife was Barbara Ott, a native of Cole County and daughter of Matthias Ott.

Ralph Asel was born in Jefferson City October 11, 1898 and became involved in the business as soon as he graduated from high school. He was married in December, 1925, to Miss Milburn Blackwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Blackwell of Chamois. He was a thirty-second degree Mason.

Fred L. Atkinson

Fred L. Atkinson, conductor on the Missouri Pacific, moved to Jefferson City in October 1902, when he entered the Missouri Pacific train service. He purchased a home at 218 McCarty around 1925. He was in railway service for three years, working out of Sioux City, Iowa before coming to Jefferson City.

Mr Atkinson was the son of George Alonzo Atkinson who was born in Winnebago County, Illinois, June 23, 1848 and died there at the age of forty-eight. He was married to Martha E. Herrington in 1872, who was born in 1849 and died December 24, 1885. She was the daughter of Jesse and Mary Brown Herrington, her mother, whose old home was Mount Pleasant, Ohio, being the daughter of Simon and Martha Williams Brown. The Herrington family is of English descent.

Mr. Atkinson’s paternal grandfather was John Atkinson, born at Carlysle, England, December 14, 1814, one of a family of twelve children brought by their parents from England to Winnebago County, Illinois. John Atkinson married Nancy L. Conklin, born at Uniontown, Pennsylvania, December 18, 1822, died in March 1906. Two sons of their ten children were killed in the Civil War.

Mr. Atkinson was married November 22, 1910, to Miss Leona K. Hoose, daughter of August and Margaret Baer Hoose of Jefferson City. August Hoose, who was a lieutenant in the Franco-Prussian War, came to America and to Jefferson City when still a young man and lived here until his death in 1909 at the age of sixty-two. Margaret Baer Hoose died December 29, 1924.

Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson have three children. Fred L., Jr., who was born October 2, 1911, lived in Waco, Texas and was associated with the Texas Oberman Co. Clifford M., born November 28, 1913, was advertising manager for the KWOC radio station at Poplar Bluff, Mo. Ruth C., born January 2, 1921, graduated from the Jefferson City High School in 1938. She was chosen Marcullus Queen of the Class of 1938. Miss Ruth was particularly talented in music. This family was affiliated with the Trinity Lutheran Church.

J.R. Baldwin

J. Roberts “Bob” Baldwin was born August 31, 1859 on a farm near California, Moniteau Co., Missouri. He received his early schooling in the public schools and at the age of 23 he went to Kansas City where he served five years on the Metropolitan Police force. He then moved to Sedalia and engaged in the real estate business, afterwards moving to Jefferson City where he held a position at the Missouri Penitentiary. He left this position to accept the appointment as State Deputy Beer Inspector.

He married Eliza Bruce, daughter of Jackson Bruce, a wealthy stock dealer near Jamestown, Moniteau Co., Missouri. To this marriage two children were born; a son Arthur and a daughter Zora Ethel. Arthur held a position at the Missouri Penitentiary. The family resided at 705 East McCarty Street.

Jacob Balkenhol

Jacob Balkenhol, master roofer, was the fourth successive generation of his family to follow roofing as a business. Mr. Balkenhol was born in St. Louis July 8, 1888, and came to Jefferson City February 26, 1896. He grew up in the roofing business. While a boy his odd hours and vacations were spent on roofs. He graduated from the Jefferson City High School in 1907, married in 1915 and in 1919 went into partnership with his father in a general roofing business, specializing in slate and tile, waterproofing and flat roofings.

His father, Ferdinand Balkenhol, born in Westphalia, Germany, October 27, 1858, was active as a roofer until his death on May 19, 1924. Ferdinand Balkenhol was a foreman roofer at the age of sixteen. He was the son of Herman Balkenhol, a slate and tile roofer, who was also the son of a roofer. Ferdinand’s brother William, still in Germany, followed the same business. Ferdinand Balkenhol came to the United States in 1886 and located in St. Louis where he was recognized as an authority in his business having worked over a large part of Germany, Switzerland and France, where he made a study of methods in these countries.

Ferdinand Balkenhol in 1887 was married to Miss Marguerite Gausert, who was born in Germany December 26, 1861. They had two children, Jacob and Doctor E.M. Balkenhol of Davenport, Iowa.

Jacob Balkenhol was married June 30, 1915, to Miss Mathilda Gayer, daughter of P.W. and Dorothy Gayer. P.W. Gayer was a teacher and an expert with the microscope. Mrs. Balkenhol was an active worker in the Lutheran Church and in social service. Mr. and Mrs. Balkenhol had six children. Ferd G. and Jacob F. were associated with their father in the roofing business. The other children were Margareth, Ruth, Robert and Marie. At age eleven, Bob declared his ambition was to become an aviator. He felt roofing was too dangerous.

Rev. A.H. Barnes

Rev. A.H. Barnes was born in Cambridge, Saline Co., Missouri on February 25, 1865, where he spent his youth and attended the public schools of the village. At the age of 18 he entered the State Normal at Warrensburg and studied there four years, the last two years being a student as well as a teacher. After leaving Warrensburg he attended Pilot Grove College for two years and then resumed teaching in 1889, which he continued until the fall of 1890 when he became a member of the Southwestern Missouri Conference of the M.E. Church South at Versailles, Morgan County, Missouri. After his work there he worked three years as Pastor at Harrisonville and in the fall of 1896 he was placed in charge of the station at Clinton, where he remained one year. He was later stationed for a year at Sedalia and then in 1898 he went to Jefferson City where he enjoyed great success.

On June 11, 1890 he married Christine Schlotzhauer who at that time was in charge of the Musical Conservatory of Pilot Grove College. To this union three children were born: Nadine, Maurine and Arthur.

During the Spanish-American War, he served as Chaplain of the 6th Missouri. He was a member of the A.F. & A.M.; M.W.A.; Vice President of the Southwestern Annual Conference League, as well as serving as the Pastor of the M.E. Church South of Jefferson City. He and his wife made their home at the parsonage located at 419 East Main Street, Jefferson City.

G.C. Bassman

George Casper Bassman was born on a farm in St. Louis Co., Missouri on May 21, 1857. His parents, George Casper and Eva B. Ott, removed to Cole Co. when George was six months old, settling on a farm ten miles south of Jefferson City, where he received his education in the public schools of the area.

He followed farming until March, 1890 when he moved to Jefferson City. A year later he began his own business, leasing the Farmer’s Home of which he continued for three years. He then engaged successfully in farming for the next three years when he then formed a partnership with John M. Sommerer, purchasing the grocery business from Lawrence Wagner, now called Sommerer & Bassman. Mr. Bassman married Margaretta Sahr on September 30, 1879. To this union eight children were born: Frederick, the eldest, died in infancy; Hilda, Estella, Agnes, Otto, twins George and Oscar, and Sophia. The family made their home at 802 Jefferson Street, Jefferson City.

A. J. Bauer

August J. Bauer was born on August 8, 1866 in Jefferson City, son of John N. Bauer, who was a prominent business man of the capital city. A.J. was educated in the public schools of his native town, graduating high school at the age of 16. He immediately took a position as a messenger at the First National Bank of which he held for two years, when he was then promoted to the position of bookkeeper and later paying teller, a post he held for seven years. He was forced to retire from this position due to ill health and engaged in the business of fire insurance, establishing an agency.

In April, 1891 he was elected City Collector on the Republican ticket where he enjoyed continuous re-election. He was also the Chairman of the Republican City Central Committee. He was a member of the Evangelical Central Lutheran Church; Secretary and Treasurer of the Wyaconda Lead and Zinc Mining Co.; as well as Secretary of the Home Building and Loan Association, all of Jefferson City.

On October 10, 1893 he married Laura E. Straub, daughter of Wendell Straub a cigar manufacturer of Jefferson City. To this union a son was born named Harold.

Franz W. Bauer

Much of the excellence of the product of the Capital Brewery was due to the skill of the brewmaster, Franz W. Bauer. Mr. Bauer learned his trade thoroughly as a youth in Germany, the land of his birth, where the brewing of good beer is one of the fine arts. He came to Jefferson City in the late 1800s at the request of Jacob F. Moerschel, for whom he had worked in St. Louis.

Franz Bauer was born around 1866 and came to America at the age of sixteen. He worked for a time at Evansville, then in St. Louis, and later in Pennsylvania whither he was brought to Jefferson City by Jacob F. Moerschel. In St. Louis in 1897, he was married to Miss Emma Korener, who died in 1905 leaving one daughter, Emma. Emma married John Jourdan and they had four children: Ronnie May, Ruth, Frankie and Willie. In 1907 Mr. Bauer married Teresa Strobel of Cole County, daughter of Erhardt and Johanna Strobel of near Russellville. Karl W., one of the two sons born to this marriage, graduated at West Point and became an aviator. In 1936 at the age of twenty-seven he was killed in an airplane accident. The other son, Frank, learned the art of his father under the latter’s instruction and became brewmaster for the Hollenkamp Products Company in Dayton, Ohio. He married and had a daughter, Frankie Jean.

Major Alfred J. Basye

Major Alfred J. Basye was of French Hugenot descent and was born in Virginia on June 2, 1785. He had many distinguished family connections, being a first cousin of John Marshall, a second cousin of William Henry Harrison and a third cousin of Zachary Taylor. On coming to Missouri, Basye settled in Howard County which he represented in the legislature when St. Charles was temporary seat of government prior to 1826.

In 1826 he came to Jefferson City with his family and his possessions, which included sixty head of cattle, twenty horses and thirty Negroes. He bought the block between Capital Avenue and High Street and Jackson and Adams. On it he built a house of brick made by his slaves near Columbia and hauled to Jefferson City by ox team. His house was located at 420 East Capitol. He bought considerable additional real estate in and near Jefferson City. A contract recorded in 1826 stipulates that John C. Gordon build a log house of certain specifications for Major Basye, for a consideration of three city lots and twenty thousand bricks. Two of these lots were at the southeast corner of High and Madison, the other at the southwest corner of Water and Monroe.

Major Basye served for at time as land commissioner, and was appointed postmaster by President Taylor. He was six feet six inches tall, and each of his eight brothers over six feet. He married a cousin, Frances de Wilton Robinson, who also had eight brothers over six feet tall. Mr. and Mrs. Basye had twelve children, eleven of whom lived to maturity and ten of whom married. The house famous for many years as the Basye mansion stood on the quarter block at the southeast corner of the junction of Madison and Water Streets, across the street east of the executive mansion grounds. Here at an early date, John C. Gordon ran the Rising Sun Hotel, so named because of the fine view from the east. Basye, through his father-in-law, Benjamin F. Robinson, bought the property in 1846. He enlarged the building and it became the residence of the Basye Family. Later, Mrs. Basye conducted here a family hotel for the accommodation of state officers and legislators. Many distinguished Americans were her guests.

Charles Worchester Beaman

Charles Worchester Beaman was born November 25, 1880, in Washington, D.C. His father was John Warren Beaman, born in North Hadley, Massachusetts, December 2, 1845, died at Greensboro, North Carolina, December 13, 1903. His mother was Elizabeth Gertrude Beaman (nee Du Bois), born in Great Bend (now Halstead) Pennsylvania, September 13, 1846. She died in Cincinnati, Ohio, May 8, 1934.

John W. Beaman at the age of 18 (a student at Amhurst), volunteered and was assigned to a Massachusetts Battery which served under General Banks, in the disastrous Red River (Louisiana) campaign. After the Civil War, he took up the study of Civil Engineering in Renselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, from which he graduated. He became a member of Dr. Hayden’s party, U.S. Geological Survey and was with him two years, 1870 and 1871. This was the first exploration party sent out by the U. S. Government to survey the Yellowstone National Park area. Later he made surveys in the Indian Territory and northward in the plains states. He supervised the building of a lock and dam at Alexandria, Louisisan, on the Red River, the same river upon which he had fought as a soldier during the Civil War. From that post he was transferred to Hermann, Missouri about 1886 and two years later, he moved his headquarters to Jefferson City. At this time he was in charge of Government work on the Gasconade and Osage Rivers.

“It was during this period from 1888 to 1895,” says Doctor Beaman “that our family of three, father, mother and myself lived in Jefferson City. I entered the second grade taught by Miss Lola Murphey, whose memory is dear to my heart. During the following years, I passed through the elementary grades and those of the high school.

“When I came to Jefferson City, I was eight years old and had never attended school, because the school in Hermann was taught only in the German language, but I did go out with the principal on botanical trips, into the wooded hills around Hermann. He often captured snakes, butterflies and bugs, and I was so much impressed with the first that my stories of these adventures caused my schoolmates to nickname me ‘Snakey’. Frank Dallmeyer recently reminded me of this nickname, which time has caused to be less distasteful than when it was bestowed upon me. Nick Kielman was a ‘buddy’, who often defended me in schoolboy scraps, as one, the ‘Dutch town boys’, against the group from the eastern part of town. We lived first on Monroe Street, with Mrs. Ewing, later in an apartment over the Drug Store, opposite Lohman’s Opera House on Main Street, and finally in a new frame house on Atkinson Street, across from the Zuendt home.

“I have vivid recollections of a cyclone which tore the roof from the State Capitol Building before our startled eyes. We were living on Main Street and this could be plainly seen from our rear windows. This spectacular fire which destroyed a large flour mill and grain elevator, was seen from our home. The great political torch light processions of those days, and the barbecues where Senators Vest and Cockrell spoke, and the reception at the Governor’s Mansion to which we went to pay our respects to Governor Francis and Stone are still fresh in my memory.”

In 1895 J.W. Beaman resigned as engineer rather than supervise construction of a project he considered unsound in engineering, and the family returned to Washington, D.C. Here his son completed high school and was for a number of years assistant to U.S. Examiners of Surveys, under the General Land Office. These trips took him to many states. In 1899, he entered the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, the second oldest Medical college in Ohio and graduated in 1903. He practiced two years in Columbus, Ohio, and one year in Dayton, and thirty-two in Cincinnati. For thirty years, he has been instructor and professor of Pediatrics and Assistant Dean and Secretary in that institution. He was president two years of the National Eclectic Medical Association, member and at present is secretary of the Bethesda Hospital Staff. For years he has been a member of the Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati, member of the Ohio Medical Association, and is active in many professional civic and fraternal organizations.

At the time of his death, J.W. Beaman was supervising the construction of a Government building for the U.S. Treasury Department at Greensboro. His widow later left Washington, D.C. to join her son and lived with his family in Cincinnati until her death May 8, 1934. “Mother had an interesting career,” says Doctor Beaman. “A few years after marriage to my father in 1874, she went with him to the Seal Islands of Alaska, being the first white American woman on these Islands. Father at that time represented the Treasury Department as Assistant Seal Agent, whose business it was to check the number of seals killed, as a bounty has to be paid the Government for each pelt. I was born shortly after my parents returned to Washington, D.C. in 1880.

  1. “I married Laura Zoe Bogue, May 28, 1904. She was the daughter of Dr. Denis Bogue and Elizabeth (Laugleis) Bogue. We have had five children, all living.

  2. Elizabeth Louis Beaman, born October 25, 1903 (married)

  3. Charlotte Denise Beaman, born May 27, 1909 (married)

  4. Gertrude Susan Beaman, born February 14, 1913 (married)

  5. Charles Worchester Beaman, Jr., born July 27, 1920

  6. Mary Caroline Beaman, born September 2, 1924

A History of Jefferson City and Cole County, 1821-1938 By James E. Ford

Monroe P. Belch

Monroe P. Belch was born October 6, 1868 in Jefferson City, son of J. Ed. Belch, a prominent attorney of Jefferson City. There he took on his early education in the public schools. Upon graduating, he attended Missouri State University at Columbia for two years, taking a position as Assistant State Librarian from 1890-1895. While there, he studied law and was admitted to practice in 1894 by then Congressman Dorsey W. Shackleford.

The father of M.P. Belch was a member of the State Senate in 1874, Speaker of the House of Representatives in 1879, as well as being a strong candidate for Congress in 1882.

In November 1895 he started practicing law at the firm of W.S. Pope, later becoming Pope & Belch, their office being in the county courthouse. He made his home at the old Belch homestead, the place of his birth, 421 East Water Street.

William Bemboom

William Bemboom was born within three and a half miles of Jefferson City, in the Frog Hollow neighborhood and came to Jefferson City at the age of seventeen, unable to speak a word of English. He was the son of John Bernard and Anna Whekamp Bemboom, both natives of Holland who married in that nation and came here prior to the Civil War. For a time J.B. Bemboom worked at Pohl’s brick yard; then on a farm near St. Thomas, where he and his wife made brick in molds by hand. In the early 1880s they came to Frog Hollow southwest of Jefferson City where he bought a tract of land, built a log cabin and reared his family.

J.B. Bemboom was a Democrat, and the first road supervisor of his district. He employed laborers at twenty-five cents per day, or seventy-five cents for a man with a team and wagon. Mr. Bemboom contracted tuberculosis and in 1891 the family returned to their old home in Holland where he died in 1893. Mrs. Bemboom died five years later. Of the ten children, five brothers and a sister died of tuberculosis.

William Bemboom attended school in Holland at Slagharen province of Overysel, until he attained the age of ten. He thereafter studied under a private tutor, specializing in agriculture, horticulture and physical culture. In 1903 he had reached the age where the laws of Holland obliged him to enter military service. After six months service which he found irksome, he exercised his rights as an American, being born in this country, to return to his native land. He came back to Jefferson City in 1904, unable to speak a word of the English language.

He worked on a farm for awhile, then learned the shoe business and worked in that business twelve years. He spent two years as an employee at the penitentiary under the Major and Gardner administrations. At this time he entered the services of the Missouri Pacific where he was fireman and locomotive engineer from 1918 to 1931. In the latter year he became a member of the police force, serving three years and seven months. He was a man of powerful physique with a determination to perform efficiently any task within his line of duty.

Mr. Bemboom was married May 12, 1908, to Miss Anna Kaufman, daughter of Fred and Annie Drexler Kaufman, natives of Switzerland and old residents of Jefferson City. Mr. Kaufman was a watchmaker by trade. They had eight children: Carrie, wife of Dean Higgins; Bernard, married Beatrice Steinmetz; and Irene, Clemens, William, Jr., Joseph, Anton and Mary Ann, all of Jefferson City.

In May and June of 1936 Mr. Bemboom visited his sister and old friends and relatives in Holland. Contrasting conditions in Holland as he remembered them as a boy with conditions here, he left well equipped with funds to entertain his old friends whom he expected to find in very modest circumstances. He found an altogether different Holland. Keeping out of the World War, that nation traded with both sides and received advantage of the high prices of that time. Many of his friends, in their fifties, had accumulated a modest fortune and retired. They insisted on entertaining him as their guest, consequently the trip cost him less than expected.

Mr. Bemboom was a skilled gardener and horticulturist, and as a hobby produced and sold more than ten thousand dollars worth of plants from the little tract of land included in the home he owned in the western part of the city.

F.H. Binder

Frederick H. Binder, architect and builder, came from Hanover, Germany in 1866 at the age of twenty. In 1868, he married Katherine Blochberger, widow of Frank Hugershoff, a Civil War veteran by whom she had one daughter, Clara M., who in later years became the wife of Prof. F. J. Zeisberg. Fred and Katherine Binder made their home at 210 East Dunklin Street.

Mr. Binder came from a family of builders. His father, Heinrich Binder, was a practical lumber man and builder; his brother, Carl, was supervising architect of the district and city of Wolfenbuttel.

Of the marriage of Mr. Binder and Mrs. Hugerschoff came two daughters who died in infancy, and one son, Frederick C., who worked with his father and who passed away at the age of forty-four. Fred, Jr. was married to Alma Wagner, daughter of W.W. Wagner and resided at 109 West High Street.

Fred H. Binder was an active and public spirited business man. He was elected Mayor in 1884 and served on the City Council and from 1873-1883. He was instrumental in establishing the first building and loan association in Jefferson City which operated not for profit but for the up-building of the city and helped provide it with substantial homes. Mr. Binder was the President of the Jefferson City Water Works Co.; President and Manager of the Bridge and Transit Company; one of the original founders of the first Jefferson City Building and Loan Association, being its first President. He was a member of the school board and the library board, and died in 1911 at the age of sixty-six.

The results of his labor include a building at the State University, Columbia; the State Reform School, Booneville; the school and chapel at the State Deaf, Dumb, and Lunatic Asylums, Fulton; the State Industrial School for Girls, Chillicothe; the St. Peter’s and Evangelical Central Churches as well as most all the prominent businesses and residence buildings erected between the years of 1873-1892 in Jefferson City. He was also the Superintendent of Construction of the U.S. Treasury Department of which the United States Court House and Post Office, costing $150,000 was erected.

Arthur E. Blaser

Arthur E. Blaser, Hudson automobile dealer, who served for sixteen years as county collector of Cole County, was born in Jefferson City, March 30, 1886. His parents were Gotlieb and Catherine Cortvriend Blaser. Gotlieb Blaser was born at Berne, Switzerland, in 1850, coming to this country about 1867 and shortly afterwards to Cole County. Working at first as a farm laborer, he afterwards learned the butcher’s trade and owned and operated on of the first meat markets in Jefferson City. He died in 1901. His wife died in 1935 at the age of seventy-five.

Arthur Blaser was third of a family of seven children. At the age of twelve he earned money by polishing shoes. For about twelve years he was a barber. In the year 1914 he was elected collector of Cole County and served four consecutive terms in that office, from 1914 to 1930. A Republican in politics, he served as county chairman for a number of years. He established his automobile agency in 1933.

In 1907 Mr. Blaser was married to Miss Grace L. Davis, daughter of Stuart and Matilda Derkins Davis. Stuart Davis, a native of New York, died in 1928 at the age of eighty. Mrs. Davis, who was a native of Jefferson City, died about 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Blaser had two sons, Arthur E., Jr., and Raymond D.; both were associated with their father in the automobile business.

E. M. Bode

Edwin Martin Bode, an attorney and public administrator of Cole County, was born in Jefferson City January 9, 1909. His father, Benjamin Bode, was born at Westphalia about 1875, the son of Martin Bode. His mother, Susannah Schrimpf Bode, was born in Wardsville about about 1881, the daughter of Frank Schrimpf, a native of Pennsylvania. Benjamin Bode, a machinist by trade, came to Jefferson City about 1896.

E.M. Bode attended high school and junior college in Jefferson City. He then entered Cumberland University, Tennessee, from which he graduated with the degree L.L.B. in 1932. He became public administrator in 1933 and associated with the office of the county attorney. He was active in Democratic party councils of Cole County. He was married April 15, 1933, to Miss Katharine Chapman, daughter of Frank and Hattie Chapman.

Albert E. Bogg

Albert E. Bogg, better known as “Frenchie”, opened a café on Dunklin Street in 1932. He was only twenty-one years old at the time, and most older people, wiser in their own estimation, predicted that this rash and inexperienced youth who dared start a new venture at the worst period of the depression would soon be broke. “Frenchie’s” was popular from the start and Mr. Bogg’s two places at that location drew customers from all parts of the city.

A native of Newcastle, England, Mr. Bogg came to Jefferson City in 1920. His father, Charles F. Bogg, an engineer, was with the state highway department. He came to America in 1918 and prior to coming to Jefferson City was at Bridgeport, Connecticut, building submarines. During World War I he served the British government, who assigned him to engineering duties.

In 1932, Albert Bogg was married to Miss Gladys Moore, daughter of O.F. Moore, a Jefferson City resident. Mr. Moore retired from the staff of the local newspaper and moved to Denver at the home for printers maintained by the typographical union of which he had long been a member. His wife died around 1918. Albert and Gladys Bogg had a son, Albert Lee, born October 14, 1934.

Otto P. Bohn

On January 29, 1900, the sudden death of Otto Philip Bohn, one of the brightest and most promising youths of Jefferson City, gave a painful shock to his family and very wide circle of admiring and devoted friends. He was born November 4, 1883 in Centralia, Illinois and was son of Edward Bohn and Louisa Betz. When he was three years old his parents moved to Jefferson City where he attended public schools and when at the time of his death, was one of the brightest members of the junior class. The family resided at 103 East High Street.

At the age of 11, being advised by his physician to have some outdoor exercise or employment, and anxious to begin his life work, he began to carry city papers, first for Miss Maggie Miller and later adding to his duties the work of distributing the Press and State Tribune. He was a most consistent, conscientious and duty-loving member of the Presbyterian Church, with which he united without any advice or suggestion from his parents. He was also a member and active worker of the Young People’s Society of Christian Endeavor and a regular attendant at Sunday school.

As a student at school, his bright and respective mind enabled him to keep in advance of his class with apparent slight application. He would have graduated next year with honors and was looking forward to a course at the State University, which he felt would help him climb the ladder to excellence in the literary and scientific world.

His death occurred at 12:10 pm while en-route from school to his home, the result of heart failure. The school dismissed in deference to his memory and attended his funeral at the Presbyterian Church, preached by Dr. J.F. Hendy. His remains were accompanied by his parents, brother and sister to Centralia, Illinois where he now rests.

He had a bright mind, impelled by an ambitious desire to make something of himself, with a disposition and make-up that made of him a character of which contemplation drew forth admiration for one who had such a bright promise of success; while his warm and tender heart was such that all were drawn to him with a feeling of affection rarely associated with a boy. His sudden death produced a keen sorrow in the hearts of all his admiring friends while with his family, who knew him better, it was a dark shadow which Time, the great healer, is converting into a sweet memory, the recalling of which affords to them a sacred and refined pleasure.

Emmett Scott Bond

Emmett S. Bond was elected presiding judge of Cole County in November, 1934. He was born near Russellville October 15, 1874, the son of William and Leona Scott Bond, who were also born in Cole County. The father was of English descent and a successful farmer and stockman as well as a merchant at Russellville for many years. The mother was the daughter of Thomas Jefferson and Mary Jane Scott who migrated from Kentucky and Tennessee at an early date. Thomas Jefferson Scott was one of the leading farmers and active in the business enterprises of the community in which he lived.

After completing the course of the elementary schools of the county, Judge Bond attended the then widely known Hooper Institute at Clarksburg. From 1891 to 1901 he taught in Cole and Moniteau Counties, meanwhile farming on the old homestead. In 1901 he entered the lumber business at St. James, Missouri, in association with James R. Proctor, under the firm name of Bond and Proctor which continued operations for a number of years, owning lumber yards at various locations throughout the state until 1918. For about a year thereafter he engaged in lead and zinc mining at Picher, Oklahoma. He also served as cashier of the First State Bank of Picher, owning a third interest in the institution which he later sold. He was active in the wholesale lumber business and in the manufacture of pine products at Muskogee, Oklahoma, for a period of two years and was owner of lumber mills in Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas. Eventually he turned his attention to the oil drilling and producing business in Texarkana, Texas. Later moving to Kansas City, he engaged in the real estate business for several years.

In 1926 he returned to the old homestead farm at Russellville. He became president of the Cole County Corn and Hog Association in 1934 and remained at its head until he became presiding judge.

By his first wife whom he married in Moniteau County, Judge Bond had a son, Eldred S. Bond, a resident of Kansas City who married Genevieve Connor and had a daughter, Ann. On October 24, 1931, in Kirksville, Missouri Judge Bond married again, to Miss Margaret Speiser of Greencastle, Missouri. Mrs. Bond held a life certificate from the state teachers’ college at Kirksville and taught several terms of school, six terms in the Russellville Consolidated District. She was an officer of the Eastern Star in Russellville and a member of the Methodist Church.

Judge Bond was active in the Democratic Party. He was formerly a member of the school board and served as chairman of various county drought relief committees. Shortly after he became presiding judge he was elected president of the Missouri Good Roads Association. In September, 1936, he was elected president of the Missouri Judges Association. In the primary of August, 1938, Judge Bond was re-nominated for a second term as presiding judge.

Otto C. Botz

Otto C. Botz, was owner of the mammoth Missouri State Chickeries of Jefferson City and directing head of a number of industries and corporations. He was born in St. Louis, October 20, 1881, the son of Charles J. and Elizabeth Mueller Botz, natives of Baden Germany. His paternal grandfather was Joseph Botz.

Joseph Botz was a descendant of a French soldier in the army of Napoleon who survived the Moscow expedition but settled in Germany instead of returning to France. Joseph Botz was active in the liberal movement in Germany in the 1840s and for that was banished, joining other distinguished and courageous men, including Carl Schurz, in coming to America in 1848. Bismarck later secured an order restoring the rights of those who participated in this attempt to liberalize the German government, and Joseph Botz returned to his native land and resumed his German citizenship.

By his father’s resumption of German citizenship, Charles J. Botz, who returned with this father to Germany, became automatically a German citizen. In 1874, he officially renounced his German citizenship and later became a citizen of this country through naturalization. Charles J. Botz while living in St. Louis learned the printer’s trade under Carl Schurz. For a short time he conducted a German newspaper at California, Missouri, then, in 1881, returned to St. Louis. From there he went to Sedalia the following year, becoming one of the owners of the Sedalia Journal of which he was editor from 1882 to 1917. The Journal attained prestige and profit under his administration.

Otto C. Botz was six months old when his parents moved to Sedalia. Growing up in a newspaper office, he naturally became interested in the business and in 1900 secured an interest in his father’s business and became business manager of the Journal. In 1902, for the value of the experience, he planned a world tour in which he should work his way. On this tour he was in Europe when the Russo-Japanese War broke out, so he did not go to the Orient as he had planned. At the end of 22 months and working in 35 states in America and 13 foreign countries, returning to Sedalia he became the managing head of the Botz & Sons Printing and Stationery Company, consisting of Charles J. Botz and his four sons, becoming nationally known as “the printers five”.

In March, 1921, this company purchased the Paul Hunt Stationery Store in Jefferson City to better conduct the State of Missouri Stationery contract they had secured at the beginning of the Gardner administration in 1917. In July of the same year, they organized the Jefferson City Printing Co., and in September the Art Shop. In October of the same year, all of these companies were merged into one corporation, purchasing the Hugh Stephens Printing Co. of which Otto G. Botz became President and General Manager. He was successful in building the new corporation operated as the Hugh Stephens Printing & Stationery Co., into one of the best equipped printing and stationery plants in the United States, specializing in college annual work (taking a big majority of all national prizes in this field), seed and nursery catalogs, county and bank work, and holding the State of Missouri printing, binding and stationery contracts as well as doing a general commercial printing, publishing and stationery business.

After the election of 1932, a group of local Democratic politicians, with the support of the newly elected members of the Printing Commission of the state of Missouri, saw fit to consider the state contracts as political patronage, whereupon after several months of harassing and pressure, the Botz Printing & Stationery Company (to which name the old Hugh Stephens Printing & Stationery Co. had been changed in 1928), sold its physical assets together with the retail office supply store and retired from active work in this field for a period of five yers, maintaining however its corporate structure, becoming a part of the Botz Industries. This later organization operated under the guiding hand of Otto C. Botz, the Botz Printing & Stationery Co., the Botz Real Estate and Investment Co., the Missouri State Chickeries, the Capitol Poultry Farms and the Panorama Nursery Corporation, all located in Jefferson City.

Otto C. Botz was also the inventor of “The Botz Quick Freezing Process,” holding patents on the last word in frozen dressed poultry.

Mr. Botz was married in June 1918 to Renee Odette Bichet, born and reared in Paris, France, where he had met her during his travels in 1903, she being the first French girl permitted to come to America during World War I. They were married in St. Louis, MO, where Mr. Botz was born, first moving to Sedalia, MO then later to Villa Panorama, Jefferson City. They had no children.

C. S. Boyd

Boyd’s Bakery was established in 1933 when C.S. Boyd bought the bakery hitherto conducted by Mrs. Gilliland on High Street. The business was continued at the same location following extensive refurbishing. Three trucks were employed to supply the Jefferson City trade with bakery products.

Mr. Boyd was born and reared at Fort Scott, Kansas, where he ran a bakery for ten years. He spent five years west of Dodge City in the dust bowl area. Born around 1895, he was the son of Daniel and Ida Hood Boyd who lived at Fort Scott. Daniel Boyd was a baker by occupation and C.S. had the opportunity to learn the business in his boyhood and bought a bakery of his own at the age of nineteen.

Mr. Boyd was married in 1926 to Miss Clara Ruth Swillum, a native of Moniteau County, daughter of the late John Swillum of the city of California. Mrs. Boyd assisted her husband in the management of the business.

J.H. Bredeman

John H. Bredeman was born in Nord Borchen, near Paderborn, Province of Westphalia, Germany on June 8, 1849, where attended school under his father, who was a teacher, until the age of 14. In 1867 he graduated from the Mechanical School of Paderborn, having determined to make blacksmithing his business. That same year he immigrated to America, coming directly to Jefferson City with his uncle, Joseph Knaup.

From 1868-1869 he worked as a blacksmith under Fred Fisher, John Fitzpatrick and Henry Dimler. In 1869 he formed a partnership with Joseph Crump and they opened a blacksmith shop, buying out his partner’s interest one year later. He continued his business for the next five years, then selling out and becoming a foreman in the saddletree shop of J.S. Sullivan at the Missouri Penitentiary, a position which he held for the next 10 years. He was then elected as Assistant in the Industrial Department of Lincoln Institute, later becoming Superintendent in 1899.

Mr. Bredeman was married on June 9, 1870 to Theresa Schrimpf of which 17 children were born, two dying in infancy. The children are as follows: Kate who married Ben Droste of Jefferson City; Anna who married John W. Grieshammer of Jefferson City; John who lived in St. Louis and worked for the Hamilton-Brown Shoe Company; Lawrence who was an assistant foreman at the Giesecke Shoe Company; Frank who was a druggist at J.L. Wright, Jefferson City; Albert was a US soldier living in the Philippines at the time of this writing; and Mary, Lizzie, Clara, George, Edward, Pauline, Lavenia, Herman, and Henry were all still living at home at the time this was written. Mr. Bredeman was a member of the St. Peter’s Catholic Church; Catholic Knights of America and a Democrat. He, along with his large family, made their home at 123 East McCarty Street.

F.M. Brown

Frank Mullins Brown was born in Albemarle Co., Virginia on February 26, 1852, son of Dr. B.D. Brown. At the age of two he and his family moved to Callaway Co., Missouri settling on a farm where he was reared and received his early education. He later attended the Missouri State University at Columbia where he graduated from the academic department in 1878. He then began studying law in the office of Judge G.B. McFarlane and Mr. J. McD. Trimble in Mexico, Missouri and engaged in practice until January, 1881 when he was appointed to the position of Assistant in the office of the Attorney General, Hon. D.H. McIntyre, where he continued for four years.

In January, 1885 he was appointed Reporter of the Supreme Court of Missouri, a position which he held until July 14, 1897. Also in January, 1885 he formed a partnership with Edwin Silver, the firm name being Siler & Brown, later of which became Smith, Silver & Brown after the addition of Judge Jackson L. Smith in July, 1887.

Mr. Brown married on May 15, 1880 Bettie D. French of Mexico, Missouri, daughter of William L. and Eliza J. French. To this union seven children were born: Mary, Linn F., Rose, Paul M., William F., as well as Floyd F. and Frances, who died in infancy. His elegant home and interesting family lived at 903 Jackson Street in the south suburbs of the city.

Dr. J.G. Bruce

Dr. J.G. Bruce was a native of Nova Scotia where he was born June 16, 1886. His father, Henry H. Bruce, was the son of George Bruce, a Scottish Highlander who emigrated to Nova Scotia. Doctor Bruce was educated in Nova Scotia. He was gold medalist from Picton Academy after which he studied in Dalhouse University where he received an A.B. degree and also graduated in medicine, being president of his class in the final year.

He was quarterback on the Dalhouse football team, champions of eastern Canada for ten years. He was president of the Cole county Medical Society in 1927 and again in 1938. In 1924 he was president of the Callaway County Medical Society.

Following his graduation in medicine, Dr. Bruce was interne and house surgeon for two years in Bellevue and St. Vincent Hospitals, New York City, following which he returned to Nova Scotia for the practice of medicine. In 1924 he came to Fulton, Missouri where he remained for two years, locating in Jefferson City in 1926.

Doctor Bruce was married in 1924 to Miss Maude Macleod, daughter of Murdock and Christine Macleod of Nova Scotia. They had two children, Shirley and Nancy. Doctor Bruce had a son by a former marriage, the Reverend Garfield Bruce of St. John, New Brunswick.

Larry Brunk

Larry Brunk, the son of Henry Clay and Martha Ellen (Hamilton) Brunk, was born on a farm in Franklin County, February 9, 1883. His paternal grandfather, James Brunk, moved from Kentucky to a Franklin County farm in the 1840s. Larry Brunk attended the Aurora public schools, after which he worked in the lead and zinc mines there, later becoming a mine superintendent and operator. HE was married February 1, 1918, to Miss Anna Urschel of West Plains. Their son, Larry Urschel was born January 8, 1921.

Mr. Brunk was recognized as one of Missouri’s Republican leaders. His first political experience was four terms as mayor of the city of Aurora. Following this, in 1922, he was elected to the state senate from the eighteenth district, and was re-elected in 1926. In November, 1926 Mr. Brunk was appointed secretary of the Workmen’s Compensation Commission. Prior to this time he served as secretary to the Public Service Commission. From 1929 to 1933 Mr. Brunk was state treasurer. He later became involved in the automobile business and was interested in mining activities.

John H. Bruner

John Herbert Bruner, former chief of police of Jefferson City, was born in this city May 12, 1899. He was killed while making a trip to Kansas City in the course of duty early in Janury, 1937, being accidentally struck by an automobile on the highway near Lee’s Summit.

Mr. Bruner was a senior in high school when this country entered World War I. He promptly entered military service and his high school diploma was given him after his return from the war. He enlisted in Company L, made up of Jefferson City boys, and afterwards became a member of Company C, One Hundred Thirtieth Machine Gun Corps. He served in the major drives including the Argonne, and St. Mihiel, was gassed, and received the Congressional medal for gallantry in action.

On his return from the war, Mr. Bruner entered the service of the Missouri Pacific as brakeman, being promoted to conductor in 1929. This position he held until he resigned in 1932 to become chief of police, an office he was holding at the time of his death. In 1921 he married Miss Ella May Adams, a native of Vernon County, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Adams. He left two sons, Charles Herbert and John Robert. Mr. Bruner was a member of the Christian Church and a leader of the Democratic party.

John Bruner was the son of the late John William Bruner, for many years constable of this township. J.W. bruner was born in Estill County, Kentucky, in 1861, the son of John Bruner. He was a miner in early life, coming to Carrollton, Missouri in the early 1880s and for five years he was deputy sheriff of Carroll County. In 1886 he came to Jefferson City as prison guard during the administration of Governor John S. Marmaduke, and after conspicuous service for thirty-five years he resigned to become township constable. He was married at Carrollton in 1884 to Alice Adams, a native of Estill County, Kentucky and a childhood acquaintance. HE died May 12, 1931. John H. Bruner was their only son.

Louis Brunner

Louis Brunner, Jefferson City contractor, was born in Austria in August, 1883. His father, John Brunner, was killed in the explosion of a powder magazine when Louis was three years old. Louis remained in Austria with his mother, two brothers and a sister, until he was seventeen years old when he came to America in company with George Pope who was a neighbor of the family before coming to this country. Mr. Brunner’s mother died in Austria around 1934. A brother who held the rank of captain in World War I was killed in that war. His older brother and his sister remained in Austria.

On coming to Jefferson City at the age of seventeen, Mr. Brunner worked on a farm for about a year until he could become familiar with our language. He then worked for Mr. Pope for about fourteen years. For eleven years of this time he was foreman. This was in concrete work, in railroad construction work, and in various construction activities.

Around 1915 Mr. Brunner went into the general contracting business for himself. While most of his business was in Jefferson City, he covered an area within a hundred mile radius of Jefferson City.

In 1913 Mr. Brunner was married to Miss Margaret E. Antweiler, daughter of Jacob and Margaret Honey Antweiler. Jacob Antweiler, who died in 1918 at the age of seventy-five, came to America at the age of ten. He served in the Union Army in the Civil War. His wife died at the age of forty-two. Mr. and Mrs. Brunner had six children. Alvin, born September 5, 1813, was associated with his father in the contracting business. Paul, born March 1, 1917, also helped in that business. Leonard was born December 16, 1918; Florence, on February 20, 1921; and Dorothy and Dolores, twins, on March 7, 1927. The family was members of the Catholic Church. Mr. Brunner belonged to the Knights of Columbus and the St. Peter’s Benevolent Society.

Dr. Bernard Bruns

Doctor Bernard Bruns, eminent pioneer physician and citizen, was born in Hanover, December 24, 1801. He graduated at the University of Bonn, after which he studied medicine at Berlin, graduating in medicine in 1829. At Berlin he was in contact with the intellectual leaders of Germany, among them being Alexander Von Humboldt, famous traveler and scientist. On graduating he settled in Westphalia for the practice of medicine.

In 1832 he came to St. Louis where he met Nicholas Hesse, adventurer and writer, and came with him to Osage County where he bought government land and contracted for the erection of a house, then returned to Germany. In 1835 he came with a small colony and founded the town of Westphalia, entertaining many famous visitors in the home he built there. He continued the practice of medicine until 1856 when he moved to Jefferson City where he remained until he died of illness, April 1, 1864. Dr. Bruns was mayor of Jefferson City at the time of his death. For some time he conducted a mercantile business here.

On May 4, 1832, before coming to America, Dr Bruns married Henrietta Geisberg who was born at Stromberg, Westphalia, October 28, 1813, and who died in Jefferson City November 7, 1899. She was the daughter of Maximilian Geisberg, chief of forestry and chase for the province of Westphlia, whose paternal ancestry is traced to Johan Georg Geisberg, 1601-1651. The children of Doctor and Mrs. Bruns included Herman and Henry Bruns, Mrs. Effie Decker and Mrs. Ottilie Hess, Louis and William. Captain Henry Bruns was the first Jefferson Citian killed in the Civil War. Herman Bruns, born in Germany, educted in Westphalia and Jefferson City, was associated with his father in the mercantile business. He was a leader in political and civic activities of the city and county.

J. B. Bruns

John B. Bruns was born on a farm near Taylinyen Mappin Bay, Province of Hanover, Germany on December 13, 1834 where he was reared and educated and learned to make wooden shoes. He came to this country, settling in St. Louis, on October 26, 1866 working summers in the brickyards and winters he made wooden shoes, which at that time was a profitable trade.

In April of 1868 he removed to Jefferson City, working in the brickyards but after a year he returned to St. Louis. On August 30, 1869 he married Mary Yunck, widow of Bernard Yunck, near Taos, Cole County. Assuming charge of his wife’s farm, he remained a while and then sold it, moving to Jefferson City, again making wooden shoes. In 1873 he was appointed Street Commissioner of Jefferson City. He and his wife purchased their first property in Jefferson City and started a small dry goods and grocery store. Mary attended the details of this business while her husband performed the duties of his office.

In 1880 the Bruns’ were able to add onto their three-room dwelling and increase their business, later purchasing the corner lot and erecting their beautiful store building and residence. In the fall of 1880 Mr. Bruns was elected County Treasurer on the Democratic ticket, and was elected a second term. In May 1894, he and others organized a company for the purpose of manufacturing shoes under the name of J.B. Bruns Shoe Company.

The Bruns’ had three children: Lena who married George Knollmeyer; Anna; and J. Herman Bruns who married Mary Dulle, the daughter of Judge Henry Dulle of Jefferson City. The family resided at 200

Fred Buehrle

Fredolin Buehrle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wendeln Buehrle, was born in Jefferson City January 31, 1860. His father, a native of Baden, Germany, came to Jefferson City in 1858 from Fort Wayne, Indiana. In Germany in the 1840s he served under Siegel in the revolt against a despotic government, and was obliged to leave Germany as were many others who became leading citizens of America. He was a potter by trade and worked at that trade at Fort Wayne. He also did plastering, bricklaying, and was a contractor in the erection of brick buildings. At Fort Wayne he met and married Margaret Bodtenschats, a native of Bavaria, and their first child was born there.

Shortly after he went into business for himself his house burned, destroying all his possessions. Soon thereafter he came with his family to Jefferson City which was his home for the remainder of his life. He was a union soldier, serving in the Home Guards in the Civil War. Wendeln Buehrle died in 1914 at the age if eighty-seven, his wife in 1872.

Fred, the third child of Wendeln and Margaret Buehrle, clerked at various stores of Jefferson City in his youth, including the Schultz and Wells establishments. He also assisted his father, worked at whitewashing, hod carrying, etc. At the age of twenty he went to St. Louis where in1880 and 1881 he drove a huckster wagon for five dollars a month, board and washing. There he cast his first vote, returning to Jefferson City in 1881 he began work as a bricklayer, soon becoming one of the most efficient in the country.

He worked under Frank Miller, then a brick contractor and architect, and an enduring friendship developed between the two. Among the buildings on which Mr. Buehrle laid brick in 1881 were the Dallmeyer and Linhardt buildings. In 1882, while he was helping Mr. Miller who had under construction a union depot at Pacific, Mr. Miller was hurt in an accident. Following this accident Mr. Buehrle assumed charge of and completed the contract for the Robertson building in Jefferson City. Following this, Mr. Miller secured a contract for a brick stockade part way around the prison grounds. As he was obliged to be away from the city on other business, Mr. Buehrle as foreman completed the contract for erecting this brick wall. Thenceforth he was engaged chiefly in the brick contracting business.

No one has done more in the actual construction of Jefferson City buildings than has Mr. Buehrle. Among the buildings he erected are the Lohman Opera House, the Carnegie Library, dormitories at Lincoln Institute, a twenty-stall roundhouse for the Missouri Pacific, the Episcopal and the Methodist Churches, and a five-story addition to the Madison Hotel. He built the Hardin College Chapel, the Guitar building at Columbia and the trust building at Mexico. For more than a year he was foreman in the construction of the wings on the old state capitol in 1887-1888, resigning to join Mr. Miller in some of the latter’s construction work.

In 1908 Mr. Buehrle bought and moved to a farm southwest of Jefferson City. May 16, 1883, he married Bertha M. Langerhans, daughter of Henry L. and Henrietta and sister of the Rev. Chris L. Langerhans. She was a native of this city and died September 12, 1930, after forty-seven years of married life.

Eleven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Buehrle, three of who died in childhood, two being buried in one grave in one day. Bertha K. is the wife of Eugene Pithoff of the Midland Printing Company. Fred L. died in 1924 from the effects of being gassed in World War I. Henry A., Jefferson City grocer, married Sadie, daughter of James Handley. Laura K. married G. Vieth. Albert W. lived on the farm with his father. William was a Jefferson City carpenter. He married Lorene Block. Louise was the wife of Lois Stein and Hilda of Sylvester Boehm.

Mr. Buehrle’s interests were in his business and farm rather than in politics. However, he served four years on the city council within which time the first real start was made toward building improved streets. He once made the race for presiding judge of the county court, missing election by about forty votes.

O. E. Burch

Oscar E. Burch was born in Jefferson City on July 30, 1868 where graduated from the high school in 1885. On account of ill health, he went to southern California, engaging first in the grocery business, later holding the position of Assistant Postmaster at Glendale.

Recovering his health, he returned to Jefferson City in November 1894 where he organized the Burch-Berendzen Grocer Co. He was united in marriage to Bessie Hope, daughter of George Hope, Sr., on June 17, 1897. Mr. Burch was an active member of the Presbyterian Church, of which he was a deacon, as well as being a stockholder in the First National Bank of Los Angeles. His home was at 111 East Miller Street.

O.G. Burch

Oscar G. Burch was born on a farm in Cayuga County, New York on December 30, 1841, where he remained until the age of twelve, attending the areas public schools. He then moved to Kentucky with his parents and after only a few months, they moved to northeast Missouri, to the towns of Athens and Waterloo in Clark County. Afterwards, he moved to Keokuk, Iowa and remained there from 1858-1862.

On August 15, 1862 he enlisted in the 19th Iowa Infantry Volunteers Co. A, under Captain John Bruce. He was actively engaged in the field at the battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas on December 7, 1862; the siege and surrender of Vicksburg in July 1863; and was a prisoner of war from September 29, 1863 through July 22, 1864. He was a member of an expedition against Mobile in East Pascagoula in January 1865 and in the siege and capture of the Spanish Fort and the adjacent works in April of that same year. In 1864 he was commissioned Lieutenant of Co. G and was then made Sergeant Major at Prairie Grove, Arkansas, when Colonel McFarland was killed. He was honorably discharged at Mobile, Alabama on July 10, 1865 and was mustered out of service at Davenport, Iowa on July 31st of the same year.

Mr. Burch came to Jefferson City in August 1865 where he was appointed assistant State Librarian. He was then made deputy under his brother, Nelson C. Burch, who was clerk of the Supreme Court under the administration of Governor Thomas C. Fletcher. Upon expiration of his term, he engaged in the real estate and insurance business with two of his sons, Nelson C. and Edson.

Mr. Burch was associate editor of the State Journal, a daily and weekly Republican paper of which was the first daily paper regularly published in Jefferson City. He was also reporter and correspondent for the St. Louis Globe-Democrat for many years. He was elected city assessor of Jefferson City one term and was then postmaster under President Hayes from 1877-1881 and continued until the death of President Garfield, all the while being actively engaged in his real estate and insurance business. In August 1882 he was made book keeper of the First National Bank and continued this position until August 1, 1884 when he was made cashier.

Mr. Burch was united in marriage in Catlettsburg, Kentucky on March 22, 1866 to Mary E. Hart of Keokuk, Iowa. To this union five children were born: O.E. Burch; Nelson C.; Edson L.; Edith; and Asenath. Mr. Burch was a direct descendent of a brother and a co-patriot of General Nathanial Green of Revolutionary fame. Mrs. Burch’s ancestors on her father’s side were closely related to Israel Putnam, another prominent figure in the Revolutionary War.

Mr. Burch was a member of G.A.R.; a Republican and an active member of the Presbyterian Church, being Superintendent of the Sunday School for many years. He was a member of the Board of Regents of Lincoln Institute for 14 years and was Treasurer of the Jefferson City Building and Loan Association of which he was a charter director. He resided at 904 Jefferson Street.

A. M. Burkel

A. M. Burkel, veteran shoe merchant of Jefferson City, learned the shoemaker’s trade in Germany where he was born. In 1884, at the age of seventeen, he came to America and to Jefferson City. He worked on a farm for a few months only, and in the fall of 1884 began work for the Church shoe store at which he continued eighteen years.

July 29, 1902, Mr. Burkel in partnership with Herman Bosch opened the Burkel & Bosch shoe store for business in the location formerly occupied by the Hanszen store. This was shortly after the death of Mr. Hanszen. Mr. Bosch died about 1930 and his interest was taken over by Mr. Burkel and his son, L.A. Burkel, who became sole owners.

In 1889 Mr. Burkel was married to Miss Anna Gipfert, a native of Jefferson City whose father was a Union soldier in the Civil War. They had three children: L. A., Carl and Elsie. L. A. married Margaret Bassman of a well known Jefferson City family. They had three children: L.A., Jr., Marjorie and Frederick. Carl, a carpenter by trade and a resident of this city, married Blanche Petry, a Jefferson City girl. They too had three children, Ruth Catherine, Carl Edward and Donald Lee. Miss Elsie was still living at home in 1938.

Mr. Burkel was a member of the Knights of Pythias and Knights of the Maccabees. The Burkel family was members of the Evangelical Church.

T.G. Burkhardt

Theodore G. Burkhardt was born on March 9, 1867 in California, Missouri, where he remained, attending the public schools, until the age of 14 when he went to Belleville, Illinois. He remained there for two and a half years, working for the Roodiger Bros., manufacturers of jewelry. In 1884 he went to St. Louis where he worked for Frank Yearger, also manufacturing jewelry while attending night school at Bryant & Stratton’s Business College. He then went to Glashutte, Germany to further qualify himself in the business of jewelry manufacturing. Here he not only learned to manufacture the tools necessary to conduct the business, he even made two watches with his own hands, one of which was a chronometer, one of the most perfect timepieces that could be produced.

In 1888 he returned from Europe spending one year in Chicago at a prominent jeweler on State Street and then removed in 1889 to St. Paul and finally in 1890 moved to Jefferson City, opening a jewelry store on October 7, 1890, in the City Hotel building. In 1898 he moved his business to the Realty Building.

He married Frances Summers, daughter of Captain W.T. Summers, a prominent live stock man of Centralia, on November 17, 1897. Mr. Burkhardt was a member of the Evangelical Central Church and the A.F. & A.M. He and his wife lived with a Mrs. Woodrum at 419 East High Street.

Hugo Busch

Hugo Busch was born in Germany at the close of the year 1866. From childhood he was a lover of flowers and by the time he was fifteen years old was an expert in their cultivation. Coming to America with an uncle while yet a boy, Mr. Busch worked several years for a floral concern in St. Louis and for a shorter time in Kansas City.

In 1890 he bought out the Nagel Florists, located at Madison and Dunklin. This was a small concern, with about 800 feet of glass, and Mr. Busch for a time found one assistant to be adequate help. He began a conservative and gradual program of enlargement and by 1938 had one of the largest establishments of the kind in central Missouri with eight large greenhouses, fifty thousand feet of glass, and sixteen acres of ground devoted to flower and plant development. Two of the greenhouses were connected with the offices at Madison and Dunklin streets, the others on Highway 50 just west of the city.

Mr. Busch was married on January 14, 1891, to Miss Lena Young, who passed away in February 1935, leaving eight sons and two daughters. All but two of the sons were associated with their father in business. Otto, the second son, operated a summer resort on the Osage River, and Harold, the youngest, was with the Central Missouri Trust Company. His other sons were Hugo (the oldest), Walter, Theodore and Bobby. One daughter married Paul Wishmeier, a Jefferson City shoe merchant. The other, Marie, who lost her sight at the age of twenty-one, had an enviable record of service as a teacher of the blind and lived in Kirkwood in charge of care and education of the blind over a district comprising a number of counties.

Mr. Busch was an active member of the Lutheran Church. He was a member of the board of directors of the chamber of commerce, and a member of the Rotary Club. While always interested in civic and governmental affairs, he made it a rule to avoid seeking office, though he was elected and served as a member of the city council.

Jerry E. Camden

Jerry E. Camden came from a long line of native Missourians. His grandmother, Mary A. Schenewerk Camden, was born in Jefferson City. Her father came to Jefferson City from Ohio. Jerry E. Camden’s father was born in Pulaski County. He was of a roving disposition and lived at various places in the Ozarks before coming to Jefferson City. Jerry Camden was married in this city to Nina Van Huizen. They resided in California for some time, but returned to Jefferson City in 1933. His father, E. Camden, had started in the welding business and the son took up that trade. The father was known as one of the best welders in the state and he worked in the Highway Department garage for several years. When Mr. Camden died in 1933 the young man took over his father’s business at the corner of Elm and Marshall streets.

Rev. W.T. Campbell

Rev. William Tinsley Campbell was born in Searcy Co., Arkansas on March 9, 1852. His father, G.W. Campbell was a Tennessee native, a captain in the Confederate army in the war of the Rebellion and died while in service in December of 1862. In the misfortunes of the war, the family lost their property and became separated. Rev. Campbell came to Missouri in 1865 with his eldest brother, settling on a farm in Greene Co., near Springfield, from which place he left for Saline soon after.

In 1867 he was converted, and in 1868, during a short stay in Arkansas, he was converted, transferring his membership to the Salt Pond Church in Saline Co., Missouri, soon after becoming licensed to preach.

In September of 1872, he entered William Jewell College at Liberty, Missouri where he remained six years as a student, working manual labor sawing by hand, over 100 cords of wood, so as to pay for his tuition. He was ordained to the ministry on January 26, 1876 while still a student and served as pastor for two years at two country churches.

In 1878 he entered Southern Baptist Theological Seminary of Louisville, Kentucky and was pastor of the Portland Avenue Baptist Church of Louisville. In 1880 he returned to Missouri accepting a position with the Baptist Church of Westport and stayed for two years, then being made missionary in Kansas City where he organized the Olive Street Baptist Church in 1884.

In 1891 he went abroad, traveling throughout Egypt, Palestine, Servia and Europe. After returning from Europe, Rev. Campbell spent several months in Baltimore and Chicago studying men and methods. In 1892 he was elected corresponding secretary of the Missouri Baptist General Association, a position he held for five years. He resigned this position to accept a call to pastorate of South Park Church in Kansas City of which he stayed three years. He then left to become pastor of the First Baptist Church of Jefferson City.

Rev. Campbell was united in marriage on December 29, 1880 to Jennie Spurgeon, daughter of J.R. Spurgeon of Pettis Co., Missouri. Two children were born to this union, one dying in infancy and the other, Spurgeon Broadus, was an infant of one week when his mother died on January 28, 1888.

Rev. Campbell was married a second time to Emma E. Spurgeon, a sister to his late wife, on May 25, 1892. Emma was a lady of culture, a graduate of the Lexington (Mo.) Baptist Female College and thoroughly in sympathy with the noble life work of her husband. Of this union two children were born, one named Mary Emma. Rev. Campbell made his home with his wife and interesting children in the Baptist parsonage, 315 East High Street.

Prof. W.T. Carrington

William T. Carrington was born on a farm in Callaway Co., near a town bearing his name on January 23, 1854, where he attended the nearby district school until the age of 15, when he entered Sugar Grove Academy, continuing two years. He then attended Westminster College one year where he was a member of the sophomore class, later attending and graduating from McGhee College’s Commercial Department.

In the fall of 1872 he began teaching near his father’s home after which he entered the Kirksville State Normal, graduating in June 1876. He was then chosen Principal of the school at Piedmont, later serving in the same capacity at Arrow Rock, Oak Ridge and Cape Girardeau. While at Cape Girardeau, he was appointed County Commissioner of Schools and in January 1883 he was appointed Chief Clerk by the State Superintendent of Public Schools, a position he held for four years.

During 1883, he founded and published the Missouri School Journal and in 1887 was elected Principal of Springfield High School of which he held for two years until his election to State Superintendent of Public Schools. He served as President of the State Teacher’s Association in 1888 and was Missouri’s Director of the N.E.A.

He married Mollie Holloway of Saline CO., in 1879 of which two children were born: William J. and Paul. Prof. Carrington was an active member of the Christian Church and was a member of the Business Board of that church in Jefferson City. He was also a member of the A.F. & A.M. at Springfield, Missouri and of the M.W.A. His home was at 804 East High Street.

F.E. Carter

F.E. Carter was born September 15, 1854 in Philadelphia, Pa. Where he remained until the age of seven when he and his parents removed to Freeport, Illinois, where he was educated in the public schools. After completing his education he learned the trade of book-binding and then removed to Leavenworth, Kansas where he engaged in his own business, opening a book bindery and paper box factory, of which he continued nine years. He sold the plant and moved to Jefferson City on December 9, 1899 accepting the position of foreman of book bindery at the Tribune Printing Co.

Under his supervision the binding of the entire issue of the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri (the largest contract of printing and binding ever executed in the state) was completed as well as binding Lesueur’s Manual, Election Laws, School Laws and many other state laws and reports. He also had charge of the binding for the Cole County Sketch Book.

He was married to Nettie A. Hunter of Freeport, Illinois on November 25, 1876. They had one son Lawrence A. who attended Jefferson City High School. There home was at 104 West High Street. Mr. Carter was a member of the Ivanhoe Lodge No. 14; the K of P of Leavenworth, Kansas as well as a member of the Stephenson Camp, No. 2892, M.W.A. of Joliet, Illinois.

F.N. Chandler

Freemont Nathanial Chandler was born in Wisconsin on July 4, 1858. His father, Nathanial Chandler, was a shoe manufacturer. When Fremont was an infant he and his family moved to Boston and two years later moved to Thomasville, North Carolina where his father engaged in the manufacture of shoes, continuing for eight years with marked success. When the unfortunate incidents of the War of the Rebellion deprived him of his large accumulations, he returned to Massachusetts, where Fremont attended school and early-on learned the business of manufacturing shoes.

When of age, Freemont Chandler moved to Chicago where he worked for the C.M. Henderson Co. manufacturing shoes which he continued until the firm opened a shoe factory at the prison in Jefferson City, of which he moved to work. He became Assistant Superintendent of the Parker Shoe Company and later the Vice President and Superintendent of the L.S. Parker Shoe Company.

On December 9, 1882 he married Alice Stow of Chicago, a lady of culture and an accomplished musician having been previous to her marriage, a teacher of instrumental music. One son, Everett, was born to this union. Mr. and Mrs. Chandler were members of the M.E. Church South. They made their home at 310 Marshall Street.

Horace B. Church, Jr.

Horace B. Church, Jr., the son of Horace B. Church, Sr. and Katherine Clark Church, was a native son of Jefferson City. He was born May 23, 1869, and died March 13, 1937. He was educated in the public schools of Jefferson City, graduating May 22, 1885, after which he attended the University of Missouri. He was a member of the college fraternity out of which evolved the Beta Theta Pi fraternity.

On September 4, 1895, he married Miss Mary Louise Pope, the daughter of Winfield Scott Pope and Lucy Miller Pope. Mr. Pope was a prominent attorney of Jefferson City. They had two daughters, Elizabeth K. and Mary Louise, the latter the wife of Jesse W. Barrett of St. Louis.

For several years Horace B. Church, Jr., was Deputy County Clerk under the late F.W. Roer, during which time the County Court House was erected. Afterwards, Mr. Church entered the real estate business with the late L.D. Gordon, under the firm name of Gordon and Church. After his partner’s death, Mr. Church formed the Church Realty and Investment Company, and for several years was considered the outstanding authority on real estate values in Jefferson City. He later became interested in the mining business near Picher, Oklahoma, and, with a group of other Jefferson City men, profitably operated several lead and zinc mines.

For years Mr. Church was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club. He was a Democrat in politics; was a member of the Methodist Church, South. Mr. Church was keenly interested in the welfare of his home town and his neighbors. His wife, Miss Mary Louise Pope Church, died suddenly at Brigham City, Utah, September 2, 1938, while on a vacation trip.

Horace B. Church, Sr.

Horace B. Church, Sr., a native of Clarendon, New York, and son of John and Louisa Sawyer Church, was born April 29, 1834. After teaching school in early life, he moved in the 1850s to Belmont, Kansas. He served in the Quartermaster’s Department of the United States Army, and came to Jefferson City during the Civil War. At the close of the war he opened a shoe store at the southwest corner of Madison and High Streets, which he conducted for sixty years.

He died March 3, 1925. Although living past the age of ninety, he was to the last mentally alert, dignified and considerate. He married Katherine Clark on September 25, 1860 by whom he had four children, of whom Horace B. Church, Jr. was the third. A daughter, Helen married Vaughn Noland of Lincoln Nebraska. Fred C. Church died in 1924. Frank W. Church in 1938.

Dr. W.A. Clark

Dr. William Alfred Clark, born in Clarksburg, Moniteau Co., Missouri on September 11, 1865, died at his home in Jefferson City April 10, 1934. He was a grandson of Hiram Clark who came to this territory in an ox wagon and settled on the prairie of Moniteau County, then Cole County, where now stands the town of Clarksburg which was named for him. Doctor Clark’s father was George T. Clark, a leading citizen of his community, who married Mary Belle Yancey of that place.

Dr. Clark’s academic education was received at Clarksburg College and at Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. He was directly instrumental in the establishment of a high school at Tipton, Missouri, where he taught for five years. Graduation from the Washington University Medical School in St. Louis in 1897, he located in Jefferson City where he spent the remainder of his life in the practice of medicine.

Dr. Clark was personal physician to most of the leading families in Jefferson City. He was physician to the households of eight Missouri governors, and the close personal friend of most of these governors. He was for years a member of the state board of health, and served as president of the Missouri Medical Association. He was active in the Masonic Lodge, and was past grand master of the Missouri grand lodge. He was largely instrumental in the establishment of St. Mary’s Hospital.

Dr. Clark was married to Clara Neef, daughter of Herman Neef of Jefferson City on September 23, 1899. They had two daughters, Mrs. Helen Montgomrey and Mrs. Mary Louise Siebold. The family had a flat at Neef Terrace on West High Street.

Major J. M. Clarke

Major Joseph Marcus Clarke was born June 4, 1814 in Bethel, Clearmont Co., Ohio. His father, Houton Clarke, was a native of Yorkshire, England from which place he came with his widowed mother, to America, settling in Virginia, the year before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. Joseph grew to manhood in his birth town, obtaining an education in the common schools and later excelled in advanced studies at Halls Academy in Batavia. At the age of 21 he joined his brother in conducting the Illinois State Journal at Shawneetown, the third paper established in that state. He was also editor and publisher of a semi-monthly literary journal called “Ladies Amulet”. After two years, he sold the newspaper plant and engaged in purchasing horses, for which he found a market in the state of Alabama and later in Virginia, where he met and married A.E.S. Liggon in Amelia Co., VA, 1835. They settled on a plantation in that county and in 1843 his wife died of consumption.

In 1845, he remarried Lavenia Nunnelly and in October of that same year, the moved to Liberty, Owen Co., Kentucky where he successfully engaged in merchandising. In 1854 he sold his interest and moved to Missouri settling on a farm on the Osage River near Castle Rock, which, with his slaves, he conducted a profitable business until the outbreak of the Civil War. Soon after the war he sold his farm and returned to Kentucky to edit and publish the “Owen News”. In 1874 he sold the paper and moved back to Missouri, settling in Jefferson City, until his death on December 7, 1889.

He was the father of 12 children, all who preceded him in death and only three reaching maturity. Victoria who died at the age of 18 and Marcus who died and left his property in Owen Co., Kentucky, were children of his first marriage. Julius, a son of his second marriage, was a lawyer and died in Jefferson City in 1878.

Major Clarke represented Osage County two terms in the State Legislature; he helped establish the Merchant’s Bank in Jefferson City, serving as the largest stockholder and their first president. He also served as President for many years of the First National Bank and owned a number of buildings, among them Clarke’s Row on East Main. He owned many valuable farms in this and many other state and was a large property owner in Chicago. He made his home on East Main.

Eugene F. Clibourn

Eugene F. Clibourn was born in Cole County near Russellville, March 18, 1875. He was the son of Charles Clibourn, born in Cole County in 1841, died in 1918, a Confederate soldier in the Civil War. Charles Clibourn was married in 1868 to Ellen Josephine Pratt who was born in 1850 and died in 1914. She was the daughter of Washington Burdette Pratt.

Washington Pratt was born near Downer’s Grove, Illinois, in 1827. Prior to the Civil War he moved to Decatur in this county, where he became a man of influence. In the election of 1860 he cast the only vote in his precinct for Abraham Lincoln for president. This so enraged the radical faction of the Democratic Party which was in a large majority in that precinct, that it was planned to take his life. A Democratic friend warned Mr. Pratt and he left home on the evening the murder was to be committed.

Later in the course of the Civil War Mr. Pratt organized a company called the Russellville Guards, of which he was captain, for the purpose of protecting the community against bands of marauders who under the guise of soldiers followed a career of banditry. He established a store at Russellville to which he brought the innovation of a considerable number of ladies’ hats. Money being practically non-existent, ladies of the community knitted socks which they exchanged for hats. To Mr. Pratt was assigned the task of reading aloud to the assembled crowd each week the single copy of a weekly newspaper which reached Russellville. This was a custom prevalent in many Missouri communities about the time of the Civil War. Later in life Mr. Pratt moved to California where he conducted a milling and export business. He was a descendant of Joshua Pratt who emigrated from England to the Plymouth settlement in 1623. Mr. E.F. Clibourn had a remarkable photograph of Abraham Lincoln which was taken by Dewitt Clinton Pratt, brother of Burdette Pratt, bearing the imprint of his studio at Aurora Illinois.

Charles Clibourn was the son of John Andrew Clibourn who was the son of John Clibourn, who was born in Virginia in 1789 and emigrated to Cole County. John clibourn died in 1866. John Andrew Clibourn in 1840 married Frances Virginia Kennon, member of a pioneer family of Virginia ancestry.

Eugene F. Clibourn was reared on a farm near Russellville. For a time he worked in a store at Decatur, and for twenty years he was employed by the Schultz Dry Goods Company of this city. He then went into business for himself. He was married November 3, 1901, to Miss Nora McClung of Mount Lookout, West Virginia, daughter of W.A. and Amanda McClung. Miss Amanda Clibourn was the only child of this marriage.

Stephen Cole

Stephen Cole, one of the first pioneers of central Missouri, settled with a small party at the present site of Boonville in 1810. He was instrumental in the construction of Cole's Fort, at the present site of Boonville, and aided in its successful defense against the Indians in the War of 1812. Cole was a large, strong, uneducated frontiersman, a captain of militia and an Indian fighter. He pioneered in Santa Fe trade and was killed by an Indian on the banks of the Rio Grande in 1822.

Cole, while Justice of the Peace was fined for contempt of court by Judge David Barton. Later that day, Justice Cole was holding court in the open, on a log, when Judge Barton strolled along, smoking his pipe, and stopped and leaned against a tree to watch the proceedings. Cole promptly fined Judge Barton a like amount for smoking while court was in session.

Julius H. Conrath

Julius H. Conrath, for many years a leader in business and political life of Jefferson City, died August 6, 1937, at the age of seventy-four.

Mr. Conrath was born in this city, the son of Louis Conrath who settled here in 1859 and established a soda factory. His mother was before her marriage Julia Andrae. His father for many years operated a confectionery on High Street.

On graduating from Jefferson City High School, Mr. Conrath for a time clerked in stores in Sedalia and Kansas City. In 1898, in company with Gus Lohman, William Nolen and Al Zuendt, he went to the Alaskan gold fields. The following year he became associated in business with his father, was made assistant postmaster a short time later, becoming postmaster in 1912.

He served the Republican Party as county and as city chairman for many years. He was a member of the constitutional convention from this district, and was in 1916 a candidate for the nomination for state auditor, this being the only time he ever aspired to public office.

Mr. Conrath was president of the Farmers’ and Mechanics Bank for a number of years. Resigning, he and Mrs. Conrath made a trip to Europe. Returning, he was again placed in management of the bank. Regarding the bank to be in a failing condition, he closed it and turned it over to the state finance department for liquidation. Depositors were paid in full. On his retirement from banking he established an insurance agency which he operated until his death. He was a member of the Elks Club, the Kiwanis Club, and for many years a member of the library board.

In 1890 Mr. Conrath married Miss Lucy Schults. They had one son, Philip A., of St. Louis, and a daughter, Mrs. William J. Graham of Hutchinson, Kansas.

Louis Conrath

Louis Conrath was born in the Province of the Rhine, Prussia on November 20, 1828, attending school at the Kirn until the age of 16 when he immigrated to London on the 10th of November, 1845. While there he engaged as a baker for three years and then sailed for America, settling in St. Clair Co., Illinois where he engaged a short time in farming. In 1850 he moved to Hannibal and worked for four years at various bakeries.

He then left for Maries County, entering a claim, cultivating the land for a year and a half and then selling the farm and moving near Tipton in Moniteau Co. After one year there he moved to Jefferson City and opened a bakery on Madison Street, in the building that was once occupied by the City Hotel office. He moved two years later to his own building at 405 Madison Street but in 1882 he purchased the land and erected a handsome building at 224 E. High Street where he continued his bakery until 1893 when he retired, selling the business to his son, Julius.

In 1860, Louis Conrath was married to Julia Andrea in Jefferson City. Five children were born to this union; two sons Julius and Fred, and three daughters Emma, Alma and Laura. Laura died in Germany in 1888, where her father had taken her in hopes that the sea voyage and the climate would help restore her health.

Mr. Conrath was a Republican and made his home at 224A E. High Street.

Sam B. Cook

Sam B. Cook, for years a leader in Jefferson City business, civic and political life, came to this city in 1900 on his election to the office of Secretary of State. HE was born on a farm near Front Royal, Virginia, January 11, 1852, his parents being William and Sallie Kelly Cook. When he was seven the family moved west, and after spending a year in Nebraska settled in Saint Francois County. Because of radical Unioni sentiment in his neighborhood, William Cook, who had several sons in the Confederate Army, moved to Warren County. There he and his wife died.

Sam B. Cook at the age of twenty-one was working as a farm hand in Warren County for fifteen dollars a month. HE soon became a leader in local politics, and at the age of twenty-six was elected on the Democratic ticket as sheriff of this strong Republican county. This was in 1878. In 1880 he was re-elected. At the conclusion of his second term he organized the Bank of Warren County at Warrenton, then the only bank in the county and was its president until 1885.

That year Mr. Cook moved to Mexico where he became owner and editor of the Mexico Intelligencer, a widely influential newspaper which brought him into state-wide prominence. He served one term as secretary and two terms as chairman of the Democratic state committee. In 1900 he was nominated by acclamation for Secretary of State, and elected. Meanwhile he sold the Intelligencer and on assuming office made Jefferson City his permanent home.

Mr. Cook was re-nominated for Secretary of State in 1904 but in the Republican landslide of that year was defeated. In 1905 he became president of the Central Missouri Trust Company, a position he held until his death February 5, 1931. During this period the assets of the company increased from half a million to two and a half million dollars.

Sam B. Cook was a member of the Christian Church. In 1879 he married Miss Ella Howard of Warren County who died leaving two daughters. In 1888 he married Miss Olivia Hord. Two sons were born to his last marriage, Howard, who became president of the Central Missouri Trust Company, and Lewis Hord, an attorney who practiced in Jefferson City.

Edward W. Creedon

E. W. Creedon was born on Swift’s Highway, Jefferson City, the son of W.J. and Christine Freshly Creedon. His mother dying when he was eight years old, the boyhood of Mr. Creedon was a period of struggle and privation. He worked as a boy in the Meyer Meat Market, in the John Doehler Grocery and in John Linhardt’s store.

In 1904 Mr. Creedon was married to Miss Susan Elizabeth Moles, who lived with the family of Sam Keller, the well-remembered correspondent for the Globe-Democrat. In this year he ran a lunch wagon on High sTreet, and also had a pop corn stand on the corner of High and Madison. In 1911 he bought a confectionery on High Street which he moved the following year to Madison Street. About four years later he bought the building occupied by the McKinney Café, in which the Creedon Restaurant was established.

Beginning as a small place with five stools, customers were attracted in constantly increasing numbers by appetizing food and by that personality which the owners gave the place. It was remodeled and enlarged to accommodate increasing business. As the business grew, Mr. and Mrs. Creedon continued to maintain strict personal supervision over the preparation and serving of food. They canned their own fruits. They used great care in the selection and preparation of the country cured hams for which their place became famous.

Mr Creedon died March 27, 1931, after which Mrs. Creedon sold the business. She later operated a home-like rooming house on Capital Avenue. The couple had one adopted son, Edward Earl.

H. J. Crevelt

H. J. Crevelt, Jefferson City furniture dealer, was born in this city February 8, 1890. When through school, Mr. Crevelt was employed for a number of years by the Central Broom Company. Around 1926 he opened a furniture business on Capital Avenue.

On Thanksgiving Day, 1910, Mr. Crevelt was married to Miss Almeda Brinegar of Barnett, Mo. Mrs. Crevelt was the daughter of Robert and Tabitha Brinegar. Mr. and Mrs. Crevelt hada son, Henry H., who was associated with his father in the management of the store. Henry married Miss Virginia Gannt, of a distinguished Missouri family, and they had a daughter Kay. The other children of Mr. and Mrs. Crevelt were Richard Lee, Robert, John, Mary Margaret and Patrick.

Pearl Crump

Pearl Crump was a native of Fayette, Howard Co., Missouri. She was a popular and talented soprano of Jefferson City and was educated under the direction of Frances Ehrman who at the time was in charge of the Musical Department at Howard-Payne College. She was a vocalist of rare ability, possessing a voice of exceptional sweetness, volume strength and ranges which enabled her to reach with ease, the most difficult pitches in the whole diapason of music. Few vocalists of the state were so highly complimented by the press. In addition to her rare talent as a vocalist she is an excellent artist. She lived with her parents at 208 East Main Street.

Lieutellus Cunningham

The Cunningham family came to Virginia from Scotland before the Revolutionary War and several members served with the Colonial troops. James Cunningham, the great-grandfather of Lieutellus Cunningham, was born in 1765. He married Margaret Winning and located at Martinsburg now in West Virginia. She died February 20, 1810, nine days after their twin sons, Samuel and William were born. Their other children were Hugh, Josiah, Jane and James. He moved to Bellaire, Ohio in 1824 where William and Samuel helped to clear the farm and build a house of hewed poplar logs. He then married Nancy McGrew and their children were Edward, John, Wilson and Margaret. Samuel married Marinda Shahan and their children were Winfield Scott and Lieutellus James. William married Jemima Nesbit and their children were John James, Margaret, Sophia and Elizqabeth. John answered President Lincoln’s first call for troops and died in the service at Baltimore.

James Cunningham was born August 12, 1835, at Woodfield, Ohio, served throughout the Civil War in the 50th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, died December 24, 1915 and is buried at Bolivar, Missouri. He married Elizabeth Bickel who was born February 17, 1848 and died September 5, 1904 and is buried by his side. They came to Bolivar in 1873 and their children were Gertrude, Dorah, Harlan, Jessie and Lieutellus.

Lieutellus Cunningham was born at Bolivar, Missouri, October 4, 1877. He was reared on farms in Polk and Cedar counties, educated in the public schools, Ash Grove Academy and the Missouri University. He was elected prosecuting attorney of Polk County in 1902 and again in 1906. When World War I came on, he volunteered for the first training camp and passed the examination at Springfield, Missouri May 2, 1917, but was not called for military service. He then turned his attention to civilian war activities and as chairman of the Polk County Chapter of the American Red Cross was instrumental in raising over forty thousand dollars for its work. He also served on the Legal Advisory Board and took part in the Y.M.C.A. and Liberty Loan campaigns.

He was a member of the 1922 Constitutional Convention and the author of the judicial plan adopted by that body, except the judicial council provision which he opposed until through his efforts it was amended to make the action of the council subject to the legislative branch of the government. Although opposed to inserting the anti-nepotism amendment in the Constitution, he was the first officer to give it life to support it in the Supreme Court. This was in keeping with his belief that when the people adopt a constitution, or an amendment, it becomes the supreme law of the land to be obeyed and enforced and not be disregarded or nullified. HE was also the author of the provision giving soldiers and sailors the right to vote in all elections, and of amendments to the initiative and referendum.

He served as Assistant Attorney General of Missouri from January 1, 1927, to September 1930 when he resigned and became one of the attorneys in connection with the building of Bagnell Dam. He returned to Jefferson City and opened an office for the general practice of law in September 1931.

He married Maud Metier May 27, 1908, and the couple had two sons, Lieutellus, Jr., who practiced law in Camdenton, Missouri, and William James. Mrs. Cunningham was elected chairman of the Polk County Republican Committee in 1923, a member of the State Committee in 1924 and 1926, and Vice-chairman of the Republican State Committee in 1926. She was a delegate at large from Missouri to the 1928 Republican National Convention, and was in charge of the Missouri women’s organization in the 1928 campaign.

Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham were members of the Christian Church of Jefferson City, Missouri, and of the Ann Adams Hays Circle of the Ladies of the G.A.R. to which he was elected an honorary member. She was also a member of the P.E.O. and he was a life member of the American Red Cross, a member of the Cole county and Missouri Bar Associations, the Jefferson City Town Hall, the Cole County Conservation League, and of the I.O.O.F. and K. of P. Lodges.

W. A. Curtis

W. A. Curtis was a native of Reynolds County, the son of John W. and Percy Jane Curtis. John Curtis was a blacksmith and wagon maker, a native of Indiana, who died in 1908 at the age of fifty-seven. Mrs. Curtis, whose maiden name was Murray, was a native of Tennessee; she died in 1918 at the age of sixty-five.

At the age of seventeen W. A. Curtis went to Iron County where he worked in a wagon manufacturing company plant at Ironton. In 1902 he came to Jefferson City as a guard in the penitentiary. He became mail clerk and afterwards record clerk, working there until 1922 when he resigned to become street commissioner of Jefferson City. Prior to this he had served continuously as a member of the city council from 1915, from which body he resigned on becoming street commissioner.

Mr. Curtis was married in 1904 to Miss Vivian May Benson, then a resident of Arkansas but a native of Cole County, born at Elston. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis had two sons. Benson, born in September 1904, went to Hollywood and worked in the advertising department of Warner Brothers Film Company. He married Jewel Ott, daughter of Fred J. and Mrs. Ott. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Curtis had a son, Ronald. Raymond was the second son of Mr. and Mrs. W.A.Curtis and born in 1913. He went to medical college in New York City where he graduated in 1939.

Charles Czarlinsky

Charles Czarlinsky was born in Prussia on October 20, 1850. At the age of eighteen he immigrated to America, settling in Jefferson City. With no resources other than his own intelligence, thrift and industry, for awhile he carried a peddler’s pack. He established a store in Koeltztown, Osage County, which he conducted for several years before coming to Jefferson City in 1888. He became manager of the J. Siegfried clothing store where he remained ten years. He then helped organize the Globe Mercantile Company on March 3, 1899 with a capital stock of $10,000, he being Secretary and Manager of the company. The store was located at 210 East High Street. On May 1, 1900 he purchased controlling interest of the Globe Mercantile Company. It was later called the Jumbo store. Several years before his death, the store was moved to 304 East High Street.

Mr. Czarlinsky was united in marriage in March of 1897 to Minnie Davidson of St. Louis. They had two children. Solomon, who was born in 1898, assisted his father in the store and managed the business after the death of his father until his own death in 1934. A second son, Ben, was born in 1900. Charles Czarlinsky died in 1928, universally respected and one of the leading citizens of the town.

Mr. Czarlinsky was a member of the M.W.A. and the I.O.O.F. lodges of Jefferson City and also a member of the Hebrew Church. He made his home at 107 East Miller Street.

Ben Czarlinsky

Ben Czarlinsky was born in this city in 1900. On finishing school he traveled and worked in the west for a number of years, returning to Jefferson City in 1925 on account of his father’s failing health. During World War I he served in the Navy.

In 1925 Mr. Czarlinsky was married to Miss Gladys Schatzkey, of Texas. They had two children, Betty Jane and Charles. Since the death of his brother, Solomon, in 1934, Ben was in sole charge of the business. They stocked an extensive stock of high quality merchandise, catering to the more discriminating customers of the Jefferson City trade area.

Mr. Czarlinsky was a member of the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce, past president of the Rotary Club, a Mason and Shriner, and active in various other fraternal and civic organizations.

Frank Dallmeyer

Frank Dallmeyer was born and reared in this city. Following his completion of the local school work he spent a year in Dissen, Germany, under the tutelage of the old professor who had been his father's teacher.

In 1909 he married Miss Fern Johnston of Callaway County and they had two children. Rudolph Johnson and Louise Pauline. Louise married Charles E. Prettyman III, of Neosho, an attorney. Rudolph married Margaret Phillips in 1936.

Prior to 1909 Mr. Dallmeyer was associated with his father in the dry goods business. Persuaded by physicians that an outdoor life would be of benefit to his health, in that year he bought a tract of land two miles southeast of Jefferson City and created picturesque Moreau Park, then the only resort in this part of the state. He cleared the underbrush, trimmed the beautiful forest trees, improved a cottage on the place, built benches, swings and tables, made hitch racks (this being in the horse and buggy days), provided boats and a boat landing.

The idea, then novel in this part of the country, made a hit from the start. As business developed, additional improvements were made. Lodges, bath houses, a dining pavilion, outdoor ovens, refreshment stand and other developments kept the place abreast with an ever increasing demand for recreational opportunity by people who learned the value of a change from the routine of every day life. As the Lake of the Ozarks and other recreational areas developed, the demand for such recreation became almost universal and Moreau Park, beautiful and convenient of access, was a distinct asset to Jefferson City. Mr. Dallmeyer built a modern home on his farm and developed a dairy business of considerable consequence.

Rudolph Dallmeyer

Rudolph Dallmeyer, the youngest son of the family of nine children of RH and Pauline Dallmeyer of Dissen, Provence of Hanover, Germany, was born on January 27, 1857. He was educated in Rector Frey's School for Boys in his home town. He came to this country in 1871 and remained in St. Louis and worked for his brother, Herman Dallmeyer, in a dry goods house for three years. He moved to Jefferson City in 1874 and was made manager of the dry goods store owned by his brother Col. W.Q. Dallmeyer. In 1881 he founded his own dry goods store. In October 1898, he moved his business to 206-208 East High Street where he continued until he was killed in a motor car accident near Lone Jack, Missouri on July 4, 1924.

Mr. Dallmeyer was united in marriage on Valentines Day of 1878, to Louise, daughter of Frank Schmidt and Kunigunda Korn Schmidt, the latter from an old pioneer family of Cole County. Mr. Schmidt built the largest hotel at the time in Jefferson City, the Madison House. Five children were born to this marriage: Frank William, Pauline Ann Russell, Mathilde Katherine, Charles Herman who died in infancy, and Alvin Rudolph. Mrs. Dallmeyer died February 9, 1916.

Mr. Dallmeyer was a member of the Evangelical Central Church and made his home at "Maple Terrace" on East High Street.

Pauline Dallmeyer was married to William C. Hoefer on April 25, 1906. They had only one child, Anne Russell Hoefer, and the family lived at 500 East Miller. Mr. Hoefer died November 10, 1936.

Alvin Dallmeyer was united in marriage on October 2, 1918, to Lucille Ford of Excelsior Springs, Missouri. They had two sons, Alvin Rudolph and Ronald Bernard, and one daughter, Sarah Ford. They lived in St. Louis.

W. A. Dallmeyer

William Augustus Dallmeyer, third of the five living children of Col. W. Q. and Louise Lange, was born December 17, 1865 on a his father's farm in Gasconade County, Missouri. His parents moved to Jefferson City when William was three years old, where he acquired his early education. He later attended the Kemper School in Boonville where he graduated in 1882.

On August 2, 1882 he began a position with the Exchange Bank of Jefferson City which he was later promoted to Assistant Cashier and finally President. For ten years he was city treasurer. He served on many state boards, commissions and associations, including the state board of agriculture and the state fair board of which he was president for a number of years. He also served as president of the American Hereford Breeders Association and on the board of that organization, recognized as one of the leading Hereford breeders of America. He had interest in various business activities outside the bank, and conducted a large insurance organization.

He was united in marriage on October 12, 1898 to Olive, the daughter of Judge Gilson T. Ewing. They made their home at 615 East Main Street. Their daughter, Kathrine married Judge Robert Otto, one of the state's leading attorneys. Judge and Mrs. Otto had twin sons, Robert and William. Robert Ewing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dallmeyer, was an officer of the Exchange National Bank. He married and had two sons. William A. Jr., their youngest son, was accidentally killed in 1932 while a junior at Princeton University. Olive Ewing Dallmeyer died April 12, 1934.

Col. W.Q. Dallmeyer

Col. William Quintillen Dallmeyer was born in Dissen, Kingdom of Hanover, Germany on October 23, 1829. He immigrated to America in 1845, settling first in New York. There he was employed in the dry goods business until 1849 when he left for New Orleans, where he engaged in commission business until 1854. From New Orleans he moved to St. Louis where he worked in the dry goods store of Mr. Polkoskey until 1856 when he moved to Gasconade Co. establishing a general store on the old state road near Second Creek and then establishing a store on Third Creek, Cooper Hill. He also served as Justice of the Peace and Postmaster.

During the Civil War he served in Captain Cooper's Company of Home Guards and later served in what was known as Dallmeyer's Battalion, of which he was Lt. Colonel. In 1864 he was elected member of the Legislature, serving in1865 and in an extra session in 1866. Her was re-elected in the fall of 1866 and served a second term. In 1868 he was elected Treasurer of the State of Missouri of which he served until 1870. In 1868 he moved to Jefferson City where he lived for the remainder of his life.

In 1871 he helped organize a national bank in the city and continued as cashier until August 1882, when he took a position as cashier at the Exchange Bank of which he became president. He was married on April 15, 1875 to Louise Sophia Lange of which 6 children were born, five of whom lived to adulthood: Ferdinand, Pauline, W. Augustus, H. Rudolph, and Viola.

He was a Royal Arch Mason, for eighteen years was a member of the school board. Col. Dallmeyer died March 15, 1908.

J.A. Dampf, DDS

John A. Dampf was born on a farm one-half mile west of Russellville on April 5, 1873. He was raised and educated in the public schools, later graduating from the Kansas City Dental School in 1898. After graduating he located at Russellville where he built up a large practice as well as made many calls to various towns in Maries and Miller counties.

E. W. Decker IV

Ernest William Decker IV, son of Ernest W. and Gertrude Ramsey Decker, was born in this city January 14, 1914. He graduated from the Jefferson City High School, was active in mechanical work and represented the U.S. Tire company. On his mother's side he is a grandson of the late George Clinton Ramsey (see sketch). His paternal ancestors included two pioneer families, that of Dr. Bernard Bruns (see sketch), and E. W. Decker I.

Ernest W. Decker I was born in Gruenberg, Silesia, Germany, in 1809. He was educated in German universities, and in his youth was tutor to a manufacturer's family. Leaving Germany in 1832 with the Engelman family on account of political upheaval, he settled in the wilderness of Shiloh Valley, Illinois, where he married Caroline Engelman. There he farmed for a time, operated a soap factory and manufactured candles. In 1840 he came to St. Louis with his wife and two children, Ernest W. II and Lena who later married Theo Hildenbrandt. In St. Louis he practiced law as a member of the firm Crum, Decker and Crum. He died in 1847. To support and educate her two children his widow kept boarders, -many who afterwards became prominent in their city and state.

Ernest W. Decker II, born in 1838, attended school in St. Louis, graduated from the Cincinnati School of Law, and practiced in the St. Louis firm Finklenberg and Decker. In the Civil War both partners enlisted in the Union army, Decker as lieutenant in Frank Blair's First Missouri Infantry. He became captain and was judge advocate. At the close of the war he resumed his law practice. He was a member of the legislature in 1867. He married Effie Bruns, daughter of Dr. Bernard Bruns. To this marriage three sons were born, all of whom led active lives. Harry B. Decker lived in Maplewood. Gustav graduated from the St. Louis School of Law and practiced with the firm Nagel and Kirby. He died in 1914, leaving two children, Dorothy and Gustav, Jr. Ernest W. Decker II died in 1871. At the time of his death he was rising to prominence as an attorney.

Effie Bruns Decker was born at Westphalia May 3, 1844 and died at Maplewood September 30, 1937 at the age of ninety-three. She was educated at home by a private tutor, attended the Ursuline convent in St. Louis and the Young Ladies' Seminary in Jefferson City. Following the death of her husband she taught in the St. Louis school for many years, retiring in 1914 when she moved to Jefferson City where she spent the remainder of her life with her sister, Mrs. Charles E. Hess. She was a woman of marked culture and intelligence.

Ernest W. Decker III, born and reared in St. Louis and educated there in the state university, came to Jefferson City in 1897 where he was employed by his uncle, Charles E. Hess, as engineer for the power and light company. He became superintendent of that company, serving until 1912. From 1913 to 1934 he was interested in automotive merchandising. Since then he had an interest in building and loan and real estate activities. A Republican in politics, he was twice elected judge of the county court, in which capacity he sponsored the development of a modern highway system. He was largely instrumental in securing bridges across the Osage and Gasconade rivers, and for twenty years was special road commissioner. He was secretary of the old Commercial Club in 1912 and 1913, and was president of the Capital City Building and Loan Association, the second oldest in the city.

In 1906 Judge Decker married Miss Lillian Gertrude Ramsey. E. W. Decker IV was their only child.

Charles E. Dewey

Charles Edward Dewey was born December 6, 1975, in Litchfield, Illinois, the son of Harriet Elgiva Howe and Hiram Shipman Dewey. He came with his parents to Jefferson City in 1878. Mr. Dewey was a descendent of Thomas Dewey who came to America in 1633 and many of his ancestors were active in the settlement of the New England states. His grandfather Howe owned and operated Howe's Cave, later known as Howe's Caverns and advertised as one of the scenic wonders of the state of New York. Mr. Dewey's father was a civil engineer and made surveys for the early building of railroads in thirty states of the Union. Upon coming to Jefferson City he superintended the building of the city water plant and also served as city and county engineer.

Mr. Dewey was valedictorian of the graduating class of the Jefferson City High School in 1894 and was a student at Missouri University from 1894 to 1899. At Missouri University he was an outstanding student and athlete, being manager of the Tiger football team for the year 1897-98. During vacation he was assistant surveyor for the Jefferson City engineer. In 1901 he was editor of the Jefferson City Press and for several years was reporter for several metropolitan papers. Mr. Dewey was a member of the First Baptist Church and an active member of the Jefferson City Rotary Club.

In 1902 Mr. Dewey became associated with the Equitable Life Assurance Company of New York. In 1909 he purchased two thousand acres of land on the Osage River and for fourteen years was actively engaged in farming. Since he became of voting age, Mr. Dewey was active in Democratic politics, serving for twelve years as secretary of the Cole County Committee. He was Official Reporter of the Missouri State Senate for twelve years. In 1922 he ran for Congress in the old Eighth Missouri District and was defeated in the primary by Mrs. Luella St. Clair Moss of Boone County. Again in 1932 he made the race, but was not among the thirteen successful candidates running at large that year. As a member of the local Boy Scout Council, Mr. Dewey selected and surveyed the site for Camp Maries, selected the carpenters and superintended the construction of the Boy Scout Cabin on that site, paying for same with funds collected by a personal canvas. In 1903 he purchased the northwest quarter-block at the intersection of Washington and McCarty streets. The property at that time was a part of Mrs. Ada Price's pasture and Washington Street at the alley intersection was a public dump. Mr. Dewey prevailed upon the city council to open the street, then built a home upon the corner lot. He also at one time owned the site where the Muny Links Club House stood in 1938 and property on Green Berry Road. In 1935 he purchased five hundred acres of farm land in Callaway County.

Mr Dewey was a member of the Jefferson City Country Club and the Muny Links Golf Clubs. He also was an enthusiastic and skillful fly fisherman.

Mrs. Charles Edward Dewey was born in Jefferson City, Mo. on February 23, 1878, the daughter of Rose Reynolds and John Hart Stuart. She was a descendant of one of the oldest families in central Missouri, three great-grandfathers having been identified with the religious, civic and cultural activities of the state more than a century before. Major Alfred Basye was a member of the state legislature when it met in St. Charles. Governor Thomas Reynolds was elected governor of Missouri in 1840. Samuel Leake Hart, his family and slaves were charter members of the first Presbyterian Church organized in Jefferson City in 1834. Mrs. Dewey's Grandfather Stuart was a vestryman in the first Episcopal Church in Jefferson City and at the time of his death in 1863 was Worthy Master of the local Masonic Lodge.

Mrs. Dewey received her education in the local public school, being a graduate of the class of 1894. For two years she taught school in the country and later was employed in the office of the state department of education. She was married to Charles Edward Dewey in Joplin, Mo., on June 25, 1901. One son Charles Edward Dewey, Jr., born June 30, 1917, attended Missouri University school of electrical engineering. Another son, John Stuart Dewey, born April 22, 1919, died July 7, 1921. Mrs. Dewey was a member of the First Baptist Church, BW Chapter of P.E.O., Jane Randolph Jefferson Chapter of D.A.R., the Tuesday Literary Club and the DeMolay Mothers Club. For six years she was president of the Athena Chapter of Delphian and for many years was active in P.T.A. circles. She was secretary of the Cole County Chapter of American Red Cross and a member of the Board of Regents of Central Missouri State Teachers College.

J. H. Diercks

John H. Diercks was born on July 2, 1831 in Wedel, a village near Hamburg, Germany. His education was in his native town, which he left at the age of twenty, coming to America settling in Mineral Point, Wisconsin. He remained there for two years engaging as a clerk for a hotel. He left and settled in St; Louis, attending the Jones' Commercial College of which he graduated and taught one year, after which he moved to Castle Rock, Osage county.

While in Osage Co., he engaged in merchandising, farming and milling. He also served as Judge of the county court and also represented the county in the State Legislature for one term. In 1885 he removed to Jefferson City, dealing in wood and coal. While engaging in this business, he was appointed to the office of Probate Judge, holding the office for four years. Upon the opening of the Merchant's Bank, he was offered a position as book keeper and then promoted to cashier.

In October 1858 he married Lillie Thornton, who ten years later passed away. Three children were born to this marriage: one was the wife of Mr. Wood; another was Mrs. Lockett, wife of a cattleman in the panhandle of Texas; and the third daughter was Laura Wells of Jefferson City.

Later, Mr. Diercks married Adelia Thornton, sister of his former wife. Two children were born to this marriage: Jessie and Florence. Mr. Diercks was an active member of the Presbyterian Church and member of the I.O.O.F

P. J. Dierckx

Peter J. Dierckx was born in Eclo, Belgium on April 5, 1828 (some sources say 1829). He immigrated to America with Father Helias, noted pioneer priest of Cole County, at the age of nineteen and located in Taos, Liberty Township, where he engaged in business as a general merchant. Two years later he returned to Belgium, where he remained until 1850, returning to Taos where on June 22, 1852 he married Anna Helen Bekel, a native of Germany, at the St. Francis Church in Taos. Eleven children were born to this marriage: Henry Joseph, Charles L., Peter J. Jr., Clement A., Emil J., August V., Otilla M., Sophia C., Joseph F., and Frank G. Henry J. died September 20, 1888. One child died as an infant. His wife was postmistress of Taos, which was continuously run by this family since 1854, except two years during the Civil War. Helen Dierckx was born November 18, 1833, and died August 23, 1924. She came to America at the age of eight.

Mr. Dierckx met with heavy financial losses during the Civil War and suffered many hardships; all the corn in his fields were taken by Union soldiers amounting to about 500 bushels, worth $1.25 per bushel; and his barn which contained all his wheat, four horses and a good mule was destroyed in July 1867; the wheat being worth about $3.00 per bushel and flour worth $9.00 per 100 pounds. Mr. Dierckx was a Democrat; member of the Catholic Church and died on April 20, 1886 (another source says December 20, 1866) at the age of 57 years and 15 days.

Clement A. Dierckx, fourth child of Peter J. and Helen Dierckx, was born January 16, 1862. He farmed until 1893, then ran a store at Centertown for nine years. He then moved to Jefferson City where he was city collector for the years 1905-1906. In the election of 1906 he was made county clerk, and served continuously until 1934. This was particularly noteworthy, in a county closely divided politically with many offices being held by members of the opposite party.

Mr. Dierckx was married June 25, 1895 to Miss Barbara Schubert, a native of this country born at Taos, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Schubert both of whom were born in Bavaria. They had three children, Estella married Fred Tanner, Jefferson City druggist. George C., a graduate of the Missouri State University, was a high school teacher in Los Angeles. He married Miss Ruth Wagner and they had two children, David and Joann. Elsie married R. D. Lewis who was connected with the gas and light company of St. Louis. They lived with their daughter, Nancy, in Webster Groves, Missouri.

Judge William C. Dixon

William C. Dixon, judge of the county court of Cole County, was born in this county in December, 1884, the son of Walter Scott and Marie Annie Smith Dixon, both of whom were also reared in Cole County. His mother's father was a native of Virginia; his father was the son of Henry Edward and Letitia Glover Dixon, both of pioneer Cole County families.

Judge Dixon was a farmer by occupation. In 1911 he was married to Miss Nannie Isom, daughter of Lou C. and Rachel Lamkin Isom. They had one daughter, Rachel Ann who married George S. Mitchell of Kansas City.

Mrs. Dixon's father died in 1936 at the age of seventy-nine. He was the son of Richard Isom of Virginia ancestry. Rachel, wife of Lou C. Isom, was the daughter of Josiah and Margaret Menteer Lamkin.

Josiah Lamkin (1810-1891) was the son of Samuel Lamkin, born in 1777. Samuel was the son of Uel Lamkin, born in 1745. Josiah Ramsey Lamkin was a nephew of Josiah Ramsey, Jr., first commissioner of the permanent seat of government and one of the first two men to residen in the present limits of Jefferson City. The families of Josiah Ramsey and William Jones lived here before the first sale of lots in 1823. In 1817 Josiah Lamkin with his mother and sisters, his father being then dead, came to Missouri and located in Callaway County.

In 1824 the family came to Jefferson City, being the third family to make their home here. The farm entered by her grandfather, just southeast of the city limits, never passed out of control of the family and in 1938 was owned by Judge and Mrs. Dixon. At that time there were three living grandchildren of Josiah Lamkin: Mrs. Dixon, Uel Lamkin, president of the Maryville State Teachers' College, and Charles Lamkin of Keytesville. From the time he reached manhood Josiah Lamkin, like his mother's brother, Josiah Ramsey, was greatly interested in Jefferson City real estate and bought many lots in the city. He was twice married. After the death of his first wife, Evelyn Pl Berry, he married Margaret Menteer.

The Dorris Family, Pioneers

The Dorris family (formerly spelled Dorriss), of Tennessee origin, was one of the first little group of founders of Jefferson City who built log cabins in the wilderness here to form the village which was to be the capital of the state. In 1826 McDaniel Dorris was established in business here, operating a distillery which he continued for many years. There was, at this time, no internal revenue tax. His product was said to be clear and sparkling like spring water, with a potent quality that caused those who drank it to fight snakes where others could see no snakes. His marriage to Polly Buckner January 4, 1827, was among the first marriages in Jefferson City.

Joseph, the son of McDaniel and Polly Dorris, was born in Jefferson City October 29, 1834. On November 13, 1861, he was married to Nancy Ann Hammen. Ten children were born to them, eight of whom lived to maturity. Joseph Dorris was a farmer by occupation; he died in 1917.

George M. Dorris, the son of Joseph and Nancy Ann Dorris was born on a farm near Jefferson City in 1866. June 20, 1894, he was married to Miss Anne Dell Dodd. They had two children. Doctor Richard P. Dorris, Jefferson City physician, married Mary Larue RAithel, also of this city, and had one daughter, Paula Gretchen. Dorothy Dodd Dorris married William John Schulten of this city.

For the greater portion of his life, Mr. Dorris was engaged in the manufacture of shoes. For the Brown, Internation, and Priesmeyer, later the Tweedie Company, he had been a quality control man, foreman and superintendent. He later worked the the state highway department as a right of way man.

Mrs. Dorris was the daughter of Thomas Truxton Dodd, born on Dodd Island near Bonnett's Mill, Osage County, November 17, 1849, died February 7, 1930. Her mother's maiden name was Ellen Eliza Krone, born in Osage County (now Maries), November 20, 1853, married Captain Dodd, November 30, 1871, died February 4, 1933. Mr. Dodd in later life conducted a store in Jefferson City, coming here when Mrs. Dorris, his only child, was fourteen. In his younger years he was a river pilot, steamboat captain and owner successively, operating on the Osage, Missouri and Mississippi rivers. He was a buyer and shipper of walnut lumber and in the days when horseback riding was the popular means of transportation, furnished stock for the local saddlery company. He came of a line of seamen, his father being captain of a British ship who on a sightseeing journey from St. Louis into "the wild country" met and married the daughter of the owner of the Neill plantation adjacent to Cote Sans Dessein in 1820. The descendants of this couple still owned a portion of this fine old pioneer plantation in 1938.

J.A. Droste

Joseph A. Droste was born in Jefferson City on November 17, 1870, his education being in the public schools. At the age of nine he began to work on a farm near the city which he continued when not at school, until the age of nineteen. After this, he moved to St. Louis and was employed by Wycoff, Seamans and Benedict for 18 months, then returning to Jefferson City taking the position of Deputy Circuit Clerk of Cole County. . Mr. Droste was a worthy young man with good habits. He made his home with his father, J.G. Droste, one of the pioneer settlers of Cole County.

H. J. Dulle

Henry J. Dulle was born in Jefferson City on June 7, 1848, son of Girard H. and Anna Maria Haake, natives of Hanover, Germany. He was educated in the public schools and St, Pepter's Parochial School of Jefferson City, and in his early life engaged in farming with great success. He continued farming until 1868 when he and his half brother, J.W. Schulte, entered the mill of his father, G.H. Dulle, whose death occurred in 1885, when the G.H. Dulle Milling Company was established, he becoming President.

Mr. Dulle was a Republican and served as Deputy Collector from 1884-1888. In 1894 he was elected presiding Judge of the County Court from 1894-1898, during which time the County Courthouse was built. He was also Director and President of the First National Bank; Vice President and stockholder of the J.B. Bruns Shoe Company; Director and stockholder of the Jefferson City Bridge and Transit Company. He was an active member of St. Peter's Church of which he served as Treasurer for many years as well as a member of the Catholic Knights of America and one of the trustees of the St. John's Orphan Society.

He married Tracy Peschel, daughter of Wenzel and Mary Peschel, natives of Austria, on October 3, 1870. Of the children born to this union, the eldest, Edward H. was a bookkeeper for the J.B. Bruns Shoe Company; Theodore was the bookkeeper of the First National Bank; Mary Clara was the wife of H. Herman runs, Secretary and Treasurer of the J.B. Bruns Shoe Company; Victor died at the age of 15 months; Emma, Edith, Anna, Henry J., Jr., Joseph B., and Rosa were all students at St. Peter's Parochial School. They made their home on a farm in the West suburbs of Jefferson City.

A. T. Dumm

Located in the Dallmeyer Building can be found one of the favorably known and largely patronized law firms of this city. Well-appointed offices equipped with an extensive law library are maintained. The members of this firm are Messrs. Edwin Silver and A.T. Dumm. Mr. Edwin Silver, senior member of the firm, has been practicing law in this city for a long term of years, and in 1909 the present partnership was formed.

Mr. A.T. Dumm, the junior member was born in Golden City, Colo., in 1874. He was reared in Carroll County, Mo., and was admitted to the bar in 1899, after having read law in Salisbury, Mo. He was assistant reporter of the Supreme Court for nine years, and was elected Representative of Cole County to the Legislature at the last election. He has lived in Jefferson City for 12 years, and is a lawyer of great ability, a public-spirited citizen and tireless in his efforts to see that the views of his constituency are carried out.

From Jefferson City Past and Present Progress and Prosperity Published 1912

Fred L. Dunlap

Frederick L. Dunlap was born in 1882 at Coagh County Tyrone, town land of Aughevy, Ireland. He was the son of Samuel Dunlap, born in County Tyrone in 1824, died at Mt. Ayre, Iowa, July 3, 1899. Samuel was the son of William Dunlap and Elizabeth Vance, both born in County Tyrone. William Dunlap's people came from Scotland and descended from the Dunlop clan. Elizabeth Vance's great-grandfather came from Holland to Ireland about the middle of the seventeenth century with King William, Prince of Orange. He served in the Battle of the Boyne.

Fred Dunlap's mother's maiden name was Jane Elizabeth McCullough. She was born in March 1843 in County Down, Ireland, and died July 12, 1829, near Breckenridge, Mo. She was the daughter of William McCullough and Mararet McDowell, both born in County Down. Her father's ancestors came from Scotland, her mother's from Scotland and England.

About the middle of the seventeenth century when it was decreed that all Protestants should yield up their bibles to be burned, William McCullough, great-grandfather of the above mentioned William McCullough, refused and was with others ordered to be tied up in a barn to be burned. An influential Catholic friend secured his release.

Samuel and Elizabeth Dunlap with their seven children came from Ireland to Mt. Ayre, Iowa, in 1884. Following the death of the father, the family moved to Daviess County in 1903, settling near Gallatin.

The coat of arms of the ancient and honorable Dunlop family of Scotland, from which the American Dunlops and Dunlaps trace their descent, is described in Burke's General Armory, 1884. The early lines of the family in Great Britain were chiefly of the landed gentry and yeomanry. J.B. Dunlop of Belfast, great uncle of Fred Dunlap, in 1888 invented the pneumatic tire.

Fred Dunlap in 1918 was elected to the state legislature by a large majority and was re-elected in 1920. He was a member of the first legislature to occupy the new capitol. He was chairman of the committee on agriculture, helped ratify the Volstead Act, women's suffrage and the law creating the state highway department. HE introduced the bill creating the state museum. With the assistance of S.L. Payne he organized the Capital Mutual Insurance Company in 1922, of which he was secretary-treasurer and general manager. By 1938 it was the largest insurance company of its kind in Missouri with over twenty-four million dollars of insurance in force.

Mr. Dunlap was married in 1919 to India Mae Wellman, who was born at Gallatin March 17, 1899. They had three daughters, Bonnie Mae born in 1922, Betty Lou in 1924 and Rita Kathleen in 1928. The family was members of the Christian Church.

Mrs. Dunlap organized the Jefferson City Garden Club in 1935. She was a state board member of the Missouri Congress of Parents and Teachers. Her father was William Zura Wellman, born near Terra Haute, Indiana, October 30, 1867, son of Warren Wiley and Elizabeth Morris Wellman of Arkansas City, Kansas. Elizabeth Morris Wellman was a descendant of the Pickard family of Georgia. Her paternal great-grandparents were Levi and Hannah Sacket Wellman, Levi being a son of Benoni Wellman, a soldier in the Revolution. Benoni was the son of Silas and Catherine Payson Wellman, the former being a veteran of the French and Indian Wars. Founder of the family in America was Thomas Wellman who in 1634 became a member of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Mrs. Dunlap's mother's maiden name was Aldaretta Rupe, born at Clyde, Kansas, May 12, 1870, the daughter of John H. and Mary Rupe. The Rupe family was of Dutch ancestry. John H. Rupe, a native of Indiana, was a lawyer, a sergeant of cavalry in the Civil War, and a member of the Kansas Legislature. The Wellman coat of arms is described in Burke's General Armory in 1884.

Judge Curtis L. Dunn

Curtis L. Dunn, probate judge of Cole County, was born in the adjoining county of Callaway June 12, 1891, the son of Richard Rufus and Fannie J. Stubblefield Dunn, both natives of Callaway County. Judge Dunn attended high school in Jefferson City. He then went to the Colorado Agricultural College at Fort Collins, following which he attended the Missouri State University. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1923, following which he formed a partnership with W.C. Irwin which continued until he assumed the duties of probate judge January 1, 1927.

Judge Dunn served in the First Marine Aviation Force during World War I, and was wounded in service. Prior to the war he edited a newspaper at Cedar City and worked as a printer in Jefferson City. He was associated with his father in real estate business before and after the war.

June 21, 1933, he was married to Mrs. Sadie H. Turner. He had two children by a former marriage, Jane May and Curtis Leslie Jr. Judge Dunn was always active in the service of the Democratic Party. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge, of the U.S.D.V. of the state bar association and of the Cole County bar association, the American Legion and the Disabled Veterans.

The Dunn family is of Virginia origin. The father of R. R. Dunn in 1834 came to Callaway County from that state, from a location now included in the state of West Virginia. He married the daughter of Captain John M. Reed, who with his wife came from Kentucky to Callaway County in 1837, and entered land near New Bloomfield. Captain Reed, a farmer, real estate operator, member of the Baptist Church, was prominent in Callaway County during his lifetime. The Stubblefield family, to which Judge Dunn's mother belongs, came to Callaway County from Tennessee.

Edgar M. Eagan

Edgar Michael Eagan was born February 26, 1902, at Republic, Missouri, the fourth child of Michael and Lauina Bacon Eagan. The paternal grandparents came to the United States from the County of Mayo, Ireland, and landed at Charleston, South Carolina, in 1856. It was during the period of westward migration and the young couple, twenty years of age, left Charleston immediately for St. Louis. The paternal grandfather, Patrick Eagan, received his first employment from the contractor who was building the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company, which had started in St. Louis, July 4, 1851.

Patrick Eagan worked with the original crew in the construction of the Southwest Branch of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad toward Springfield, Missouri. After the line had been built as far as Brush Creek, west of Lebanon, Mr. Eagan resigned and took up a homestead near Dixon, where his family was to be reared. At this location he founded the Eagan Catholic Church, at Frank’s Switch, east of Dixon. Near the church is the Eagan graveyard in which Patrick, Mary, his wife, and son William are buried. Patrick and Mary had five sons and two daughters: John, Thomas, William, Michael, James, Bridgett and Maria.

Michael, at the age of twenty-one, accepted a position with the Frisco Railroad on January 15, 1890, and was sent to Springfield, Missouri. In 1891 he became a foreman for the road, and was transferred to Republic where he made his home. He was associated with the company for forty-five years and retired in 1937.

The maternal ancestors are of English origin. The branch of the Bacon family from which Lauina descended was one of the early settlers in Hungary, County of Lunenburg, Virginia. The earliest trace of the family is one Nathaniel Bacon. He married Ann Miller, who was the mother by him of Nathaniel, Jr., Hannah, Andrew, Thomas, Mary, Abigail and Lydil. Lydil’s grandson, Lydil Parks Bacon, was the father of Richard, a captain under George Washington in the Revolutionary War, and Richard was the father of Washington Bacon, who was the father of Lydil Parks, the father of Lauina.

Lydil P. Bacon (Lauina’s father) married Cumi Chrisman who was the mother by him of Spotswood, James, Small, Laurina, Pairolee and Pairodine. Lauina was born September 12, 1878, near Pineville, Missouri, in McDonald County. The family was traveling from Dixon to Venita, Oklahoma, at the time of her birth. Later they resumed their Missouri residence at Dixon where Lauina married Michael Eagan on April 11, 1895. Lauina was fatally stricken with pneumonia, November 21, 1918. All six children survived their mother: Patrick, Small, Merle, Edgar, Mable and Pairolee.

William Wadsworth Bacon, a brother of Richard and son of Lydil P., was a captain under Andrew Jackson in the Battle of New Orleans. At Mobile, upon the 25th anniversary of the bttle, his company presented him with a gold headed cane for distinguished services.

Washington Bacon, the son of Richard, was born November 8, 1799, the year of the death of George Washington. He was born in Luenenburg County, Virginia, and moved to Madison County, Alabama at the age of seventeen. He became deeply concerned over the subject of religion in his youth. Richard Bacon, his father, withdrew from the church of England, while Washington was yet a boy. He joined with the Baptists who were being persecuted for their faith and practices. Washington became one of the first ministers of the Christian Church and, as an itinerate preacher, assisted in the founding of many of the Christian Churches in Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. He died April 15, 1887.

Edgar M. Eagan was educated in public schools. The degree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred upon him in 1927 by the Southwest Missouri State Teachers College at Springfield, Missouri. He and Mrs. Eagan then taught one year at Ellington, Missouri, before entering the study of law at the University of Iowa. After three years in graduate work, the degree of Juris Doctors was conferred upon him.

He was admitted to the practice of the law in Iowa in 1933. The same year he returned to Missouri and was admitted to the Missouri Bar and accepted an appointment as attorney for the Federal Land Bank of St. Louis, Missouri.

H. C. Easton

The family of Henry Clay Easton occupied a distinguished place in Missouri history. Rufus Easton, founder of the family in Missouri, was born at Litchfield, Connecticut, May 4, 1774, and came to St. Louis in 1804. Some called him the “greatest lawyer of territorial Missouri”. Rufus Easton was one of the three judges who governed the territory of Louisiana after its purchase by the United States. He was the first United States Postmaster of the village of St. Louis, drawing a salary of sixty dollars a year for his services. He was territorial delegate to congress from Missouri territory for four years, from 1814. He also served as United States Attorney and was from 1821 to 1826 Attorney General of Missouri. He founded the city of Alton, Illinois in 1817, naming it for one of his sons, and naming a street for each of his children.

The founder of the Easton family in America was Joseph Easton, who was born in England in 1602 and who in 1633 or 1634 came to America and settled at Newtowne, now Cambridge, Massachusetts. His descendants continued to live in New England until Rufus Easton immigrated to Missouri.

Rufus Easton, who was the great-grandfather of H. C. Easton, married Alby Abial Smith and they reared a large family. He died in St. Charles, July 5, 1834, and is buried on the campus of Lindenwood College which was founded in 1827 by his daughter, Mrs. Mary Sibley, whose husband was in charge of the management of the Indians in this territory. One of the sons of Rufus Easton became a brigadier general.

Henry Clay Easton, grandfather of H. C. Easton and son of Rufus Easton, was named for his father’s friend, the famous Kentucky statesman. He was the youngest of the eleven children of Rufus Easton, born at St. Charles in 1826. Henry Clay Easton married Mary Lucretia Blair. Their son Rufus, born in 1852 was the father of H. C. Easton. Both father and son were interested in railroading. Rufus Easton was killed in a railroad accident at Warrenton, and is buried beside his grandfather at Lindenwood College.

The wife of Rufus Easton was Sarah Chaffee, member of an old Boone County family. They had two sons, one of whom, John Donaldson Easton, enlisted in the ranks in World War I, rose from the ranks to become Lieutenant Colonel in the U. S. regular army. Their other son, H. C. Easton, was a well known Jefferson City business man. For some years he was engaged in construction work in various parts of the United States. He was a businessman in this city, interested in building and loan, real estate, collections, investments, etc.

Judge E. L. Edwards

Judge Edward Livingston Edwards was born in Rutherford Co., Tennessee on March 17, 1812 on a farm near Murfreesboro, where he remained until the age of 19. His early educational advantages were confined to only a few winter months in the nearby school. He engaged in teaching a school in Williamson Co. but resigned in the fall of 1831, moving to Jefferson City, where he studied law with his older brother, Hon. John C. Edwards, Secretary and later Governor of the State of Missouri.

In February 1835, he was licensed to practice law and the same year was elected Clerk of the Circuit and County Courts. In 1837 he was elected Brigadier General of the First Brigade, 6th Division of the Missouri Militia, but resigned the position a few weeks later. In 1838 he established the Jefferson Enquirer, a Democratic paper, but suspended the publication at the close of the campaign in 1840 on account of lack of patronage.

In 1841 he was appointed Circuit Attorney of the 14th Judicial District, which he resigned soon after and entered into the practice of the legal profession. In 1846 he was elected to the State Legislature and two years later to the Senate. He retired from practice in 1858 and removed to his farm in the Osage Valley, 16 miles east of the city. He returned to the city in 1860 and became the Editor-in-Chief of the Examiner, of which he held for one year, again retiring to his farm. In 1863, he returned to practice law and in 1874 was elected to the Legislature. He was also elected in May 1879 as Judge and remained until December 31, 1892.

In 1840 he married Ann Ivy Dixon, daughter of Warren Dixon of North Carolina. Of the living children, born to this union, John W. was a farmer, Joseph R. was an attorney in Jefferson City and Sallie E. stayed living with her mother. Judge E.L. Edwards made his home at 801 East High Street and passed away on September 1, 1894.

J. H. Edwards

Joseph Harry Edwards was born in St. Charles, Missouri on February 12, 1862, where he remained until the age of 17, attending the public schools. After reading law with his uncle, Abner Edwards who was State Senator from that district for a number of years, he removed to Glasgow. In 1883 he moved to Jefferson City and was made Docket Clerk of the Senate and was city editor of the People’s Tribune, later becoming President in 1884. He continued this position until November, 1898. In January 1899, he was unanimously elected Official Reporter of the Senate and in June of that same year, organized the Press Printing Company.

He was united in marriage to Mary M. Carter, daughter of James E. Carter, former owner of the Tribune and served as mayor for several terms. Three children were born to this marriage: Roxana, Carter and Harry. They made their home at 116A East High Street.

Hon. J.R. Edwards

Hon. Joseph Richard Edwards was born in Jefferson City on August 11, 1847, son of Judge E.L. Edwards. He received his education at Missouri State University where he continued through his junior year. He discontinued due to ill health and began to read law in the office of his father and in 1869 was admitted to the bar. He served the city many years as Assistant Attorney and one term (1872-1873) as Attorney. From 1873-1879 he was the Prosecuting Attorney for Cole County and in 1875 was Alderman from the First Ward. In 1883 he was elected Mayor and then in 1892 was elected to the Legislature on the Democratic ticket, serving until 1895.

He was married to Mary B. Jefferson on May 9, 1871, her father being Robert R. Jefferson of Jefferson City. They had two children: Ethel and William J., who became a law partner with his father, having been admitted to the bar in 1896. Hon. J.R. Edwards made his home at 316 East High Street.

Mrs. M.V. Edwards

Mrs. Mary Virginia (Plattenburg) Edwards was the widow of Hon. John N. Edwards (died May 4, 1889) and was Secretary of the Missouri State Board of the World’s Fair in 1892. After seven months in Chicago, she accepted an appointment to office of the Charles Higgins, Recorder of Voters of St. Louis, in 1897. She was elected President of the Missouri State Association of the Daughters of the Confederacy, having been a member since its organization.

Her parents were James Selby and Laura Yerby Plattenburg, natives of Virginia and early settlers of Dover, Lafayette Co., Missouri. Ms. MV Edwards was educated in the private school of Rev. James Chaney. She eloped with Major John N. Edwards, formerly with the Kansas City Times, on March 28, 1871. This marriage was rejected by the family due to their close family relationship. They were married at the residence of General Joseph O. Shelby, near Aullville in Lafayette County. Three children were born to this marriage, John, James and Laura. They made their home at the McCarty House.

G. R. Elliott

G. R. Elliott came to Jefferson City about 1901. In 1904 he began to work for the Missouri Pacific Railroad and became a conductor in 1912 and was treasurer of his union. Mr. Elliott was born in Indiana, July 22, 1879, where his mother died when he was about three months old. His father, Robert Elliott, who was also a conductor on the Missouri Pacific, died at Pleasant Hill in 1921 at the age of sixty-nine.

December 24, 1904, Mr. Elliott was married to Miss Katie Turner of Linn, Missouri, daughter of J. E. and Jennie Wood Turner, natives of Osage County. Mrs. Elliott’s father died in June 1931, her mother in June 1936. J.E. Turner was the son of Richard Turner who was born in Manchester, England, and Jane Tracy Turner who was born near London. They emigrated to Missouri in 1850. Mrs. Elliott’s mother was the daughter of John and Catherine Carey Woods, Missouri pioneers, and was born 1863. The Woods family was of Virginia ancestry. John Woods who was a member of the Home Guards during the Civil War, was robbed and murdered near the close of the war, leaving three small children.

Mr. and Mrs. Elliott had three sons and two daughters. Harry Francis, born April 24, 1906, was in the sign business in Jefferson City. He married Flossie Gunn of Barnett, June 27, 1931. Their children were Richard Gunn, born September 21, 1933, and Hazel born February 14, 1935. Raymond George, Born August 20, 1909, married Dorothy Wood. He held a bachelor’s degree from the state teachers’ college at Kirksville, and taught in the Webb City schools. Virginia Mildred, born October 17, 1912, had a B.S. degree from the state teachers’ college at Warrensburg and taught at Bismarck, Missouri. Russell Irving, born September 18, 1915, attended school at the teachers’ college at Kirksville. Prior to entering college he served a four-year enlistment in the navy and was one of the crew of the ship representing the United States in attendance at the coronation of King George of England. Sara Louise graduated from Jefferson City High School in 1938 and attended school at the Junior College. The Elliott family was members of the Methodist Church.

For three years before her marriage, Mrs. Elliott was a teacher in the rural schools of Osage County. After marriage, civic and club activities occupied much of her time. She was a member of the Eastern Star, treasurer of the Women’s Benefit Association, secretary of the Degree of Honor Association, president of the ladies auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, president of the Women’s Democratic Club, and a member of the state board of Missouri Association for Social Welfare.

Arthur W. Ellis

Arthur W. Ellis, a native of Grand County, Indiana, came to Jefferson City in 1934. The establishment Arthur W. Ellis, Incorporated, was originally in retail business only, selling tires, batteries and automobile accessories. It expanded to include a wholesale trade covering a 50 mile radius of Jefferson City.

Mr. Ellis was reared in Grant County and at Richmond, Indiana, where he attended high school and college and where he lived until after his marriage. He taught for three years, but the major portion of his life was devoted to selling. He sold insurance and other lines and was an executive with Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, being branch manager in various cities including Louisville, St. Louis and New York City.

Arthur W. Ellis was married to Miss Mary Jane Hollingsworth, June 5, 1907. Mrs. Ellis was a native of Indiana, the daughter of Clinton and Anna Hollingsworth. Mrs. Ellis was also of Quaker ancestry, her family coming from North Carolina.

Mr. Ellis was born March 20, 1883, the son of Elwood O. and Ida Hussey Ellis, both natives of Clinton County, Ohio, who met and married in Grant County, Indiana. Elwood O. Ellis was a teacher and minister, born in 1857, died December 25, 1920. He was the son of James M. Ellis who was the son of Robert Ellis, a native of Pennsylvania. The founder of the Ellis family in America was Mordacai Ellis of Wales who came to America with William Penn in 1682. The site of the old Ellis home is now occupied by Bryn Mawr College. Mr. Ellis was active in the Chamber of Commerce, the Lions Club

J.A. Ellis

James Abraham Ellis was born on a farm in the southern part of the two mile prairie in Boone County, sixteen miles south of Columbia, on April 26, 1851. His father was Elisha P. Ellis and his grandfather Peter Ellis, who immigrated from Virginia. His mother was Jane Sheely, daughter of a prominent farmer in Callaway County.

James Ellis’ education was in the neighboring district school at Ashland, Missouri and once grown to manhood, he rented a home near the place of his birth and engaged in farming. He continued farming until 1873 when he improved a piece of land one mile south of Ashland, which had been given to his wife by her father. He ran the farm until 1892 when he moved to Jefferson City and was employed by the State Prison until 1897, when he started working at the grocer merchant of Ellis and Son, of which he later became the senior member of the company.

He married Margaret Z. Ruffner, on September 14, 1871, daughter of Peter J. and Zeralda (Wiseman) Ruffner. To this union two children were born: Clarence and Nellie. They made their home at 121 West McCarty.

Judge George R. Ellison

George Robb Ellison, judge of the supreme court of the state, was born at Canton, Missouri, July 22, 1881, the son of William C. and Laura Lucas Ellison. His paternal grandparents were James and Martha Cowgill Ellison, the latter a native of Kentucky, the former born in Ireland and coming to Brown County, Ohio with his parents when four years old. The family moved to Clark County about 1825. Here James Ellison was married. He studied law, and practiced that profession in Canton for a number of years. He was state senator and circuit judge.

William Cowgill Ellison, also a lawyer, was born October 1, 1852. He graduated at Christian University, Canton, studied law in St. Louis and located for practice in Nodaway County. He was circuit judge of the fourth judicial circuit from 1903 to 1918, and held other positions of responsibility.

The greater part of Judge George Robb Ellison’s early life was spent at Maryville. He attended public school there, graduated from St. Paul’s Preparatory School at Garden City, Long Island in 1900, and in 1904 from Harvard. Returning to Maryville, he studied law, was admitted to the bar, and devoted his time exclusively to the practice of his profession until in 1927 he became a commissioner of the state supreme court. In 1930 he was elected judge of the Supreme Court, for a term expiring December 31, 1940. From 1907 to 1927 Judge Ellison was a member of the widely known law firm of Shinabarger, Blagg & Ellison.

G.L. Elston

George L. Elston was born in Elston, Cole County, Missouri on July 28, 1869, a son of Dr. Addison Elston. His early life spent with his grandfather on a farm near Elston; his early education being in the neighborhood. In the spring of 1888 he entered Missouri State University at Columbia where he continued three years when in 1891 left for Jefferson City. Here he engaged as foreman of the sole leather department of the Jefferson Shoe Company. He attended one term at Central College in Fayette, Missouri and then returned to Jefferson City, accepting a position a Secretary and Treasurer with the Star Clothing Mfg. Co., of which he continued for three years. He then worked as book keeper with Mr. L.S. Parker, owner of the Star Clothing Mfg. Co., when he became Director and Secretary and continued until February 11, 1899. He made his home at 426 East Main Street (Capitol Avenue).

Mr. Elston’s ancestors on his father’s side immigrated from Wales, settling in New Jersey in the early part of the 19th century, soon after moving to Virginia in 1820. They immigrated to Missouri in 1828, settling first in Boone County and then ten years later to Cole County. His mother, Jane C. Smith came to Missouri from Ohio in 1844, her parents being English

Mr. Elston’s ancestors on his father’s side immigrated from Wales, settling in New Jersey in the early part of the 19th century, soon after moving to Virginia in 1820. They immigrated to Missouri in 1828, settling first in Boone County and then ten years later to Cole County. His mother, Jane C. Smith came to Missouri from Ohio in 1844, her parents being English.

Rev. W.A. Ely

Rev. Wesley A. Ely was born in Atlanta in 1854. At the age of nine, he was taken in charge by Col. Joseph Wilcox, an officer in the US Army, who took him to his home in Syracuse, NY where the wife of the distinguished man took an interest in the promising lad and gave him all the advantages of an education. At the age of 14 he was sent to Oswego, NY for schooling and then to Fulton Academy at the age of 17. He then returned to Oswego and attended two years at the State Normal.

He engaged in teaching, first in Raleigh, NC where he was principal of the colored high school and then after two years, left to attend Madison University at Madison, NY, where he graduated in 1879. He then attended Drew, a theological college of the ME Church, where he graduated four years later, in 1884. He preached first in Athica, NY and continued there for three years where he moved on to Syracuse and then on to Rochester, following small stints in Saratoga Springs and Atlantic City and Louisville, he moved to Jefferson City. The year was 1899. He became pastor of the A.M.E. Church Zion. While in Utica, NY he married Marie Carle.

Champ Emmel

Champ Emmel was born on a farm near Rhineland, MO; he attended a country school, but early in life his ambitions took him into commercial pursuits. He secured a job with the pipe factory at Boonville and for several years he was on the road for that company, traveling over a greater part of the United States as well as countries in South America.

Mr. Emmel was married in 1925 to Miss Mabel Haas of Boonville. He had three children by his first wife. After her death he married Ellen Doyle of Boonville.

Mr. Emmel was an active Democrat. He was a personal friend of Arthur Nelson of Boonville who ran for Governor on the Democrat ticket against Sam A. Baker. Emmel worked on Nelson’s campaign, traveling over the state, and was pleased when Mr. Nelson received the Democratic nomination. Following the election, Mr. Emmel went into the money lending business, representing several agencies in this area.

Dr. Isaac Newton Enloe

Dr. Isaac Newton Enloe was born on his father’s farm eight miles southeast of California, in Moniteau CO., on April 29, 1860; his father being Enoch Enloe born May 19, 1814 in Barren Co., KY and his mother Jane C. Murray. Enoch was a farmer and engaged in teaching, residing on the farm at the old homestead. Dr. Enloe is a direct descendent of the Enloe’s who immigrated from Scotland to this country at an early day, his great grandfather, Enoch Enloe, settling in York Co., South Carolina, where he and his brother, Isaac, taught school and farmed, each whom fought in the Revolutionary War. James, his grandfather, was born in York County, South Carolina in 1793, from which place he moved to Tennessee. After a short time there, James moved to Kentucky and then in 1828, moved and settled in Cole County, Missouri. James was a farmer and stock raiser and took an active part in politics. James represented Cole County two terms in the State Legislature and one term for Moniteau County in the State Senate.

Dr. Enloe obtained his early education in the neighboring schools and the Clarksburg Select School. He graduated from the Missouri Medical College of St. Louis in 1883, locating in St. Thomas where he engaged in the practice of his profession until 1889, when he sold the business to his brother, Dr. John S. Enloe.

He left for NY City, taking a post-graduate course in the Polyclinic Hospital School of Medicine. He located to Jefferson City in March, 1890 where he continued his profession. In 1895 he took another course at the Polyclinic Hospital School of Medicine.

He was united in marriage to Rebecca J. Short on October 12, 1886, daughter of John A. Short of Russellville. Seven children were born to this union: Loyce, Ada, David, Justin, Robert, Roscoe and John, who died in infancy in 1898. Dr. Enloe ran for Republican representative in 1888 and 1894 but was defeated both years. He was President of the Pension Board of Examining Surgeons and on the Board of Education of Jefferson City for nine years. He made his home at 320 East High Street.

Newton Thomas Enloe, M.D. & son Newton Thomas Jr.

Born at Barton, Lamar County, Missouri on February 23, 1872, a son of Thomas Murray Enloe and Nancy Frances Vanpool, grandson of Enoch Enloe and Jane Compton Murray, and great grandson of the Honorable James Enloe and Nancy Jane Simpson, received his schooling in the public schools in the Russellville area. He then graduated from Hooper Institute at Clarksburg, Mo., and then off to Louisville Medical College for a year and finally earned his M.D. degree from the Missouri Medical College in St. Louis where he graduated in 1895. After graduation, he took several post-graduate courses at the Chicago Postgraduate School and the New York Polyclinic.

His first hospital, was a small five bedroom home, which he built with his own hands of scrap lumber. He treated lumberjacks of the camp for a fee of $1.00 per month. The lumber company provided board for himself, his 2 year old son Newton, Jr. and his 16 year old sister Emma. He worked for the Sierra Lumber Company for six years, and it was through them that he went to California in 1901. He worked as chief surgeon for the lumber company, which sold out to the Diamond Match Company. In 1907 he left for Chico and began his general practice clinic and then in 1913 he began to build a fine hospital, which opened September of the same year, located on Flume Street. It is called the Enloe Hospital and is still in use today. The hospital has grown from a small thirty-eight bed facility to a 391-bed state-of-the-art hospital, now called the Enloe Medical Center. With seven locations throughout the Chico area, it serves over 400,000 residents in a six county region, which also includes a Flightcare Helicopter Program.

Dr. Enloe and his efforts in organizing and building up his hospital was recognized by the State Board of Health and placed his training school on the accredited list of training schools for nurses in January of 1917. He served for a time as President of the Chico Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of the Board of Education when Chico High School was built, and was a member of the American College of Surgeons as well as the American Medical Association. He also volunteered for service in the Medical Reserve Corps of the United States Army in June of 1918 and was commissioned as Captain on June 28th and then assigned to active duty on July 13th at the Letterman General Hospital in San Francisco.

Newton first married Emma E. Leslie on November, 14, 1895. No children were born to this marriage. He then married Winnie Herrick on December 28, 1897. One child was born to this marriage, Newton Thomas Enloe, Jr. After divorcing Winnie, he moved to California where he married Isabell Manfield. He then married Dorothy Schram. To this marriage 3 children were born: Thomas Schram, Nancy Adell, and Ida Marie.

Dr. N.T. Enloe passed away in the hospital he built on December 21, 1954, at the age of 82. He had been in critical condition since suffering from a heart attack the week prior. Funeral services were held at the Bidwell Memorial Presbyterian Church and burial is in the family plot of Chico Cemetery. Dr. Enloe will long be remembered by the community of Chico for his contributions that made this town a more stable place to live.

John G. Engelbrecht

John G. Engelbrecht, active in improving rural conditions in Cole County, was born on a Cole County farm in 1877. He was a charter member of the Cole County farm bureau, and served as chairman from 1930 to 1036. He devoted considerable time to furthering the federal government’s soil conservation program in Cole County.

Mr Engelbrecht was the son of Christ Engelbrecht whose parents, John A. and Margaretta Engelbrecht, came to Cole County in 1852 when Christ was seven years old and located on a farm three miles south of Wardsville. There Christ Engelbrecht lived until his death in 1917. He married Barbara Popp, a native of Jefferson City, daughter of George and Margaret Popp who came to Cole County before the Civi8l War in which George Popp served as a member of the Home Guards.

In 1900 Mr. Engelbrecht was married to Miss Emma Klindt, daughter of John and Fredericka Klindt, of pioneer families of Miller County. Mr. and Mrs. Engelbrecht had two sons and one daughter. Harold assisted in management of the farm. Ernest was associated with Harry Blackwell, Inc., in Jefferson City. Edna was the wife of Dr. Dale Summers, Jefferson City optometrist.

In 1916 Mr. Engelbrecht bought an unimproved tract of two hundred acres on the Wardsville Road, about two and a half miles southeast of Jefferson City. He built a home and made other improvements, and through a practical, scientific method of operation, made it one of the most desirable farms of its size in the county. The property was listed as a Century Farm in June 2005.

Dr. Gustave Ettmueller

Dr. Gustave Ettmueller was born in Frieberg, Saxony on March 7, 1843. His father, who bore the same name, was an eminent physician and surgeon and private medical council to His Royal Highness, the King of Saxony. The early education of the subject of this sketch was in the public schools of his native town and at the College St. Afra in Meissen, Saxony, where he graduated in 1862. He later attended the University in Leipzig, Germany, where he graduated in 1867.

Dr. Ettmueller immigrated to America in 1868, practicing the first six months in New York City then moved to Marysville, Kansas. He stayed there one year moving to Hermann, Missouri in 1870. He practiced in Hermann until moving to Jefferson City in 1894. He was in private practice and was city physician for Jefferson City.

Gen. H. Clay Ewing

General Henry Clay Ewing was born August 15, 1828 in Jefferson City where he grew to manhood; his early education was in the public schools. He studied law under his father, Judge Robert A. Ewing. His mother was Jane Ramsey, daughter of General Jonathan Ramsey, one of the early pioneers of Missouri, immigrating in 1817 from Kentucky.

In 1852 Henry Clay was admitted to the bar practicing with the firm of Ewing and Smith. He organized and was President of the Exchange Bank. He was Attorney General of Missouri during Governor Woodson’s term as well as represented Cole County in the State Legislature one term and was a commissioner of the Supreme Court of the state.

Mr. Ewing united in marriage to Georgia Chiles on December 12, 1855, daughter of Walter G. and Emily A. Chiles of Glasgow, Missouri. Mrs. Ewing was a niece of General Sterling (Pap) Price. He and his wife made their home at 117 West High Street.

H.W. Ewing

Henry Watkins Ewing was born in Richmond, Ray County, Missouri on July 4, 1849 and was educated in the public schools of St. Louis, where he graduated from high school with the highest honors of his class. He later attended Missouri State University at Columbia, graduating Valedictorian in 1872, also receiving the Orator’s Medal.

He completed the law course at Columbia and was admitted to practice and in 1873 was elected Clerk of the Supreme Court. He stayed in this position 18 years and in 1884 purchased a controlling interest in the Tribune Printing Company and became its Editor and President of the daily and weekly Tribune. He continued until his death at Battle Creek, Michigan, (of which he had gone two weeks) on September 1, 1898.

His father was Judge E.B. Ewing, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Circuit Court Judge and twice a Supreme Court Judge. His mother, Elizabeth Allen Ewing, was a sister of Governor Henry Allen Watkins of Louisiana, for whom he was named. His wife was Mattie V. Chappell of Jefferson City. Four children were born to this marriage: Mary, Dorothy, Clay and Jack, all of whom moved to Kansas City after the death of their father.

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