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12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
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Seniors (55+) $4
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(Call 573-635-1850)
H. S. Parker
H. S. Parker, for more than twenty-seven years Missouri Pacific yardmaster at Jefferson City, came here from New Franklin to take that position in March 1910. He retired July 1, 1937.
Mr. Parker was born at Villa Ridge, Pulaski County, in southern Illinois, January 31, 1858. His mother died when he was three years old. She was of Irish descent, her maiden name Jennie Hoff. His father was Joseph F. Parker, first lieutenant, Eighteenth Illinois Infantry during the Civil War.
Mr. Parker was reared on a farm to the age of eighteen when he began railroading. Coming to Missouri in 1898, he worked for the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway, being located in Sedalia. From there he was transferred to New Franklin whence he entered the employ of the Missouri Pacific at Jefferson City.
June 9, 1888, Mr. Parker was married to Miss Lou Atherton. She died at New Franklin February 9, 1909, leaving two sons, Guy H., who was in the fruit and vegetable business at Stockton, and Roy W. who lived in Jefferson City and worked for the Missouri Pacific.
September 23, 1913, Mr. Parker was married to Miss Della Guinn, a native of Moniteau County. Her parents were George and Mary Rebecca Hale Guinn, of pioneer Moniteau County families. Her father died when she was a small child. Her mother, who during her later years made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Parker, died January 6, 1928.
The Parkers were active members of the Christian Church. Mr. Parker, while never an office seeker, was influential in local Democratic politics. He served as chief of police in 1929-1930.
Lester S. Parker
Lester S. Parker was born in Worcester, MA and moved from there to Lexington, KY at the age of three. After five years the family moved to Chicago where his father, George C. Parker, engaged in the manufacture of shoes for the firm of Phelps, Dodge & Palmer. His home was the first house consumed by the great fire of 1871, after Mrs. O’Leary’s famous cow kicked over the lamp.
Soon after, the family moved to Baltimore where Lester attended Worcester College. He later entered Baltimore College, graduating with a background in law in 1879. He moved to the Salina, KS area where he was engaged in the practice of law as well as teaching, farming, sheep and cattle raising.
In 1894 he moved to St. Paul, MN where he was employed for one year as foreman in the shoe factory of Kellog & Johnson. He then moved to Chicago and worked with C.M. Henderson & Co, organizing the Jefferson Shoe Company for the purpose of manufacturing shoes in Jefferson City, and was made Superintendent and General Manager.
In 1895, just before the death of Mr. Henderson, the plant was moved to Dixon, IL. Mr. Parker disposed of his interest and organized his own company, incorporating under the name of The L.S. Parker Shoe Co., his associates being F.N. Chandler, Vice-President and Manager of the factory, and George Elston, Secretary.
Mr. Parker was married in 1882 at Salina, KS to Miss Katie Lockard and they had a daughter, Grace and son, Dan. Katie died in 1890 and he married a second time in May 1895, to Miss M. Sue O’Bannon, daughter of Capt. O’Bannon, a prominent farmer of Cass County and a former Representative of that commonwealth in the State Legislature. She was the mother of two children, Alice and Lester before her death in 1899.
The L. S. Parker Shoe Company manufactured exclusively workingmen’s shoes, selling to jobbers. Mr. Parker also owned mining property near Joplin and a summer resort at South Haven, MI.
Mr. Parker was a member of the First Baptist Church of Jefferson City where he was trustee and Superintendent and teacher of the Sunday school. He was also one of the Board looking after Baptist State Missions and Sunday Schools. He made his home at 124 W. McCarty.
Jacob P. Peltason
Jacob P. Peltason was born in St. Louis, September 8, 1875. He was a merchant in that city fifteen years, moving to Jefferson City in 1915 when his brothers, David and Arthur, bought the Walker Dry Goods Company and established the Peltason Store. He was at first buyer and department manager, and later a partner in this leading Jefferson City concern. After the death of his brothers, Mr. Peltason disposed of this business in January 1938.
Jacob Peltason married Miss Fannie Rice, who was born in New York March 21, 1881. Jacob’s father, Pelta Peltason, a native of Germany, was a pioneer wholesale milliner of St. Louis, and was operator of a system of chain stores in Colorado. The family records checked through five generations indicate German and Spanish origin. The name is from the Latin Pelta, translated Peltate.
Jacob’s son, Stanley, was born in St. Louis July 8, 1906. He was married September 15, 1930, to Miss Marian I. Newman of Little Rock, Arkansas.
David W. Peters
David W. Peters, Jefferson City attorney and Republican political leader, traced his Missouri ancestry to Samuel Peters who was born in Culpepper County, Virginia, in 1769 and established a home four miles north of the present site of Bunceton in Cooper County in 1816. Four of Samuel Peters’ older brothers served under Washington in the Revolution. On leaving Virginia he lived for a short time in Buncombe County, western North Carolina, moving from there to Bedford County, Tennessee whence he came to Missouri in 1816, selected a home in the present limits of Cooper County and entered the land when it had been surveyed. He was a member of the first grand jury of the first term of court held in Cooper County after the organization of that county in 1819. He was a soldier under Andrew Jackson in some of the latter’s Indian campaigns. He died in 1858. His wife’s maiden name was Byler.
David B. Peters, son of Samuel Peters, was born in Buncombe County, North Carolina, April 16, 1805, being eleven years old when the family came to Missouri. With little opportunity for schooling, he was an excellent penman and mathematician and was the first public administrator of Moniteau County after that county was organized in 1845. He had married Caroline Kelley in 1825 and in 1836 entered a farm in what was then Cole County, now Moniteau, where he spent the remainder of his life. He died in 1869.
Dr. Scott Peters, son of David B. and Caroline Peters, was born in Cole County (now Moniteau) January 4, 1841. He taught school prior to the Civil War. While he had been opposed to secession, he joined his younger brother, David W. Peters in the Confederate army. At the battle of Champion Hill near Vicksburg a bullet passed through his left arm and pierced a hundred and forty-three pages of a bible which he carried in the left pocket of his blouse. He was first sergeant in Company A of the Third Missouri Cavalry. After the war he resumed teaching, moving to Alabama in 1868 where he taught for several years. In 1877 he graduated in medicine from Vanderbilt University in Nashville and practiced his profession in Alabama until 1881 when he moved to Tennessee where he continued the practice of medicine until 1911 when he retired, returned to Missouri and bought a part of the old homestead where he was born. He died June 7, 1917.
David W. Peters, son of Scott and Mary Peters, was born in Jackson County, Alabama, March 25, 1870. On finishing the public school course he attended Cumberland University at Lebanon, Tennessee. From 1893 to 1899 he was a railway mail clerk except during the Spanish-American War in which he served. He became a post office inspector in 1899, resigning in 1909. For four years of this time he was in charge of the investigation of the fraudulent use of the mails in the City of New York. Beginning in 1909 he practiced law in Jefferson City. He was Republican floor leader of the legislature in the session of 1925. He was twice the nominee of his party for congress, once for circuit judge, and in 1916 was delegate to the Republican National Convention in Chicago when Charles Evans Hughes was nominated for President. He was district census supervisor in 1930, president of the Cole County Bar Association, and held many other positions of political and civic responsibility. He was a Knight Templar Mason and an Elk.
Mr. Peters was married in 1891 to Miss Lucy Taylor by whom he had two children: Scott Peters, Jefferson City attorney, and Lettie May who married Frank W. Bailey of Nashville, Tennessee. October 14, 1917, he was married to Mrs. Opal White who had one son by her first marriage, William W. White.
Rev. J. P. Pinkerton
Rev. James Parrish Pinkerton, pastor of the Christian Church of Jefferson City, was born in Woodford County, KY, March 6, 1845. His father, Dr. Louis L. Pinkerton, D.D., a native of Baltimore, MD, was a distinguished minister of the same denomination and one of the most prominent educators of the blue grass state. He founded the Female Orphan School at Midway, KY and was Professor of Belle Letters at Kentucky University.
J.P. Pinkerton acquired his education in the private schools near his home and Baconian Institute, of which his father was principal, until the age of fifteen when he entered Kentucky University. The school was greatly disrupted by the Civil War; Gen. Bragg, the famous raider in charge of the southern forces, using the building as a hospital.
At the age of 19 he taught for two years in Clark and Fayette counties, during which time he studied law in the office of Judge William Kincade of Lexington, KY, where he was admitted to the bar. He later graduated from the Indianapolis law school class of 1868 and returned to Lexington to teach for one year. In 1870 he moved to Emporia, KS where he practiced law and worked in real estate for two years.
He moved to Connersville, IN where he engaged in banking with his cousin, J.N. Hustin who later became U.S. Treasurer under President Benjamin Harrison. He returned to Lexington to assist his brother-in-law in the furniture business, and at his death in winding up his estate.
Rev. Pinkerton had been impressed that it was his duty to preach the gospel. He was not ordained to preach until 1879, by the Christian Church, Greenup, KY, where he continued as pastor for four years. He was pastor in Grayson, KY two years, then Terrell, TX two years and McKinney, TX three years. He served in Austin, TX two years before moving to Springfield, MO where he remained for 6 years. During his pastorate in Springfield there were 500 additions to the church. He came to Jefferson City at the request of the State Board who felt the denomination should have a strong representative in the pulpit of the Capital City.
He was married October 7, 1869 to Miss Katherine S. Patterson of Lexington, KY. They had seven Children: Margaret Bell who became the wife of E.N. Ferguson, cashier of the Springfield Savings Bank. William Ward engaged in the cattle business and farming in New Mexico. Louis L. was a plumber at Springfield, MO. John S. a bookkeeper in the Springfield, MO Savings Bank. Three daughters were still at the home and attending school in Jefferson City in 1900—Helen Garfield, Mabel Allen and Ella Lee.
C. J. Pollock
C. J. Pollock was born in Boone County, Missouri in 1887, the son of John and Rosa J. Pollock, both natives of Boone County. In the college of agriculture at Columbia he specialized in dairy work. For eleven years he was in charge of the college herd and did special work in a number of states before coming to Jefferson City where he became city milk inspector.
He was a veteran of World War I, entering services in the first mobilization and serving overseas in the Eighty-ninth Division. He was married in 1935 to Miss Lilliam Hammett of Hannibal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hammett.
Winfield Scott Pope
Hon. Winfield Scott Pope, the son of Thomas Pope and Mary Ann Hale Pope, was a native of North Carolina. He was born on a farm in Davidson County in that state, July 20, 1847, and died in Jefferson City, Missouri, April 13, 1921.
In his youthful days he attended the Davidson Academy and became a student at the Hillsboro Military Academy at Hillsboro, North Carolina, where he was a cadet during the Civil War period. About the close of the war he started west and traveled by rail to Rolla, Missouri, afterwards across the country to Marshfield, Webster, County, where many former residents of North Carolina had settled. He taught school there during the time he read and studied law.
In February 1867, he was admitted to the bar and entered upon the active practice of law at Hartville, Wright County, where he was elected to the Missouri House of Representatives from that district in 1872. While in Jefferson City serving in the Legislature he met Miss Lucy Miller, and on June 19, 1873, they were married in Jefferson City at the home of her father, Hon. George Wear Miller (see sketch), at that time judge of the circuit that included Cole County. Soon after Mr. Pope’s marriage and the expiration of his term of office, he moved to Jefferson City where he entered the practice of law which he continued during his entire life. In Jefferson City were born and reared his three daughters, Mrs. Horace B. Church, Jr., former Mary Louise Pope, died September 2, 1938. Mrs. Winfield Pope Hawkins (formerly Lucy Winfield Pope) lived in St. Louis. The youngest daughter, Mrs. Frances M. Cockrell, Jr., (Miller Chappell Pope) died in 1919. Mr. and Mrs. Pope were married for thirty-seven years, Mrs. Pope’s death occurring in 1910.
Mr. Pope again served in the lower house of the legislature in 1897, being elected from Cole County, and was a member of the Commission that made the revision of the statutes in 1899. He was active in the pioneer times and in his younger days rode the circuit on horseback, attending the various sessions of court with the contemporary lawyers and judges. He was both a criminal and civil lawyer, but in later years, as law became more specialized, his practice was mostly civil.
George Porth
George Porth was born on a farm near Mascoutah, IL, May 9, 1859. When he was eight years old the family moved to Mascoutah where he received his early education in the public schools. At the age of fifteen he went to Belleville where he learned the trade of watchmaker and jeweler under Joseph Wehrle, where he remained for four years.
He moved to St. Joseph, MO where he worked two years for Joseph Goodlive as manager of the repair department. Coming to Jefferson City in May 1879, he purchased the stock of jewelry of Robert Gross located at 210 East High Street. He continued the business at several locations in the city until 1898 when he, in connection with John Vogt and J.H. Edwards, purchased the old Tennessee House block at 110 East High Street. It was razed in the spring of 1899, and a new building erected.
December 6, 1881, he was united in marriage to Mary Helen, daughter of James and Charlotte Meador of Jefferson City. This union was blessed with six children: George, Hilda, Clifford and Edgar survived; Roy and Eugene were deceased. Mrs. Porth died July 3, 1898.
He was a member of numerous civic organizations and represented the city in the Third Ward as Councilman and as City Treasurer. He was President of the Jefferson City Sanitarium (see commerce sketch), incorporated under the laws of Missouri in 1898. He worked actively for cheaper ferriage prior to the building of the bridge, and was a stockholder of the Jefferson City Bridge & Transit Company.
He resided with his family at 210 West High Street.
Dr. Joseph P. Porth
Joseph P. Porth was born in Osage County January 15, 1865. His father was a native of Germany, his mother, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Wolters, was born in Florida. Doctor Porth was married to Miss Ellie Nitchie. Their daughter, Elsie married E. C. Baldwin.
Dr. Porth acquired his early education at St. Louis University. In later years he studied at Berlin, Greifswald, Paris and Vienna. He began the practice of medicine in 1888. He was a charter member of the Cole County Medical Society. Dr. Porth was keenly interested in city and state government as well as in the practice of medicine. He became mayor of Jefferson City in 1903, and served as representative of Cole County in the Forty-first, Forty-fourth and Forty-fifth General Assemblies. He died September 30, 1923.
Mrs. Porth was the daughter of H. C. and Henrietta Geisberg Nitchey. Their other children included Hattie, who died in childhood; Walter; Mrs. Anthony Culkin of Colorado Springs; Hilda of Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Frank Nitchey, shoe manufacturer of Evanston, Illinois. Henrietta Nitchey’s father was Franz Geisberg, a pioneer merchant of Westphalia and of Jefferson City who arrived in 1834, and who married Gertrude Stieferman. On the discovery of gold in California in 1849, he joined the rush of adventurers to that place. His other children were Casper Geisberg who was killed in the Civil War, and Henry Geisberg, clerk of the federal court, banker and building and loan officer.
Henry C. Nitchey was an attaché of the state auditor’s office in the years immediately following the Civil War. He was later assistant postmaster, and superintendent of the Jefferson City Gas Company.
James A. Potter
James A. Potter was born on a Cedar County farm October 28, 1880. The family moving to Mt. Vernon in 1885, he entered public school there and graduated from the Mt. Vernon Academy in 1898. That fall he entered the state university where he received the AB Degree in 1902 and his LLB in 1905. He located at Aurora for the practice of law and until 1911 was associated with Edward J. White, a prominent lawyer from that area. From 1911 to 1922 he was associated with Congressman I. V. McPherson. He was city attorney of Aurora from 1906 to 1916; prosecuting attorney from 1919 to 1923. In 1925 he was appointed assistant Attorney General by Robert W. Otto, then Attorney General of Missouri, and served until December 31, 1926, when he formed a law partnership with General Otto, with headquarters in Jefferson City. Judge W. T. Ragland joined this firm January 1, 1933.
Mr. Potter was a Republican in politics, and a member of the Presbyterian Church. He was president of the Chamber of Commerce at Aurora, and a member of the school board. He was a member of the Masons, Rotary Club, Board of Curators of the State University and served as secretary of the State Bar Association.
James A. Potter was the son of James Thomas Potter who was born in Warren County, Kentucky, March 16, 1836; he was a soldier in the Civil War, member of Company L, 6th Missouri Cavalry. He died at Mount Vernon September 25, 1905. James Thomas Potter was married to Mary Jane Dunaway in Dade County, December 10, 1857. Shortly after their marriage they went to Cedar County where he engaged in farming until December 1885, when they moved to Mt. Vernon. He organized the Mt. Vernon Bank, and was its president for a number of years. He continued in the farming and livestock business in Cedar County and in the banking business in Mt. Vernon until his death.
James Thomas Potter was the son of James Thomas Potter and Matilda Ann Garland, who were married in Bowling Green, Kentucky, in 1831. His wife was the daughter of Jacky Garland who came to Missouri in 1856, accompanied by his sons and son-in-law. James Thomas Potter, Sr., born in Warren County, Kentucky, March 3, 1808, died of tetanus in 1859. His wife was born about 1810 and died of typhoid in 1840.
James A. Potter’s mother was born in Dade County October 11, 1839, and died at Mt. Vernon in June, 1911. She was the daughter of Louis Tarwater Dunaway who owned 1700 acres of land in Dade County and was engaged in extensive farming until his death in 1861. He was born September 11, 1808 and married to Mary Jane English in 1832, in Ray County, Missouri.
Mr. Potter’s paternal great-grandparents were William Potter, born October 29, 1772, and Nancy Kirby, born October 23, 1781, who were married February 14, 1798, and became the parents of twelve children. Nancy Kirby’s father, Jesse Kirby, was born in October 1757; he served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and received a land grant of several thousand acres in Kentucky for distinguished service. Jesse Kirby’s wife was Sophia Choice, who was born September 23, 1760. His maternal great-grandparents, Samuel Martin Dunaway and Eva Ann Tarwater, were natives of Pennsylvania and Tennessee, respectively, and came to Ray County, Missouri at an early date. Jane English, Mr. Potter’s maternal grandmother, was the daughter of Thomas English and Letitia Campbell, the latter a cousin of Alexander Campbell, founder of the Christian Church. Jane English was born May 12, 1909.
James A. Potter was married to Miss Mena Proctor, daughter of James M. and Ella White Proctor, at Sturgeon, Boone County, Missouri October 24, 1906. Mrs. Potter received her education at Central College, Fayette, Missouri. They had one daughter, Mary Louise, born at Aurora, October 15, 1907; she married James E. Kunkler.
Mrs. Potter’s father was born in Macon County, February 12, 1842, and died at Sturgeon July 26, 1912. Her mother was born at Mexico, Missouri, December 3, 1846, and died October 26, 1911. She was the daughter of William White and Elizabeth Shugart, natives of Pennsylvania. The former was born August 10, 1802, and died November 2, 1865. The latter was born March 10, 1812, and died December 25, 1867. The former was a son of Joseph White, born June 1, 1755, Sergeant Light Dragoons, U. S. Service in the Revolution. Mrs. Potter’s great-grandmother, Elizabeth Shugart, born 1784, died 1863, was the daughter of Zackariah Shugart, Jr., whose father, Zackariah Shugart, Sr., was a lieutenant in the Revolution. He was born in Germany and died in Pennsylvania in 1790.
Frank W. Prather
Frank W. Prather was born in North Vernon, Jennings County, IN and moved to Boone County, Arkansas when he was two years old. His family moved to Kansas then to Missouri when he was nine. His education was primarily on the job training and he apprenticed in a printing office in Appleton City, MO.
At the age of seventeen he started his own weekly publication at Forsyth in Taney County, and in 1891 established the Springfield Republican as a weekly. It became a daily and was one of the most influential Republican journals outside the large cities. He sold the plant in 1892, and after spending four years in Texas, returned to Missouri where he was employed by the Tribune Printing Company of Jefferson City. Due to changes resulting from the death of Mr. Ewing, he went into partnership with Mr. Ed Hagan publishing the Capital City Weekly Journal. They disposed of the plant in 1900.
He was married June 1897 to Miss Mollie Brumley of Springfield. He moved to Washington, D.C. where he accepted a position with the Government Census printing office.
Ben Prenger
Ben Prenger, former sheriff of Cole County, was the son of Albert Prenger who was born in Hanover, April 24, 1836. In 1842, Albert Prenger came to America with his parents, John and Rosina Walkin Prenger, by way of New Orleans, and in that year John Prenger entered land in Liberty Township. John and Rosina Prenger reared a family of seven children in this county. John Prenger died in 1864, his wife in 1872.
Albert Prenger in 1868 bought a farm in Osage Township on which he lived for the remainder of his life. In 1860 he married Helena Stephens of German descent, by whom he had thirteen children. He served in the Home guards during the Civil War.
Ben Prenger was born November 13, 1868. Until his election on the Democratic ticket as sheriff in 1928 his life was spent in farming. He bought a farm adjoining that on which he was born. He was married at the age of thirty to Miss Dora Swallow, daughter of Pete Swallow, a pioneer citizen of this county.
Mr. and Mrs. Prenger had twelve children and twenty-two grandchildren. Their daughter, Helen was the wife of Emil Van Loo of Wardsville. The Van Loo’s had two sons and three daughters: Lavinia; Charles; George; Amelia; Aline; Marie who married Roy Van Loo and lived in Wardsville; Leona, the wife of Fred Markway; Lucille, the wife of L. F. Landwehr, the dairyman. All of Mr. Prenger’s children and grandchildren lived in Cole County.
Mrs. Ada C. Price (Mrs. Thomas Benton Price)
Daughter-in-law of General Thomas Lawson Price, and niece of General Price's second wife, Caroline V. Long Price
Ada Catherine Bear Price (9 April 1851-14 Dec.1946) was the daughter of Susan Long and Adam Clark Bear, Elkton, Rockingham County, VA, whose home place was called Bear Lithia Springs. Her mother's sister, Caroline V. Long, became the second wife of General Thomas Lawson Price on 25 April 1854. Therefore, Ada C. Bear's aunt, when she came from Virginia to Jefferson City to visit, was also her future husband's step-mother.
The Old Fort Long Estate in Virginia was acquired in 1720 from the English Crown by Philip Long, an ancestor. Elizabeth W. Schuyler Long, mother of Caroline V. Long Price and Susan Long Bear, grandmother of Ada C. Bear Price, was a descendant of Gen. Philip Schuyler of Revolutionary War fame.
Ada C. Bear and Thomas Benton Price (19 May 1949-7 Nov. 1890) were married 28 Nov. 1872, at her family home in Virginia. Thomas Benton Price was the son of Unionist General Thomas Lawson Price (19 Jan. 1809-16 July 1870) and his first wife, Lydia Bolton Price, the mother of General Price's four children. She was born 24 April 1807 and died 27 May 1849, eight days after the birth of Thomas Benton Price.
A daughter of General Price and Lydia Bolton Price, Celeste, married a distant cousin, Celsus Price, son of Confederate General Sterling Price. She died 27 Sept 1867. On that same day her baby was born and died, also her father-in-law, General Sterling Price, former governor of Missouri.
In 1873 General Price's widow, Caroline V. Long Price, married his cousin, James B. Price, a widower with five children.
Ada C. Bear Price and Thomas Benton Price had two children, Lawson Clark Price (15 July 1873-24 March 1941) whose name was changed to Thomas Lawson Price in Cole County, MO Circuit Court around 1910, and Celeste Bolton Price (2 July 1878-10 April 1953).
Thomas Lawson Price, grandson of General Price, married Mary Johnson, daughter of William and Juliet Trigg Johnson of Boonville, MO, on 8 Dec. 1898. She died 20 May 1958. They had one daughter, Juliet Price Idol (25 March 1900-14 Sept. 1976) and two grandchildren, Gaverne Gibson Mead and Thomas Price Gibson.
Celeste Price, granddaughter of Gen. Price, married Cecil Warren Thomas, a distant cousin on Thanksgiving Day in 1902, the last social function in the Price mansion. The Thomases made their home with her mother, Mrs. Ada C. Price, on Capitol Avenue, Jefferson City, MO.
Mrs. Ada C. Bear Price's younger sister, Gertrude Bear, also a niece of Carolyn V. Long Price, married Dr. Charles Loring Turner, grandfather of Loring Bear Turner (11 Oct. 1907-14 Oct. 1985) and great-grandfather of Charles Loring Turner (9 May 1947-).
Prepared for the Cole County Historical Society, Jefferson City, MO, and updated 4 March 1987.
Lucille Richey Turner
(Mrs. Loring Bear Turner)
John Price
John Price was born near Canterbury County of Kent, England, April 5, 1817, and immigrated to the United States when eleven years of age, with his parents, who first settled in Albany, N.Y. They came over in a sailing ship and were seven weeks crossing the ocean.
John Price received his education in the public schools of Albany, N.Y. and in Rutland, Vermont. He went to Rutland when 16 years of age to learn carriage painting from Jared C. Burdick, a carriage manufacturer, harness-maker and also a dealer in fine horses, and with whom he made his home as a son. While living with Mr. Burdick he married the second of his three daughters, Lydia Elizabeth, on July 22, 1840, she being seven years his junior. Mrs. Price was born in Rutland, Vermont, November 23, 1824.
At the death of his father-in-law he took charge of the business, conducting it successfully until the shop was destroyed by fire, which was a complete loss, the insurance having expired three months previous. After the fire he accepted a position in the shops of the Rutland and Burlington Railway Company in Rutland, painting engines and cars; He later worked in the shops of the Western Vermont Railway and Saratoga Railway Companies. He continued at his trade until his health failed and he moved to Castle Rock, Osage County, MO and settled on a farm, later engaging in the business of merchandising.
During the Civil War he had three mail contracts, one between Jefferson City and Rolla, one between Jefferson City and Little Pina on the Gasconade River, and the other between Jefferson City and Castle Rock. He recruited for the 26th Missouri, under Col. Boomer, who was afterward killed at Vicksburg, and while recruiting stopped one night with a man named Getty, who was killed the following night by the Bushwhackers. These same men were after Mr. Price a number of times, and he had several narrow escapes.
Mr. Price came to Jefferson City in December 1863, soon after which he joined the Home Guards, and was forced into service as guide for two regiments from Jefferson City to Rolla. He, with Dr. Peabody, acted as Trustees and started the first public school in Jefferson City after the war. At the close of the strife he again engaged in his old trade, painting, in Jefferson City. There was one other painter here at the time, John Ross, with whom he formed a partnership, and continued several years, when the partnership was dissolved, and he worked alone until l897, when he retired at the age of 80.
Mr. and Mrs. Price were the parents of nine children: John Jared, made his home in Des Moines, Iowa and traveled for Heath and Milligan of Chicago; Emma Amelia married James E. Ross and lived in Bunker Hill, Ill.; Lillie married Robert Cruikshank of St. Louis, MO; William; Mrs. Julia Davis; Mrs. Elizabeth Ross; Mrs. Jennie Ross; Mrs. Lucy McComb; and May.
Mr. Price was a member of the I.O.O.F. He and his wife lived at 308 Madison Street. They were members of the Presbyterian Church.
The Price Family
Thomas Lawson Price, business man of Jefferson City, was the son of Thomas Benton Price and the grandson of General Thomas Lawson Price who was the first of the Price family in Jefferson City and one of the outstanding characters in the history of the city.
The first Thomas Lawson Price was born near Danville, VA, January 19, 1809. In 1831 he came west, intending to locate in St. Louis; but because of the cholera epidemic there, came on to Jefferson City where he engaged in business. He invested his surplus earnings in Jefferson City and St. Louis real estate and in farm lands. In 1838 he established the first stage line between Jefferson City and St. Louis, later extending stage lines over various routes from Jefferson City. He was elected the first mayor of the city in 1839 and served two terms. He was one of the incorporators of the Capital City Bank, and president of the Jefferson Landing Company.
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Thomas Benton Price, born in Jefferson City May 19, 1849, was educated in Jefferson in a select school in Pennsylvania, and in St. Louis University. As a member of the transcontinental surveying corps under General Palmer, he spent the year 1867 in the west where his party skirmished with Indians and chased buffalo. November 18, 1872, he married Miss Ada C. Bear of Virginia, daughter of Col. Adam C. Bear and Susan Long Bear. Isaac Long, maternal grandfather of Mrs. Price, owned a large plantation in the Shenandoah Valley. Thomas Benton and Ada Bear Price had two children, Lawson Clark Price (July 15, 1873-March 24, 1941) whose name was changed to Thomas Lawson Price in the Cole County, Missouri Circuit Court around 1910, and Celeste Bolton Price (July 2, 1878-April 10, 1953). Celeste married Cecil Thomas. See her sketch under “Thomas.”
Thomas Benton Price established a beautiful country estate, Avondale, Pettis County, Missouri, on which he lived. Its acreage was devoted chiefly to blue grass and forest, with only enough land in cultivation to supply its needs. Here he created a fine herd of Shorthorns and a famous line of saddle horses. He loved the country and had large real estate interests in this and other states. He died in an accident November 8, 1890, and his wife moved to Jefferson City.
The father of General Thomas Lawson Price was Major Price, 1779-1829, a Virginia tobacco planter and large slave owner. Major Price was the son of William Price who entered the Revolutionary War a lieutenant and advanced to the rank of major. The founder of the Price family in America was John Price, born in 1584, who left England for Virginia in 1610 or 1611.
Thomas Lawson Price, son of Thomas Benton and Ada Bear Price, was married to Miss May Johnson, daughter of William and Juliet Trigg Johnson of Boonville, Missouri on December 8, 1898. They had one daughter, Juliet (March 25, 1900-Sept. 14, 1976), who married John Guy Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson had one daughter, Gavern Price Gibson Mead, and one son, Tom Price Gibson.
Mr. Price was for nineteen years a member and for eight years chairman of the Library Board. He served as director and vice-president of the Exchange National Bank; a director and president of the Country Club. He was president of the Capital City Oil Company which he founded in 1922, the stock of which was owned by him and his family. He was a colonel on the staff of Governor Stark, and was also on the staff of Governor Park and Governor Gardner. He was chairman of the Cole County Special Road District Number 1, which included Jefferson City and had some eighty-five miles of gravel and asphalt roads.
Mr. Price devoted considerable time to farming and operated about 1900 acres in Pettis County for himself and his family.
August Priesmeyer
President and founder of the A. Priesmeyer Shoe Company, was born on a farm near Westphalia, Prussia, December 17, 1832. At the age of 17 he immigrated to America, stopping first near Cincinnati, Ohio, where he worked on a farm several months. He learned the shoemaking trade in Cincinnati where he served a two year apprenticeship. He then moved to St. Louis where he worked in a shoe store.
In 1857 he made a trip to Europe to visit his parents, returning in the fall. He continued to work at the shoe store until 1859 when he opened a retail store of his own, conducting a prosperous business until 1867 when he disposed of his stock and engaged in the hide and tobacco business. This business failed and in 1869 he again opened a shoe store with financial backing from a friend, F. Woesten.
In 1874 he disposed of this business and moved to Jefferson City where he engaged in the manufacture of shoes in partnership with his friend, F. Woesten, the firm being A. Priesmeyer & Co. In 1876 he bought the business interest of his partner and continued the business until the fall of 1899 when the A. Priesmeyer Shoe Co. was organized and incorporated with Mr. A. Priesmeyer as President; John Tweedie Sr., Vice-President and Superintendent of the factory, and H.F. Priesmeyer, Secretary, Treasurer and Manager of the business.r Both Mr. Tweedie and Mr. H.F. Priesmeyer had long been lieutenants in this growing manufacturing business and had been given a share of the profits for more than 15 years.
When Mr. Priesmeyer first established this plant he only employed thirty-five men, but by 1900 he employed over 250 workmen with eighteen traveling salesmen covering virtually all the united States except for New England and a few of the North Atlantic States.
In August 1860, Mr. Priesmeyer was married to Caroline Steinbruegge of St. Charles, MO. To this union were born three sons, two of whom died in infancy. The surviving son was named Eddie. Caroline died May 20, 1889.
In April 1891 he was married to Miss Minnie Meyer of St. Louis and she died in 1895. In 1899 he was united in marriage to Mrs. Emma White of St. Louis and they made their home at 1537 S. Grand Avenue, St. Louis, he having retired from the active duties connected with his business and moving to that city in 1891.
In addition to two trips to Europe in 1897, Mr. Priesmeyer made a 14-month trip around the world, visiting Japan, China, the Orient, India, Africa, Palestine and Syria.
Henry F. Priesmeyer
Henry F. Priesmeyer who was Secretary and Treasurer of the A. Priesmeyer Shoe Co. was born in St. Louis, MO August 16, 1857, and educated in the public schools of that city. At the age of sixteen he went to Chicago, entering the law office of Lyman & Jackson with the view of studying for the practice of law. At the age of twenty-one he resigned this position and came to Jefferson City to engage in work for his uncle, A. Priesmeyer.
After several years of working in the factory, he spent seven years on the road as a salesman in North and Southwest Missouri. In 1884 he gave up the road, taking charge of the office, and in 1892 became manager of the finance and sales departments.
In 1899 the A. Priesmeyer Shoe Company was incorporated with his uncle as President of the corporation, John Tweedie Vice-President and Superintendent of the factory and he Secretary and Treasurer.
Mr. Priesmeyer was married May 2, 1883, to Miss Julia M. Meyer of St. Charles, MO. They became the parents of five children, Mamie, Charlotte, Colette, Theodore and Jack. Mamie died at the age of sixteen.
Besides belonging to many civic organizations, Mr. Priesmeyer was a stockholder and director of the Bridge and Transit Company, of which he was the first Vice-President. He was also President of the Board of Education and active and generous in developing the State Horse Show Association.
William McKendree Prottsman
Rev. Dr. William McKendree Protsman was born on the state line between West Virginia and Ohio, February 19, 1815. At the time his parents time en route from Rockingham County, VA to Marietta, OH.
He entered Marietta College in 1839, being one of the first students of the institution. A constitutional provision of this college required each student to labor three hours every day at some mechanical trade, a rule to which there was no exception, it governing both rich and poor. The money earned by the students while engaged in this work was their own.
He continued here four years, completing his education in 1843 with a thorough and practical knowledge as a buggy, carriage and horse-cart builder, which included the wood work, iron work, trimming and painting. After leaving college he engaged as a clerk on what was called a store-boat, which was loaded with furniture and other merchandise. He went as far as Memphis, TN where he left the boat and engaged as clerk in a grocery store where he worked for two years, returning to Marietta, Ohio.
He was licensed to preach by the M.E. Church (South) in 1844. His itinerancy as a preacher in this church organization covered a large part of the states of Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri and California. In Missouri he was several times a presiding elder and preacher in important fields of the state including St. Louis, Kansas City, Springfield, Carthage and Jefferson City. While in California he was stationed for two years in San Francisco.
He was married to Anna Lewis, daughter of Edward Lewis, a prominent farmer and tobacco manufacturer of Glascow, MO. He and his wife lived at 121 Stewart Street in Jefferson City.
Dr. W. W. Rambo
Doctor William Waldo Rambo was associated with Dr. W. A. Clark and succeeded him in his medical practice following his death. Dr. Rambo was born in Franklin County, Arkansas, July 29, 1893, the son of Dr. Samuel and Lula Crawford Rambo. His father was born in Zanesville, Ohio, April 17, 1853, his mother at Ozark, Arkansas, November 22, 1868. Dr. Samuel Rambo practiced in Ironton, Ohio until 1884 when he moved to Franklin County, Arkansas where he spent the remainder of his life.
Dr. Rambo received a Bachelor of Science Degree in 1922 from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. He graduated from Washington University School of Medicine in 1926, following which he served four years as house officer of the Barnes Hospital, St. Louis. By appointment of Governor Caulfield he was placed in charge of the hospital of the Missouri State Penitentiary June 15, 1930.
According to an article in the Globe-Democrat during his administration of the prison hospital Dr. Rambo “renovated and improved the antiquated building, organized a nurse’s training school with convict enrollment and had the hospital approved by the American College of Surgeons.” He installed…”a kitchen staff, a clerical force, laboratory assistants, and operating room staff, and such orderlies as are required.” For the medical care of this prison population of forty-six hundred a completely modern system of records was installed. In a population of that number, many sick calls are necessary daily and many major and minor operations weekly.
Dr. Rambo was an honorary Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, a member of the Cole County Medical Society, the Missouri Medical Association. He was a Rotarian, a Mason, a veteran of World War I and a Democrat.
E. S. Ramsey
Ed S. Ramsey, born in 1886, spent practically his entire life in Jefferson City. He was the son of George Clinton Ramsey, a native of Franklin County. George Clinton Ramsey married Catherine Hudson Cowley, June 8, 1875. Their children were Mrs. M. R. Armstrong, Mrs. Lillian Gertrude Decker, Joel Frank Ramsey, and Edwin Silver Ramsey. Mrs. George C. Ramsey was born on the Isle of Man, May 31, 1852, her parents coming to Washington, Missouri when she was an infant.
George Clinton Ramsey, born at New Haven, Missouri December 14, 1845, spent his boyhood in Kentucky. On his return to Missouri he lived for a time at New Haven, and at Osage City, but the greater part of his mature life was spent in Jefferson City to which he came in 1886. With his brother he entered the railroad tie business which was later incorporated as Ramsey Tie Company. In his later years he turned over the management of this business to his sons. He died October 5, 1923. Mrs. Ramsey died December 11, 1936.
Both Mr. and Ms. Ramsey were active in civic and religious affairs. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church and a charter member and treasurer of the local chapter of the Eastern Star. Mr. Ramsey was a member of the Christian Church and active in Masonic circles. A democrat in politics, in 1896 he differed with the controlling faction of his party on the free silver issue and was chosen delegate to the national convention at Indianapolis to nominate a sound money ticket.
Besides his interest in the tie business founded by his father, Ed S. Ramsey engaged in the plumbing business and in the ice and coal business. With the Stone and Webster Engineering Companies, he was right of way man in securing the location of power lines for the Union Electric Company from the Lake of the Ozarks to St. Louis. He was also a local representative of the Anheuser-Busch Company.
Ed S. Ramsey married Miss Hilda Porth, daughter of George Porth (see sketch), prominent Jefferson City Jeweler. The wife of George Porth was Helen Meador, of an old family of southern ancestry. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey had two children, Helen Catherine and Ed. S. Ramsey, Jr.
Means Ray
Colonel Charles Means Ray, founder of the Means Ray insurance organization and former mayor of Jefferson City, was born in Cassville, January 23, 1886. His parents were Charles and Jennie Pharis Ray, both natives of Barry County. Charles was the son of Dr. John Ray, a native of Barren County, Kentucky, who moved to Barry County in 1850. He was a surgeon in the Union army during the Civil War. In 1871, Dr. John Ray founded the Cassville Democrat, which he published until his death in 1889. He was a member of the convention in 1875 which drafted Missouri’s constitution.
Charles Ray was for a time an engineer on the Frisco Railway. On the death of his father in 1889 Charles Ray succeeded him as editor and publisher of the Democrat which he published until his own death in 1926. Charles Ray served two terms as county treasurer, and was postmaster of Cassville under the Cleveland administration. He married the daughter of D. Patrick Pharis, a pioneer merchant of Cassville, who came to Missouri with his parents in 1831 at the age of two. He was among the adventurers to the California gold fields in 1849.
Means Ray, accustomed to newspaper work from boyhood, followed that profession in various towns in several states for two years, then joined his father on the Democrat at Cassville. In 1913 he was appointed chief clerk in the insurance department, where he served four years. He handled publicity for the Democratic state committee for the next two years then became editor of the Capital-News. He resigned this position in 1923 when he established the Means Ray Insurance Agency.
Mr. Ray was a colonel on the staffs of Governor Park and Governor Stark. He served two terms as mayor of Jefferson City from 1932 to 1936. June 19, 1912, Mr. Ray was married to Miss Jewette LeCompte of Cassville, daughter of J. w. LeCompte. Mr. and Mrs. Ray had two daughters, Nancy Jane and Sally.
James W. Reid
James W. Reid, whose ancestors came with Lord Baltimore’s colony the first settlers of Maryland, was born at Edina, Knox County, Missouri on May 23, 1946. At the age of fifteen he enlisted in the Federal army in response to the call for volunteers, and served in the Missouri Division. After two years active service he worked in the Commissary Department. During his active duty he was wounded at Monticello, MO. He was in the battle of Cape Girardeau where General Marmaduke (former Governor) commanded the Southern forces.
At the close of the war he engaged in the general merchandise business at Cape Girardeau, the firm being DeCoster & Reid. He sold this business after two years and attended four terms at the St. Francis Seminary at Milwaukee, WI., returning to Missouri where he taught for three years in Saline and Knox counties. He worked as a hardware store clerk for four years for W. J. Fulkerson of Marshall, then went into business for himself, the firm being Reid Brothers. After some years in the hardware business he entered that of real estate and insurance with Thomas Boatright, the firm being Reid & Boatright.
He moved to Jefferson City in 1890 and engaged in general merchandising on High Street. While in this business he purchased the Model Steam Laundry, running the same in connection with his store until 1893 when he sold the merchandising business in order to devote his energies to the laundry business.
Mr. Reid was united in marriage May 8, 1873, to Miss Bettie, daughter of Michael Schreckler, a prominent farmer of Saline County. Five boys and two girls resulted from this union. The eldest daughter, Vincentia M. married George J. Stampfli, an attorney in Jefferson City.
Mr. Reid was a member of the A.O.U.W. and the G.A.R and an active worker in the Democratic Party. The family resided at 113 West McCarty Street.
Alfred F. Renn
Alfred F. Renn’s father, Jack Renn, came to Jefferson City as a boy in 1867. The father was born in New Albany, Ind. After he came to Jefferson City he was married to Susan Schwaller, who also belonged to one of the old Cole County families.
Alfred Renn was born October 27, 1895. He attended St. Peters’ School and the public schools of Jefferson City. He took up the cobbling business as a boy and worked for Nick Powers and later for Burkel and Bosch. Being ambitious he desired to go into business for himself. After a short time as a traveling salesman for the Heyl Packing Co., he established a store in partnership with Mr. Schrimpf on St. Mary’s Boulevard. They operated this store for fourteen years. He dissolved the partnership in 1935 and purchased the stock and fixtures on Clark Avenue. Early in 1938 he established a meat market in connection with the store.
Mr. Renn was married in 1915 to Miss Mary Grafe of Meta. They had three children, Lucille, Charles and Josephine.
Frank Henry Rephlo
Frank Henry Rephlo was born in Cole County near Taos, December 11, 1842. His father, Bernard Rephlo was a native of Westphalia, Prussia; his mother, Helen Nieters of Hanover, Germany, from which places they immigrated to America in 1837. The father, Bernard Rephlo, was a stone mason and contractor; he helped to build the first Catholic Church at Taos, the material used being logs; the second church which he also assisted to build was of stone and the third (which now stands on the same historic spot) is of brick.
From Taos he moved to Wesphalia, Osage County, and while there build the stone church at that place. He was employed on the capitol building erected in Jefferson City in 1838. From Westphalia he came to Jefferson City in 1850, where he opened a general store in a log on the same ground where a substantial brick store and residence was later erected by his son at 501 West Main Street in 1884. On the death of Bernard Rephlo in 1858, his widow took charge of the business and continued with the assistance of her son, Frank Henry Rephlo. On the death of his mother in 1879, F. H. Rephlo succeeded to the business.
November 18, 1876, Frank was united in marriage to Josephine, daughter of Herman Haar, a stone mason and contractor of Jefferson City. Two sons were born to the couple, Joseph H. and Louis S.
Mr. Rephlo, in addition to his large mercantile interests was a stockholder and director in the Merchants’ Bank of Jefferson City, a stockholder and director in the Jefferson City Building and Loan Association, a stockholder in the Bridge and Transit Company and the Jefferson City Brick Company. He also owned a great deal of residential real estate in Jefferson City. He was a member of St. Peters Catholic Church.
William R. Rice
William R. Rice was born September 15, 1813 near Russellville, Logan County, KY. When he was six years old his family moved to St. Charles County, MO and then to Franklin County. As a young boy, William went to St. Louis where he learned the blacksmith trade with an uncle, John Owens, and with him moved to Springfield, IL where he continued as a blacksmith for several years.
He came to Cole County, MO in 1835, first engaging in blacksmithing at Russellville, sixteen miles southwest of the Capital City. He then came to Jefferson City where he had a blacksmith shop at 128 East High Street for a short time before moving to a farm on the Moreau, four miles south, where he conducted a blacksmith shop in connection with his farm.
He sold this farm in 1882 and moved to a farm near Jefferson City where he remained until 1899 when he moved to Jefferson City.
He was united in marriage in 1838 to Sarah Jane Gordon, and to this union were born ten children. Susan E. (Mrs. Menteer) and Mary F. (Mrs. B. Hampton), both of Jefferson City; Eliza M. (deceased); James A., a hotel keeper in West Plains; Robert B., a carpenter in Jefferson City; Martha A. (Mrs. G. M. Bagby), John T., a miner in Jasper County; George W., a carpenter in Warrensburg; Julia A. (Mrs. T. M. Hampton); and Jefferson D., a blacksmith living in Jefferson City. Mrs. Rice died December 23, 1865 and Mr. Rice died at his home on East McCarty, February 21, 1900.
J. L. Ritchie
Jacob Lee Ritchie was born on a farm near Prairie Home in Cooper County, June 21, 1864, where he continued until twenty-one years of age when he began farming. He rented a farm near his birthplace for four years, also running a threshing machine and saw mill. He moved to Moniteau County where he purchased a farm which he continued in connection with his saw mill and threshing machine. After four years he sold his interests and moved to Boone County, associating with C.A. Edwards in building a mill at Huntsdale. He sold his interest in this business to his partner about the time the village of Russellville offered him a bonus of about $1,000 and ground if he would establish a good roller mill there. He accepted the offer and built a complete fifty-barrel roller mill.
The wheat grown in that area was of exceptionally good quality and its popularity resulted in a demand for increased production capacity. As a result, he formed a partnership with Mr. W.A. Stark and doubled the capacity of the mill.
Mr. Ritchie was married July 26, 1885, to Miss Addie Belle Rains of Indiana, whose parents had recently relocated to Cooper County. Seven children were born of this union: sons Porter M. and Roy and daughters Marie, Lizie, Dora, Odie and Nannie.
He was a member of the MWA and banker of the Russellville Camp, a member and Elder of the Christian Church.
In 1900, Jacob L. Ritchie lived in this house with his wife Addie and their children. His mother-in-law, Henriette Choate was also living with them.
Francis William Roer
Francis William Roer (called William) was born in Jefferson City August 31, 1859. His early education was in the local schools and completed his schooling in Muenster, Germany, graduating in 1874. He returned to Jefferson City and worked for 12 years for H. Bockrath as a grocer’s clerk. He then went into the business of life and fire insurance in partnership with his father under the firm name of Francis Roer & Son.
He was city collector one term and served as a member of the city council. He was elected county clerk in 1889 and was subsequently re-elected.
He was married June 3, 1891, to Miss Anna A., daughter of Herman Tihen of Jefferson City. Four children were born to this union, Helen Mary, Marie Elizabeth, Sophia Hermine and Francis William Joseph. The family made their home at 220 Madison Street, the home where he was born.
Charles B. Ross
Charles B. Ross was born March 24, 1883, in Jefferson City, the son of John N. and Sarah Tuckley Ross. John N. Ross, born on 1842, died September 20, 1920, was a pioneer painter, paper hanger and decorator, working in that business for fifty years. He was the son of William and Nancy Ross. His father died when he was an infant and his mother brought her three children from Jeffersonville, Indiana to Jefferson City in 1843. (See sketch of Henry LePage for further history of the Ross family).
John N. Ross married Sarah J. Tuckley October 1, 1868. She was born in Boone County September 2, 1853, and died July 15, 1913. Her parents were Joseph and Jane Tuckley. Joseph Tuckley was born at Northhampton, England, June 27, 1821, and died August 9, 1868. Jane Nixon Tuckley was born in Cheshire, England, June 2, 1822. The Ross home was built by Adam Opal in 1864 and bought by John N. Ross in 1882.
Charles B. Ross worked at painting and decorating from the time he was thirteen years old. His services were in frequent demand in the capacity of supervisor by the state and federal governments and much work in the state capitol and other buildings was done under his direction.
Mr. Ross was married in October, 1907 to Miss Martha Catherine Smith, daughter of Thomas Jerome and Margaret Frances McDonald Smith. Her father was born in Pennsylvania October 16, 1856 and died in Jefferson City January 6, 1920. He was the son of John K. and Catherine Bryan Smith of Juanita County, Pennsylvania, who were married there in 1847. His wife was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald of Irish descent. She died in November, 1935, at the age of seventy-two.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross had two sons. Richard Joel, born December 25, 1909, followed his father’s profession. Charles B. Jr., graduated from the state university in the class of 1938 with a degree in business administration.
Adam Routszong
Adam Routszong was born near Frederick City, MD, February 11, 1836 and came to Cole County with his parents in 1840. They settled on a farm near Lohmnan where Adam received his education in the public schools. At the age of 20, Mr. Routszong began working for C.F. Lohman in his store. In 1860 he entered into partnership with A.W. Morrison, then treasurer of the State of Missouri, and opened a store at Morrison in Gasconade County, continuing for one year when he sold out and came back to Cole County.
During the Civil War he served with the State Militia. He was unable to join the regular service as he was crippled from boyhood by a white swelling, but did some hard service with the State troops in fighting the bushwhackers and raiders. He served as first sergeant in Company F, 9th Provincial Regiment, enrolled Missouri Militia from July 1, 1863 to November 30, 1863. After securing his discharge, he again went to work for Mr. Lohman and in the winter of 1865 was elected by the House of Representatives to the office of folder.
In May 1865 he began merchandising in Cedar City, and in 1866 was appointed postmaster of that community. In 1867 he sold his store and bought a farm near Elston where he remained until the spring of 1892 when he came to Jefferson City. He was appointed Notary Public by Governor Francis and in the fall of 1894 was elected Justice of the Peace of Jefferson Township. He was re-elected in 1898. He was also elected Police Judge in 1897, and continued this office until his death on October 5, 1899. He was buried in the National Cemetery.
Mr. Routszong was married in 1867 to Miss Harriet C. Penninger, daughter of William and Elizabeth Penninger of near Wardsville (formerly of Virginia). Six children were born to this union: William Levi, Sarah Elizabeth, John H., Harriet Leona, Susan Ellen and James P. Mr. Routszong was a member of the Presbyterian Church since 1869, and the Grand Army of the Republic.
Leslie Rudolph
Leslie Rudolph, former warden of the state penitentiary, was born in Cooper County, February 19, 1878. His father was Adam Rudolph, a native of West Virginia. When Adam Rudolph was a small boy his father moved with his family to Cooper County, where he died not long afterward. The three Rudolph brothers became widely known farmers and livestock dealers. Adam was the leader. While neither a politician nor an office seeker, he accepted the Republican nomination for presiding judge of the Cooper County Court, was elected and served four years. He died in 1916, aged sixty-eight.
Leslie, the oldest son of Adam and Ada George Rudolph, was born at the parental home near the town of Speed in Cooper County. He lived the usual life of a country boy, doing farm work and chores, and walking two miles to school. November 15, 1896, at the age of eighteen, he married Miss Daisy Hurt. Two years later he bought a farm on credit, and farmed until 1909 when he sold the place and moved to Boonville. The following year he was appointed guard at the state penitentiary under Henry Andrae as warden. Prison guards received at that time seventy-five dollars a month.
With the election of Elliot Major as governor, D.C. McClung was made warden, and the prison management being at that time political, he was removed and became night officer on the police force in his home town of Boonville where he served until 1918. In the meantime, under Governor Gardner, a non-political system of management under a board of three commissioners was effected. Under this system Mr. Rudolph was again made prison guard. He served as guard until 1921 when he was made yardmaster. In 1922 he became assistant deputy warden, and was made deputy warden in 1925. In 1926 he was made warden of the state penitentiary, in which capacity he served until February 28, 1933.
The January 1931 issue of True Detective magazine gave a thrilling account by a convict of “The Great Prison Mutiny” shortly before that time, telling how Mr. Rudolph, unarmed and alone, walked into the dining room filled with eight hundred howling, mutinous prisoners, ordered them to their cells then calmly turned around and walked out without looking back. “In ten minutes,” said the writer, “the room was empty.”
Upon retirement as warden, Mr. Rudolph engaged in the automobile business in Jefferson City. He and Mrs. Rudolph had one son, Hal, born May 12, 1898.
Henry Ruwart
Henry Ruwart was active in the business life of Jefferson City for forty years. He came to this city shortly after the close of the Civil War, in the latter portion of which he served with the Union army. He married Anna Boeckman, who preceded him in death by about four years. Mr. Ruwart was reared in St. Louis and there learned the saddle-tree trade in his youth.
On coming to Jefferson City, Mr. Ruwart was employed by the J.S. Sullivan Saddletree Company. Before the development of the automobile and tractor industry, this company was a major manufacturing industry of the city. Mr. Ruwart became a partner in this company within a comparatively short time and remained a partner for about forty years, or until he retired from business some time before his death.
Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ruwart. Jacob H., who married Miss Kate Prenger, died at the age of sixty-three. Henry, Jr., who married Miss Edna Priesmeyer, died at the age of sixty-six, leaving two children. Joseph married Cecilia Meyers and died at the age of fifty-eight leaving two children. One son, George, died at the age of four. Helen became the wife of James Young, son of a prominent Jefferson City physician, Dr. R.E. Young. They had one son, Robert H. Emma married Olga Meals and had two children. William M. married Inez Wilder, daughter of the former state auditor; they had eleven children and he worked as an insurance executive in Pittsburgh, PA. Anna married Hiram Sinclair Miller, son of Frank Miller, former Jefferson City architect. They had three children.
Ed A. Ruwart, fifth child of Henry and Anna Ruwart, was born in Jefferson City, September 22, 1879, and reared in this city. In 1912 he was married to Miss Berna Schneider, daughter of Mrs. Anna Schneider of Jefferson City. They had a son.
Mr. Ruwart in partnership with his brothers Joe and Will established the Ruwart Manufacturing Company in 1908, producing saddle goods. They learned the business under the direction of their father. The company for a time operated plants in Jefferson City and Denver. The Jefferson City plant ceased production in 1926. For two years after retiring from the manufacturing company Mr. Ruwart was in the insurance business in Baltimore. He later became manager of the Jefferson City Produce Company.
Rev. Jefferson Franklin Sage
Rev. Jefferson Franklin Sage was born in Louisville, KY in 1858, coming to Missouri when a youth. After the Civil War he lived with Mrs. Henry Godfrey in Warren County for three years. He then attended school at Jonesburg, and later learned the barber trade, working in different shops in Jonesburg, Warrenton and St. Charles. While in St. Charles he accepted a position in the car shops for three years (being the first man of color to work there), and also preaching for the A.M.E. Church, but was not licensed until 1879.
His first charge was O’Fallon Circuit where he remained a year and a half, and during his pastorate built a church house. He then went to Ashland, Boone County, MO for two years, enlarging the church and increasing the membership by fifty per cent. He then served Montgomery City one year and Richmond three years, where he increased the membership from 17 to 170 and remodeled and improved the church building. While in Richmond he also served as editor of the Richmond Critic, a weekly paper.
His next charge was Moberly, MO where he remained two years and during the first year 126 were converted. During his stay there he was editor and manager of the Christian Recorder. From here he was transferred to Lawrence, KS where, during his two years service he secured 118 additions and remodeled the church at a cost of $500.
He then served a congregation in Ottawa, KS and Lincoln NE, at the latter place securing 33 additions and paying off $1,000 on a debt of $3,300. After one year’s service at each of these places he went to Miami, MO where there were added 52 members. After two years there he came to Jefferson City on November 1, 1899.
Rev. Sage was married in 1871 to Miss Mary Alexander at St. Charles. This union was blessed with five children. Rev. and Mrs. Sage boarded at 318 E. Dunklin St. in Jefferson City.
Joseph Sailer
Joseph Sailer was a pioneer in the development of modern newspaper methods. Born in Callaway County December 28, 1873, he moved to Jefferson City when ten years old and when not quite fifteen was apprenticed as a printer in the Volksfreund, a German weekly of Jefferson City. Two years later he went to St. Louis where he worked at the printer’s trade for four years. He returned to Jefferson City and on May 18, 1894, with limited facilities and limited capital he established the Jefferson City Post, a Republican weekly newspaper printed in the German language.
July 15, 1908, Mr. Sailer published the first number of The Daily Post. This strong Republican organ immediately set a modern trend in typography, in headlines, in news handling and in editorial content. It was active in support of Herbert Hadley for Governor, who carried Cole County by a good majority. It was the first Jefferson City newspaper to print telegraphic reports from a regular news service (United Press), and was the first Jefferson City newspaper to become a member of the Associated Press.
J. H. Edwards, veteran newspaper man, in an article published in the Post-Tribune November 4, 1927, said, “The Post was started by Joseph Sailer and was the first daily to discover the secret of making both ends meet on the then somewhat limited advertising available.” The Post was eventually sold and incorporated into the Post-Tribune.
Mr. Sailer was a member of St. Peter’s Church, a charter member of Helias Council No. 1054 of the Knights of Columbus and of the Fourth Degree Assembly of that order. He was also a member of the International Typographical Union.
Mrs. Joseph Sailer aided materially in the management of the paper and others who contributed to its growth with many years of loyal service—even through the trying period of World War I when help was hard to get—were Herman S. Sailer, compositor; Arthur H. Adams, linotype operator, and Eugene Branditz, pressman. Reporting was done by Lawrence R. Lutkewitte. A prominent Jefferson Citian, Henry C. Asel, served the paper in its early years as cub reporter and advertising salesman.
Henry Sailer, the father of Joseph Sailer, was born July 23, 1844, at Heuweiler, near Freiburg, Germany. He immigrated to Ontario, Canada, at the age of twenty-three and there married Miss Mary Ann Schefter on February 22, 1870. They came to Missouri soon after their marriage and located in Jefferson City, later moving to a farm three miles north of Cedar City where they resided more than ten years and then returned to Jefferson City. Henry Sailer died June 15, 1919, survived by the widow and seven children: Joseph, Sister Mary Angeline and Sister Mary Louise of the Ursuline Order, Mrs. R. F. Boehme, Mrs. F. W. Vogel, Mrs. M. E. Steele and Miss Florence Sailer. His widow, who was born in Ontario July 26, 1853, died May 21, 1934. She was the mother of ten children, two of whom died in infancy, and a son, Herman S. Sailer, who died September 30, 1917, at the age of thirty-four.
Joseph Sailer was married April 27, 1903 at St. George’s Church in Hermann to Miss Emily Oncken. Mrs. Sailer was the daughter of Francis H. W. Oncken who was born in Elwuerden, Grand Duchy of Oldenburg, Germany October 22, 1829. He came to this country in 1851, settled on a farm and conducted a store at Stolpe, Gasconade County. Later moving to Hermann, he was made probate judge of Gasconade County, holding that office seventeen years. He was mayor of Hermann for a number of years. In the Civil War he was captain of Company A, 34th Regiment. October 15, 1860, he married Amanda Doyon who became the mother of twelve children and who died January 2, 1914. She was born May 8, 1843, the daughter of Joseph Doyon, pioneer merchant of Hermann. Born in Quebec July 15, 1808, Joseph Doyon came to Hermann in 1841 and in 1842 married Catherine Krecker who was born in Philadelphia May 27, 1811.
John H. Sanning
John H. Sanning was born in Germany about 1829. His parents were Francis Leopold Sanning (1799-1873) and Anna Margaretha Jansen (1805-1875). They were parents of three children including John H. Sanning 1829-1914 m. Adalaide Bruenning; Anna Maria Sanning 1833-1865 m. Bernard Rackers; and Anna Helena Sanning 1837-1920 m. William John Berendzen. No record was found of other children but it is likely others may have died in infancy.
A descendant of this family traced the Sanning family history backward in time through two more generations, all natives of Germany. Leopold Sanning and Anna Adelheide Korte were the great grandparents of John; Johann Heinrich Sanning and Anna Maria Brunner were the grandparents of John; and Francis Leopold Sanning and Anna Margaretha Jansen were the parents of John.
When Francis Leopold and Margaretha Sanning came to America they settled in Cole County with their three children. During the Civil War both father and son served with the Union army. Francis was a Captain in Co. F First Regiment of the Missouri Home Guards and John also served with the Home Guards. If Francis actually were a soldier in that war, he would have been over 60 years old! Francis died in Cole County in 1873 at the age of 74 years and his wife, Margaretha, died in 1875 and was 70 years old.
John H. Sanning married Adalaide Bruenning (1841-1914) in Cole County and they were parents of several children. According to his obituary, taken from The Jefferson City Capitol News and reprinted in The Eldon Advertiser in 1914, John amassed a considerable amount of property in Cole County in the Schuberts area. His huge farm was considered one of the best in that section of the state.
The children of John and Adalaide were Francis/Frank Sanning, John Henry Sanning Jr., Herman Sanning, Anton Sanning, Peter Sanning, Joseph Sanning, Bernard J. Sanning, and Mary (Sanning) Kroll. Four of their sons (Frank, Bernard/Ben, Anton, and Peter) moved to the Marys Home area in Miller County; John Henry Jr. was cashier of the bank at Eugene; Herman lived at Taos; Joseph and his widowed sister, Mary, were living with their father when he died in 1914.
John H. Sanning died at his home on the Osage River, near Schuberts, on November 11, 1914 at the age of 86 years. His wife of many years, Adalaide (Bruenning) Sanning died in January 1914. Both are buried at the Taos’ St. Francis Xavier church cemetery.
NOTE: John’s sister, Anna Helena Sanning, married William John Berendzen in Cole County in 1854. They later moved to Mary’s Home and died there. They are buried at Our Lady of the Snows church cemetery. Today there are many people living in the Mary’s Home community who are descendants of the Sanning and Berendzen families.
C. F. Sappenfield
C. F. Sappenfield was born on a farm near Russellville on July 15, 1892, the son of H.C. and Mary Roark Sappenfield, both natives of Cole County. He attended the country schools and in 1913 came to Jefferson City. He tried a number of trades and went into business as a sheet metal worker with R. Q. Kist, who had started his business a short time before. Sappenfield learned the business thoroughly and later started in the same trade under his own name. In 1922 he took as a partner, N. P. Sims and the firm became prominent in Jefferson City as sheet metal workers.
Mr. Sappenfield was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, was on the Board of Stewards at the Methodist Church and an active member and trustee of the Odd Fellows Lodge. He was married to Miss Sadie Jones on October 23, 1912. The couple had three daughters, Ruth, Claudean and Betty Jean.
Dot Sappington
The Central Dairy and Ice Cream Company was established in 1932 by Dot Sappington who served as president. His son Harry was vice-president, and his son-in-law, Eddie Tallent, secretary Treasurer. Mr. Sappington began working in the dairy business in 1905 and his children were virtually brought up in the business. He organized the Central Dairy in Columbia, which he operated until he organized the company here.
He was born in Cedar Township, Boone County, in 1878, coming of the same ancestral stock which produced the celebrated pioneer Doctor John Sappington of Saline County, the originator of quinine pills as treatment for malaria and ague who realized a fortune from that innovation. Dot Sappington married Lula Maupin of Boone County in 1902. They had seven children. Roy, who was with Central Dairy of Columbia, married Sue Alexander. Dorothy married Joe Holsinger and they lived in Dayton, Ohio. Harry, vice-president of Central Dairy, married Ruby Piper. Guy, a member of the faculty at the state university, married Virginia Strong. A. D. Sappington, a lawyer of Columbia, married Eddie Edmonston. Helen was the wife of Eddie Tallent. Spencer attended the University of Missouri.
Mrs. Sappington died in 1920, and the following year Mr. Sappington married Miss Bessie Pyle. They had a daughter, Rozalie. Mr. Sappington’s father, Felix Sappington, married Eliza Nichols, daughter of a Boone County pioneer who with his twelve children settled in the same neighborhood as the Sappingtons.
Henry F. Sarman
Henry Franklin Sarman was born on a farm near California in Moniteau County, June 27, 1857. His parents moved to St. Louis in 1861 where they remained during the Civil War, returning in 1865 to California where Henry remained until 17 years of age, attending the public schools. In 1874 he moved to Jefferson City for the purpose of learning the business of manufacturing cigars.
The following five years he was with William Rose and then three years with Wendell Straub. In 1882 he began his own business manufacturing cigars and running a retail establishment. His first place of business was 218 East High Street and after a year he moved to 205 East High Street where he continued until 1896 when he purchased a building at 221 Madison.
Mr. Sarman was united in marriage March 17, 1880, to Miss Frances J. Read of Jefferson City, a daughter of G.W. Read, whose death left her an orphan in early childhood. She was adopted and reared by an uncle, Capt. J.T. Rogers of Jefferson City. The Sarmans had three children, Bessie, Mamie and Henry F. Jr., the youngest. Mr. Sarman was a member and one of the organizers of the first Christian Science Church, where he served as clerk.
He was also a member of the Cigar-makers Union and secretary of the local organization. He was one of the original members of the Single Tax League of Jefferson City, and a close student of the ideas advocated by Henry George on the subject of taxation. The family resided at 229 East Main Street.
Paul A. Schaefer
Paul A. Schaefer, son of Rev. Henry A.E. Schaefer and Martha Erck, was born in St. Louis, Missouri, September 23, 1888. He was educated in the parochial schools of St. Louis, taking business courses and shorthand, and a law course by mail of the American University of Los Angeles, California.
After holding a number of minor positions with business enterprises, he became connected with the Central Missouri Trust Company in 1903. He was elected assistant treasurer of that bank in 1911, and treasurer in 1918, and director in 1932. He also served as treasurer of Lincoln University. He was a member of the Jefferson City Chamber of Commerce, treasurer of the Jefferson City public library, treasurer for twenty-six years of the Trinity Lutheran Church. He was a charter member and president of the Jefferson City Kiwanis Club and chairman of the club’s Underprivileged Child Committee.
Paul A. Schaefer was untied in marriage to Miss Eleanor Tuegel of St. Louis September 7, 1911. To this union four children were born: Eleanor Ruth, Paul James, Ralph Henry and Irma Mae.
Earl F. Schaffner
Earl F. Schaffner founded Capital City Brick Company when he came to Jefferson City in 1928. He was born at Berger, Franklin County October 16, 1899, the son of Herman and Annie Danuser Schaffner. Herman Schaffner, whose parents came to Missouri prior to the Civil War, died in 1914 at the age of forty. His widow died in April 1938, at the age of sixty-five. Both were members of the Methodist Church. Both were natives of Franklin County and of Swiss ancestry.
E. F. Schaffner was married in 1925 to Miss Hedwig Engelbrecht, daughter of Ernst and Amanda Boeger Engelbrecht of Gasconade County. Her father, a leading citizen of his county, died in 1928 at the age of fifty-eight. Her mother lived in the town of Ray in Gasconade County. Mr. and Mrs. Schaffner had two children: James, born April 9, 1926 and David born August 26, 1936.
Mr. Schaffner attended Central Wesleyan College at Warrenton. Mrs. Schaffner was a graduate of the same college. He worked for the International Shoe Company at Herman for about five years, following which he was secretary and treasurer of the Oklahoma-Texas Refining Company. He left Oklahoma in 1927 to become general manager of the All-Locking Zinc Shingle Company in Gasconade County. The following year he organized Capital City Brick Company.
The company’s plant was located on Ten Mile Drive. In addition to bricks he also manufactured decorative and ornamental stone designed for fireplaces and various other uses.
John M. Schaper
John M. Schaper, Jefferson City architect, first began in business here in 1932. Among the public buildings that he planned were the county jail and sheriff residence, the remodeled city hall, the two fire station buildings, the penitentiary warehouse building and St. Peters’ Selinger Center Auditorium-Gymnasium building. In addition to public schools and various types of commercial buildings he also designed numerous homes in central Missouri.
Mr. Schaper was born in Washington, Franklin County, June 3, 1902. After completing public school work in the town of Washington, he studied architecture at Washington University, St. Louis, after which he located in Washington, MO in 1930, coming here two years later. For a time he was associated with B. F. Olson, architect of Chicago. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, the Lions’ Club and the Presbyterian Church.
Mr. Schaper was the son of Judge Jesse H. Schaper, who was born near Troy in Lincoln County in 1865, the son of William and Julia Sandfes Schaper, both natives of Germany. Judge Schaper graduated from the state university school of law in 1892 and located in Washington for the practice of that profession. He married Jessie Martin, born at Union in 1869, daughter of Judge John R. and Mary Ackerman Martin, both being originally from New Brunswick, New Jersey. Judge Martin, a leading attorney, was appointed by Governor Fletcher to be the first probate judge of Franklin County. Mrs. Jessie Schaper was educated at Synodical College, Fulton, and taught in the public schools at Washington prior to her marriage.
In April 1919, John M. Schaper was married to Lucylle Frances Neher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Neher of Frankfort, Indiana. Mr. Neher was for many years an auditor for the Nickle Plate Railroad Company.
Peter J. Schell
Peter J. Schell was the son of Judge Simon N. Schell who was the son of Simon and Mary Laux Schell. Simon Schell was born in Bavaria in 1794, his wife in 1801. They immigrated to New York in 1831, thence to Virginia, thence to Ohio where Judge Simon N. Schell was born February 18, 1840. In 1841 the family came to Cole County. Simon Schell was a weaver, merchant and farmer, and while in the old country was a musician in the Bavarian army. He died in 1872, his wife in 1868.
Simon N. Schell married Miss Elizabeth Wankum in April 1863. Eleven children were born to them. Judge Schell was a farmer and for many years a merchant at St. Thomas where during his later years his sons were associated with him in business. He was a Democrat and served as district judge and as presiding judge of the county court of Cole County. He was a member of the Catholic Church, and served in the Home Guards in the Civil War. Judge Schell died at his home at St. Thomas in 1925, his wife in 1931.
Peter J. Schell was born at St. Thomas April 13, 1880. He attended school at St. Thomas and St. Elizabeth, attended the St. Louis Commercial College and the Kunkel Conservatory of Music. During his youth he was in the store at St. Thomas with his father.
In 1904 he was appointed deputy county collector under Sam Sone, and served four years in that office. In 1908 he was elected county treasurer of Cole County and held that office for eight years. Meanwhile about 1909 he had started a music store, which for about two years was conducted in partnership with Leo Holtschneider. In 1911 the Schell and Sons Trading Co. of St. Thomas acquired the interest of Leo Holtschneider, and the partnership of the Schell Music Co. was established with Mr. Schell as manager, and was conducted under his management until 1933, when he acquired the interests of his brothers, and carried on the business, assisted by his wife, under the original name of Schell Music Co.
Peter J. Schell was married in 1930 to Miss Nora L. Vossen, a native of Osage County, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Vossen. In addition to his other business activities Mr. Schell taught music and tuned pianos. The store was located at the corner of Jefferson and Dunklin streets.
Ferdinand Schleer
Ferdinand Schleer was born July 18, 1833 in Baden Germany. His parents were Joseph and Mary A. (Weiss) Schleer who were natives of Baden. His education was in the schools of his native town. After his father’s death his mother married George F. Weiser.
Mr. Schleer immigrated to America in 1857, coming directly to Jefferson City, his stepfather being a rebel and fugitive on account of the insurrection in Baden in 1852, preceded him and later died in 1859.
In June, after his arrival here, he learned the tinner’s trade, working as an apprentice for three years with Andraes Gundelfinger in different shops. After working a few months with F.W. Mayer he went to St. Louis, working at his trade from 1863 until 1868, when he returned to Jefferson City where he worked for F.W. Mayer for two years. In 1871 he engaged in the hardware business in partnership with George Watts, under the firm name of Watts & Schleer, continuing until 1879 when Mr. Schleer purchased his partern’s interest. He served in the Home Guards for three months under Major W.H. Lusk of this city. He was a member of St. Peter’s Church.
Mr. Schleer was married July 2, 1865 to Miss Katherine Boumgard. She died July 24, 1873, leaving a daughter, Bettie, who also died December 28, 1899. He again married in 1876 to Miss Emma Weager and six children were born of this union: Joseph, Ferdinand Jr., Julius, Sophia, Clara and Morris. The family resided at 213 West Dunklin Street.
George Schneider
George Schneider, of Schneider Brothers-Russellville Hotel, was born on a farm near Taos on May 12, 1857, where he was raised. He engaged in farming near Shipley Shoals for five years then purchased a farm near Brazito.
He associated with his brother, Louis, in the hotel business at Russellville in April 1898, where he made his home, renting the Brazito farm property. He was married March 13, 1887, to Miss Katie Schubert, sister of M. Schubert, President of the Schubert-Weyler Mercantile Company of Russellville. He had three children: Albert, Mary and John.
Louis Schneider
Louis Schneider, of Schneider Brothers-Russellville Hotel, was born on a farm in near Taos Cole County, May 15, 1869. His education was in the neighboring schools. As an adult he engaged in farming until 1897 when he disposed of his agricultural interested and moved to Russellville, building a large brick hotel where he lived and conducted his business.
The hotel building was 50 by 86 feet, two stories with the front being of St. Louis pressed brick. It was opened to the public April 2, 1898, and receipts on that date were nearly $200.
Mr. Schneider was married July 4, 1899 to Mrs. Katie Schneider.
Herbert Schubert
Herbert Schubert was a descendant of the pioneer family for whom the town of Schubert was named. His great-grandfather, Lorenz Schubert, a native of Germany came to this county as a young man, acquired land in eastern Cole County and later established a store, operating both farm and store. He married a Wagner, a member of the family which operated a brewery while the county was still young.
George, the son of Lorenz Schubert, was born on his father’s homestead in the 1840s. He spent his life in this community, dying at the age of sixty-seven. His wife’s maiden name was Weith. George Schubert also farmed and operated the store. The latter was located on a natural arterial highway eight miles east of Jefferson City and the St. Louis state line ran by its door. Other houses were later built here forming the town of Schubert.
Martin Schubert, son of George Schubert, was born on his father’s farm June 30, 1871. He too spent his life in this community, a farmer and merchant, passing away February 4, 1938. He was married to Emma Wilferth, a native of this county and the daughter of Nicholas and Mary Wilferth. Mrs. Schubert’s father was a native of Cole County and her mother was born in Ohio.
Herbert Schubert was a representative of the American Agricultural Chemical Company with headquarters in Kansas City. He was the second of the four children of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schubert. The other children were Martha, Charles and George.
Michael Schubert
Michael Schubert was born on a farm near Taos in Cole County September 25, 1869, where he was reared and attended the public and private German school in the nearby village. At the age of 24 he associated in the mercantile business for four years with F. Steffens, at Decatur. They dissolved the partnership and he moved to Barnett, Morgan County, where he purchased a stock of goods and continued a most successful business the following six years.
He moved to Russellville in 1895 where he was one of the organizers of the Russellville Exchange Bank, where he was cashier for two years. He was also engaged in the furniture and hardware business, which assumed such proportions that he resigned his bank position in order to give his whole attention to the business. In 1897, in order to accommodate the stock for his increasing business, he extended his store building. In the fall of 1898 Mr. Weiler, who later became associated with him in the business, rented one of his store rooms and engaged in the general dry goods business. The association and observation resulting from their close business relations developed a mutual respect and confidence which resulted in their uniting their mercantile interests and incorporating under the name of the Schubert-Weiler Mercantile Company. This became recognized as the largest and best appointed department store in the county.
Mr. Schubert was married September 29, 1899, to Miss Mary, daughter of Martin and Katherine Schneider of Taos. They had one daughter, Frieda; Mary died in 1893. He then married Miss Emma Kautsch of Lohman on May 11, 1897 and they had three sons, Almer, Hugo and Clarence, and one daughter, Nelde. Mr. Schubert was a member of the M.W.A. and the Lutheran Church. The family resided in Russellville.
J. Herman Schulte
J. Herman Schulte, a native of Jefferson City, operated a grocery store at 700 East McCarty. His parents were early pioneers of Cole County. His father, Henry H. Schulte, was born in Taos October 25, 1848 and in 1875 moved to Jefferson City where he became connected with the G. H. Dulle Milling Company. H remained with that company more than forty years. Henry H. Schulte was married to Kathryn Brand who was born on a farm near Taos, May 15, 1851. She died December 6, 1887, her husband June 10, 1919. Henry Schulte was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Schulte, natives of Hanover, Germany.
J. H. Schulte was born August 19, 1878. He attended St. Peter’s school, and when through school worked as delivery boy and clerk in a grocery store. October 18, 1902 he went into the grocery business for himself at the junction of McCarty and Lafayette streets.
Mr. Schulte was married to Miss Emma A. Clibourn on June 11, 1901. They had three children: Dr. Clibourn H. Schulte, born December 14, 1903; Adolph H., born September 16, 1905, and Cecil F. Schulte who was born June 14, 1907. Mrs. Schulte also came from a pioneer Cole County family. Her father, Charles Clibourn, was born in this county November 18, 1842, and died December 24, 1918. Her mother, whose maiden name was Ella Pratt, was born at Aurora, Illinois, March 1, 1850, and died December 23, 1915. (see sketch of Clibourn Family).
John W. Schulte
John William Schulte was born on a farm near Taos in Cole County, January 19, 1845. At the death of his father, J.G. Schulte, a few months after his birth, his widowed mother, Anna Marie, sold the farm and moved to Jefferson City. She was later united in marriage to Mr. G.H. Dulle, then living on a farm in the western suburbs of the city. John was reared on this farm and educated in the Catholic schools in Jefferson City.
He continued on the farm until he was twenty-four, when he entered his step-father’s business, Dulle Milling Company. He acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to manage the business. When G. H. Dulle died in 1885, the business was incorporated and John became one of the principal stockholders, Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager.
April 21, 1868, Mr. Schulte was united in marriage to Miss Agnes, daughter of Peter and Marie Theresa Reisdorff, whose home was near Lohman. Surviving children of this union were Gerhard Herman , Theresa Agnes (wife of Thomas F. Roach), Clara Louise and Marie Pauline. Three other children born to Mr. and Mrs Schulte, two girls and one boy, died in infancy.
Mr. Schulte was a member of St. Peter’s Catholic Church. In addition to his milling interests, he was a stockholder and Director and Vice President of the Bockrath Shoe Company. The family lived at 221 West High Street.
Carl F. Schultz
Carl F. Schultz, native of Jefferson City and a son of a pioneer merchant, was born February 22, 1885. In 1900 he went to work for the Priesmeyer Shoe Company which later became Tweedie Footwear Corporation. Two years later he was employed by the Central Missouri Trust Company, and in 1905 by the DeWyl drug store, one of Jefferson City’s oldest concerns. In 1909 he passed the test of the state board of pharmacy.
In 1923 Mr. Schultz became a partner in the business with Henry DeWyl, his uncle. The store was established about 1862 by Mr. DeWyl’s father, who was an officer of the Union army. Mr. Schultz’s father erected the building the store occupied. He built it as a grocery and residence; Carl Schultz was born in this residence.
He was a director of the Chamber of Commerce, president of the Kiwanis Club, Worshipful Master of the Masonic Lodge, member of Odd Fellows, president of the Boy Scout Executive Board. He was a member of the Christian Church. He took an active interest in agriculture through membership in the Farm Bureau and was chairman of the agricultural committee of the Chamber of Commerce and the Kiwanis Club.
Theodore E. Schultz, father of Carl F. Schultz, was born in Berlin, October 4, 1843. Coming to America at the age of fourteen, he settled in Orville, Ohio. He came to Missouri before the Civil War and engaged in the general mercantile business until the war broke out when he enlisted in Company H, Forty-eighth Missouri Volunteer Infantry. When the war was over he resumed his mercantile business, first at Marion and later in Jefferson City where he conducted a grocery. October 10, 1883, he married Miss Anna S. DeWyl. Three sons were born to them, Carl F., Otto T. and Paul J. Schultz. Theodore, who died October 23, 1910, was the son of Edward T. Schultz, born in Prussia, June 8, 1819, died in Kansas City, March 26, 1901. Edward T. Schultz married Johanna Stolle, born at Koethen, Germany December 1, 1816, died about 1880 in Camden County.
Anna DeWyl Schultz was born at Osage Bluff, Cole County, April 2, 1859, and died March 12, 1927. She was the daughter of Dr. Nicholas DeWyl, who was a pioneer doctor, druggist and merchant of this county and city. He was born July 9, 1830, in Achen, Prussia and died in Jefferson City December 23, 1905. His wife was Josephine Kallenbacher, born in Baden Germany July 21, 1835, died in Jefferson City March 12, 1897.
Carl F. Schultz was married to Miss Mabel Cruzen of Warrensburg June 8, 1910. They had two children. Helen Louise graduated from the state university in 1935 and February 20, 1937, married William P. Barnett. Richard DeWyl Schultz graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 1938.
Mrs. Schultz was the daughter of George Richard Cruzen, born at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia, November 18, 1844, died June 8, 1936. He was a son of Richard Richardson Cruzen and Arelia Wayne North. He married Lucinda Mildred Elder of Richmond, Kentucky, daughter of John Miles and Emily Moore Elder. She was born July 31, 1849 and died November 20, 1911.
Cliff G. Scruggs
Cliff G. Scruggs of the Scruggs-Guhleman Lumber Company was born in Jefferson City April 1, 1886 about a hundred feet from the corner of High and Monroe streets. As a boy he carried newspapers for an agency owned by Mrs. May Corwin. Graduating from high school in 1903, he at once secured a job with the Philipp Ott and Son Lumber Company for which he worked until 1918.
In 1918 he formed a corporation and purchased the lumber business of the George D. Hope Lumber Company of Kansas City located at the southeast corner of Jefferson and McCarty streets. The firm grew and established yards in Linn and Freeburg, Missouri.
Mr. Scruggs served four years as president of the Chamber of Commerce and eighteen years on its board of directors. He was president of the Rotary, president of the Capital City Highway Bridge Company, director of the Southwest Lumbermen’s Association and president of the Central Missouri Lumber Dealers’ Association.
Mr. Scruggs was the son of William H. and Josephine B. Scruggs. His father, who was born and reared near Jefferson City, worked for forty years as a conductor for the Missouri Pacific Railroad. He died in 1919 at the age of sixty. His mother, whose parents were John W. and Ada Stone, long time residents of Cole County, died in 1907 at the age of forty-five. His paternal grandfather was Marshall Scruggs, who was killed in action at Nashville, Tennessee while serving as a cavalry officer in the Confederate army. His paternal grandmother was Rebecca Maus whose father emigrated from Germany with Carl Schurz.
Mr. Scruggs was married in 1915 to Miss Margaret Nacy, daughter of Thomas and Mary Nacy. Thomas Nacy came to Jefferson City about fifty years ago and was one of the pioneers in establishing the shoe manufacturing business in the penitentiary for the Geisecke Shoe Manufacturing Company. He came originally from Canada by way of Chicago. Mrs. Nacy was born in Baltimore, Maryland, and grew up in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Scruggs had two children. Virginia Mary graduated from Fontbonne College in St. Louis. John Clifford attended St. Peter’s High School. Mr. Scruggs had a brother, John M. Scruggs, and a sister, Mrs. Stella M. Fogg, both of whom lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Miss Mathilda Dallmeyer Shelden
Mrs. Mathilde Dallmeyer Shelden was born and reared in Jefferson City, daughter of Louise Schmidt and Rudolph Dallmeyer. Her maternal grandparents settled here in 1838 her grandfather, Frank Schmidt having a prominent part in the development of the city. Some of the largest buildings, including the Madison Hotel and stores at 206, 208 and 210 East High Street and an office building known as the Dallmeyer Building were built by him. Mrs. Shelden’s father (see Dallmeyer sketch), was an ardent booster for Jefferson City and served many years in various civic organizations.
Miss Dallmeyer attended National Park Seminary at Washington, D.C. for two years after leaving the Jefferson City High School. For some years she served as president of the Art Club of Jefferson City of which she was a charter member. On her return from boarding school she was elected secretary of the Provident Association. Always an active member of the Presbyterian Church, she served as both treasurer and president of the Women’s Guild, and was on the board of trustees at the time of her marriage.
She was a pioneer in the suffrage movement in the state, and was delegate to the first national conference of Republicans in Washington, D.C. to which women were invited in 1919. She was vice-president of the Republican Clubs of Missouri and a member of the first Republican committees, state and county, that had women members.
Mathilda Dallmeyer, was united in marriage July 7, 1920, to Dr. Frank Elwin Shelden of Kansas City, Missouri. They had a son, Russell Dallmeyer Shelden born in 1921. From 1908 the family resided in Kansas where Doctor Shelden practiced orthodontia.
Andrew Jackson Shockley
Andrew Jackson Shockley was born on a farm near Milan, Ripley County, Indiana, March 12, 1834. He was raised and educated there. When twenty-one years of age he came to Linn Creek, Camden County, where he was employed by former Governor McClurg as a cooper until 1861, when he returned to Indiana where he remained for three years, engaged in farming.
He returned to Missouri in 1867, renting a farm in the river bottom near Carrollton, where he continued until 1869 when he moved to DeWitt, engaging in the livery and implement business. Disposing of his interests in 1875, he moved to Jefferson City where he engaged in the hardware business, the firm being Shockley & Wilson.
In 1878 he purchased the interest of his partner and continued the business until 1881, when he disposed of his stock of hardware and purchased a farm near Jefferson City. After three years he returned to Jefferson City and again engaged in the hardware business. Disposing of his stock in 1886, he moved to Carrollton, MO where he continued in the hardware business until 1892. He returned to Jefferson City and continued in the same business until July 1899.
Mr. Shockley was married December 28, 1860, to Miss Rebecca Tipton of Camden County who died 23 years later, leaving one daughter, Minnie Shockley who was a teacher in the public schools of Jefferson City. In 1885, Mr. Shockley married Miss Laura, daughter of Maj. J.B. Ruthven of Cole County. Their three children were Ruthven, Nola and Lee Johnston.
Mr. Shockley was a member of the Baptist Church. During the administration of Governors Crittenden and Marmaduke he was door-keeper of the Senate. He sold his home on East High Street around 1900 and moved his family to Joplin, Jasper County, MO.
Andrew Jackson Shockley was born on a farm near Milan, Ripley County, Indiana, March 12, 1834. He was raised and educated there. When twenty-one years of age he came to Linn Creek, Camden County, where he was employed by former Governor McClurg as a cooper until 1861, when he returned to Indiana where he remained for three years, engaged in farming.
He returned to Missouri in 1867, renting a farm in the river bottom near Carrollton, where he continued until 1869 when he moved to DeWitt, engaging in the livery and implement business. Disposing of his interests in 1875, he moved to Jefferson City where he engaged in the hardware business, the firm being Shockley & Wilson.
In 1878 he purchased the interest of his partner and continued the business until 1881, when he disposed of his stock of hardware and purchased a farm near Jefferson City. After three years he returned to Jefferson City and again engaged in the hardware business. Disposing of his stock in 1886, he moved to Carrollton, MO where he continued in the hardware business until 1892. He returned to Jefferson City and continued in the same business until July 1899.
Mr. Shockley was married December 28, 1860, to Miss Rebecca Tipton of Camden County who died 23 years later, leaving one daughter, Minnie Shockley who was a teacher in the public schools of Jefferson City. In 1885, Mr. Shockley married Miss Laura, daughter of Maj. J.B. Ruthven of Cole County. Their three children were Ruthven, Nola and Lee Johnston.
Mr. Shockley was a member of the Baptist Church. During the administration of Governors Crittenden and Marmaduke he was door-keeper of the Senate. He sold his home on East High Street around 1900 and moved his family to Joplin, Jasper County, MO.
Alfred C. Shoup
Alfred C. Shoup was born on a farm near Mansfield in Richmond County, Ohio, July 2, 1853, the son of Henry and Mary Shoup. The family moved to Jefferson City when Alfred was six and he received his early education in the public schools until age 13. When not at school he assisted his father who was a woolen manufacturer. At the age of 13 he entered the employ of Louis Conrath, a confectioner of Jefferson City, continuing two years when he went to work for Mr. Zuber, also a confectioner and caterer.
In 1870 he entered the office of the People’s Tribune as an apprentice, the proprietors at that time being Regan & Howes. He was promoted to the position of foreman of the job department in 1872 where he continued until 1884, when Mr. Henry W. Ewing purchased a controlling interest in the Tribune Printing Company. Mr. Ewing promoted him to Business Manager of the entire plant, which included in its scope the Daily and Weekly Tribune. When Mr. Ewing died, changes occurred in the company. On June 1, 1899, in connection with others, most of whom were associated with him at the Tribune, he organized the Press Printing Company, of which he was President and Business Manager.
He was married December 6, 1882, to Miss Emma, daughter of Mrs. Louisa C. Murrain of Linneus, Linn County, MO. They became the parents of four children: Estelle M., Claude H. and Hermia surviving. Ralph was drowned in a pool August 4, 1896 at the age of 8. The family’s home was at the corner of Dunklin and Adams streets.
Henry William Sieling
Henry W. Sieling, who was President and Treasurer of the Sieling Dry Goods Company of Jefferson City, was born in St. Louis April 1, 1872. He attended the public schools there until fourteen years of age, when he entered the dry goods house of Hagardine-McKittrick & Co., where he remained until age eighteen. At that time he went on the road selling dry goods to the merchants of Central Missouri.
He continued this work until 1896 when he became a stockholder of the R. Dallmeyer Dry Goods Co. and secretary of the corporation. He continued until 1898 when Mr. Dallmeyer moved his store location. Henry disposed of his interest in the R. Dallmeyer Dry Goods Co. and organized the Sieling-Brenneisen Dry Goods Company with his brother and Mr. John Brenneisen. They did a prosperous business until January 1900 when, after a disastrous fire, Mr. Brenneisen disposed of his interest to Miss Ida Grieshammer, who became Secretary.
After adjusting their losses with the insurance companies the firm of Sieling-Brenneisen Dry Goods Co. was changed to the Sieling Dry Goods Co., with increase of capital stock to fifteen thousand dollars. Mr. Sieling continued as President and Treasurer, his brother, Arthur Sieling of St. Louis, Vice-President.
Henry Sieling was married January 5, 1895, to Miss Lulu, daughter of Clark Guffy, a Cole County Farmer. She was the grand-daughter of Capt. William H. Bradbury for many years Warden of the penitentiary and niece of Thomas Bradbury who was Deputy Warden in 1900.
In 1900 he lived at 816 East High Street with his wife and two children, Mary Frances and Arthur Price.
Ernest Simonsen
Ernest Simonsen was born near Halmstad, Sweden, November 30, 1858. He attended elementary school there until 1875 when he was admitted to the Technical School at Orebro, Sweden, from which he graduated as a mechanical engineer in 1878. He worked as mechanical draftsman at Halmstad’s Mekaniska Verkstad until 1881, when he left Sweden and came to America.
He worked for short periods for some machine manufacturing firms of the East in the capacity of machinist, with a view toward gaining more knowledge of the ways of his adopted country. In 1882 he engaged as mechanical draftsman with the Bridgeport Machine Tool Works at Bridgeport CT. He held this position for two years before he was made general superintendent of the works. He resigned in 1888 to accept a job as general superintendent of the Ingersoll-Sergeant Rock Drill Co., of New York. He remained until May 1, 1889, when he made a trip to Europe where he visited his native home and attended the Paris Exposition, returning to America the following October.
He came to Jefferson City in 1889 and purchased what was known as the Jefferson City Foundry, and continued the business under the name of the Simonsen-Walther Mfg. Co. In January 1894, he engaged with Mr. P.H. Loethen in scientific heating under the firm name of Jefferson Heating Co., doing a general hot water and steam heating business, managing both companies until 1898, when he disposed of the foundry business in order to give more attention to heating contracting. Among their many important contracts were the Cole County Court House, Gasconade County Court House, four buildings of the Lincoln Institute, Missouri Pacific Passenger Station, State Armory, Exchange Bank, Dallmeyer Building, Realty Building and a number of private residences, also Eitzen’s building in California, MO.
Mr. Simonsen was a Republican, but not active in politics. He was a member of the Commercial Club where he served as President from 1897-1898; was director and Vice-President of the Capital City Building and Loan Association; director of the Jefferson City Bridge and Transit Company. He became a Mason in Sweden in 1880 where he maintained his membership in St. John Lodge “Oscar” in Halmstad, and was a member of the Jefferson City Royal Arch Chapter, No. 34, Jerusalem Council, No. 16, Royal and Select Masters of Bridgeport, CT, Prince of Peace Commandery, No. 29, Knights Templar; also a 32-degree Scottish Rite Mason, belonging to the Lafayette Consistory of Bridgeport, CT.
He resided at the City Hotel. November 30, 1903, he married Fredrica DeWye.
Albert Slanker
Mr. Daniel Albert Slanker was born May 23, 1887, in Jefferson City. He was the fourth child of Daniel A. and Mary E. Holzer Slanker. He was educated in the public schools of this city.
At the age of fifteen, Mr. Slanker started as a gas fitting helper for the Jefferson City Light, Heat and Power Company. Later, in 1903, he went to work for H. A. Jeffries, plumbing and heating contractor of Jefferson City. During World War I he was at the ammunition plant in Old Hickory, Tennessee, and after the signing of the armistice, he was assigned to civil service for three years at that plant.
He was a member of the Jefferson City Chamber of Commerce, a Rotarian, an Elk, a Knight of Macabees, and a member of the Chums, a social and good fellowship club. He was baptized and confirmed in the Central Evangelical Church. He was unmarried and lived at the Madison Hotel in Jefferson City.
His father, Daniel A. Slanker Sr. was a stationary engineer by trade and at one time served as street commissioner of Jefferson City. He was a member of the Jefferson City band when it was at its height, and a member of the orchestra that played when dance clubs were so popular in Jefferson City. He was born in Pennsylvania, the son of Daniel and Ellen Leonard Slanker. The father was of Pennsylvania Dutch descent, and the mother of French descent. Mr. Daniel A. Slanker Sr. passed away on January 1, 1910.
The mother of Mr. D. A. Slanker, Jr., was the eldest child of Urs and Magdalena Holzer, nee Emch. Her parents were born in Switzerland, married there and came to the United States, settling in Ohio and later moving to California, Missouri, on a farm. Mrs. Slanker passed away October 13, 1926.
Mr. Slanker, Jr. was one of seven children: Mrs. Ida Burkhardt, Mrs. Esther Stanford, Mrs. Marie Griffin, all of Jefferson City; and Mrs. Rose Nelson of Kansas City. His eldest brother, Otto, passed away February 9, 1938. Otto for many years was owner of the Slanker Plumbing and heating establishment in Jefferson City, Which D.A. Slanker, Jr. purchased from Otto when his health began failing in 1931.
The youngest brother, Emmet, passed away in 1913, and was a page in the House of Representatives for several terms, and later traveled over the state as a member of a vocal quartette for the nomination of Mr. J. A. Houchin for Governor.
Henry Marion Smith
Judge Henry Marion Smith was born on a farm near Hickory Hill in Clark Township, Cole County, June 23, 1848. His parents were Henry and Elizabeth Smith who came to Missouri from Kentucky at an early date, his father dying when Henry was ten years old.
At the age of 22, Henry bought a farm three miles east of his mother’s home. He farmed here for seven years and when his brothers and sisters married and left home, he sold this farm and purchased the old home where he farmed and dealt largely in livestock.
He was married January 16, 1870, to Miss Mary J., daughter of William Reavis, a farmer of Cole County. Of the children born to this union, James Carney Smith became a prominent farmer and stock dealer, living near his father; Laura was the wife of Alonza Hendly, also a farmer in the same neighborhood; Miss Leona died at the age of nineteen. Arthur and Willie assisted their father on the farm.
Judge Smith was a member and deacon of the Baptist Church at Hickory Hill. He was elected district judge in 1886, serving one term and was fourteen years a justice of the peace of Clark Township. He served as a road overseer several hears and was a school director virtually all of his life. In 1898 he was elected presiding judge of Cole County. He was an active and influential Democrat of Cole County.
Roger V. Smith
Roger V. Smith was born in Moniteau County August 1, 1896. His boyhood home was between Jamestown and Lupus, near where his ancestors of the Hudson, Moore, Vivion, Pettigrew, Boggs and Harris families lived in the early 1800s. Some of them were in the little band which formed the first settlement in Cole County. He was the son of Joe N. Smith, who was born November 19, 1870, and died March 17, 1925. His mother, Alice E. Hudson Smith, was born July 30, 1878. Her people came to that neighborhood in the early 1800s. Mr. Smith’s ancestors came to this country from Kentucky, Virginia and North Carolina.
After attending grade school in Moniteau County, Mr. Smith attended high school in the cities of California and Jefferson City. His professional training was acquired in the state teachers’ college at Warrensburg and Cape Giradeau and in the state university. Prior to his election as county school superintendent, he was superintendent of the Centertown School for three years, two years at Fortescue, Holt County and a year at Russellville. Mr. Smith was interested in athletics and sports. He was a member of the American Legion, the Masonic Lodge and the Baptist Church.
John J. Sommerer
Judge John J. Sommerer was born January 25, 1847, in Covington, KY, where he was reared and educated. On reaching his majority, he moved to Missouri where he taught school one term in a country district west of Jefferson City. The following year he taught at Osage City, where he continued to teach twenty-six consecutive years.
Being a delegate to the Republican County Convention which met in Jefferson City in 1894, he was nominated and elected to the office of Probate Judge, and re-elected in 1898. Judge Sommerer was Justice of the Peace for about sixteen years, and during that time acquired the necessary legal qualifications for the Judge’s position. He was also School Commissioner of the county three successive terms.
He was united in marriage April 6, 1874, to Miss Katherina, the daughter of Jacob Miller, a Cole County farmer. They had two children, George J. and Octavia. The family lived at 207 Monroe Street.
John M. Sommerer
John M. Sommerer was born on a farm near Honey Creek, Cole County, December 18, 1871. He grew up assisting on his father’s farm and was educated in the local schools.
At the age of twenty (1891), he came to Jefferson City where he worked for two years as a clerk for T.E. Schultz, a grocery merchant. He then went to work in 1893 as a steward at the United States Government works where he continued until it was shut down. After spending a short time at his parent’s home, he returned to Jefferson City and was employed for one year as a clerk for John Stuart, a grocery merchant on the corner of Lafayette and High streets. He then worked for Lawrence Wagner until 1896 when he, in connection with his partner, Mr. Bassman, purchased the business of Mr. Wagner and changed the name to Sommer & Bassman Grocers.
Mr. Sommerer was united in marriage October 1, 1896, to Miss Emma Schaefer of Jefferson City. She died March 29, 1898 and their infant daughter, Emma, survived the mother only a few months. John married Lillian Mary Eckles April 15, 1916, and had a son, John M. The family resided at 826 East High Street.
Mr. Sommerer was a member of the Trinity Lutheran Church. In addition to his interest in the grocery store, he was a stockholder in the Jefferson City Building and Loan Association.
Dr. James Franklin Son
He was united in marriage June 7, 1893 to Miss Emma, daughter of B.F. Bradford, a farmer near High Point in Moniteau County. To this union was born two sons, Edgar E. and Landon F. and twin daughters, Madge and Marie.
Dr. Son was a member of the AF & AM and also the MWA of Russellville. He was a member of the M.E. Church South.
Samuel H. Sone
Samuel H. Sone was born on a farm near Jefferson City February 16, 1848. He lived there until the age of twenty-one when he secured the contract for carrying mail from Jefferson City to Tuscumbia, the county seat of Miller County. He ran a stage for ten years.
He was united in marriage on August 10, 1876, to Miss Lena Hauenstein of Tuscumbia, after which he engaged in farming. When his wife died a year later, he engaged in the livery business in Tuscumbia for three years when he got into the real estate business in Aurora Springs. He then moved to Kansas City where he stayed awhile then came back to the Cole County home of his early life. Here he was deputy sheriff four years under T.B. Mahan, four years under F. J. Fromme. In 1894 he was elected to the office of sheriff and re-elected in 1896. At the expiration of the second term he moved to his farm west of the city.
He had a son by his first marriage. Mr. Sone married a second time to Mrs. Elizabeth Jenkins (nee Stone) a grand-daughter of the Rev. John West, minister of the Old School Baptist Church. As a result of this union he had four daughters. The family lived at 1400 West Main Street.
W. A. Stark
William Allen Stark was born on a farm in Cole County near Russellville, October 18, 1863. He attended school in the neighboring district and assisted his parents on the farm until age eighteen, when he rented a farm near his home. He cultivated the farm one year then bought it. He built a number of houses in Cole County, as well as the Russellville Roller Mills which he owned with his partner Mr. Ritchie.
Mr. Stark was married at the age of eighteen to Miss Rosa, daughter of B.S. Enloe, a farmer near Decatur. This union was blessed with eight children, four boys and four girls. The eldest was Ezera and the youngest were twins Ernest and Inez. They lived on the family farm near Russellville.
He was a member of the AF & AM and the MWA of Russellville, and also of Mt. Olive Batist Church where he served as deacon.
Walter H. Steininger
Walter H. Steininger was born in Jefferson City January 5, 1885. His parents were Jacob and Elizabt Guenther Steininger. Jacob Steininger was born in Germany in 1832. At the age of six he came to America with his parents, his father having been a participant in the attempted revolution in that country which led to exile and gave America many of its best citizens. Jacob Steininger’s father was a farmer and owned a large acreage southwest of Jefferson City. Jacob served in the Union army as captain of home guards during the Civil War. For the greater part of his adult life he was employed in the office of the G. H. Dulle Milling Company. He died in 1899. His widow, a native of this city, was the daughter of John and Margaret Guenther of Pennsylvania origin. She died in 1936 at the age of ninety-four.
Prior to entering the insurance business, he was auditor for the local power and light company. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, a Shriner in Masonry, and a member of the Elks Lodge. Mrs. Steininger, a native of Pennsylvania, was formerly Katheryn Estep Mansur. Ted, her son by her former marriage, attended Missouri University.
Edwin W. Stephens
Edwin W. Stephens was the son of James L. Stephens who immigrated to Boone County with his parents from Kentucky in 1819. His mother was Amelia, daughter of I. O. Hockaday of Callaway County. He was born in Columbia, MO January 21, 1849 and died in that city May 22, 1931. In 1869 he became publisher of the Columbia Herald, which he remained for thirty years, making that publication one of Missouri’s leading weekly newspapers. He built a publishing business of national consequence, the E. W. Stephens Publishing Company.
He was a graduate of the University of Missouri and served as President of the Board of Curators. He was President of the Board of Commissioners of Missouri Insane Asylum No. 3, President of the Missouri Press Association, President of the National Editorial Association of the United States. He was Moderator of the Baptist General Association of Missouri and the father of four children.
Hugh Stephens
Hugh Stephens was born in Columbia, Missouri December 4, 1877, the son of Edwin W. and Laura Moss Stephens. He attended the Missouri University. In 1898, because of the serious illness of his father, he came to Jefferson City to become the head of the Hugh Stephens Printing Company which published the Jefferson City Tribune and did the official printing for the state. After a number of years Mr. Stephens’ company disposed of the newspaper and devoted its attention exclusively to commercial printing. He was head of this organization until 1921. He served as chairman of the board of the Exchange Bank.
Hugh Stephens was married June 19, 1901, to Miss Bessie Miller, daughter of Nick T. Miller and granddaughter of Phil T. Miller (see sketch) of a pioneer Jefferson City family. Their only child, Louisa Miller Stephens, was the wife of Carl J. Otto, attorney of Washington, Missouri.
Mr. Stephens was president of the Chamber of Commerce for six years. He was President of the Rotary Club and President of the Board of Curators of Stephens College, Columbia, which was named for his grandfather. He was chairman of the board of trustees of the Baptist Church and served as chairman of the Democratic City Committee.
Dr. James Stewart
Dr. James Stewart was born in Glasgow, Scotland, September 22, 1874, the son of Alexander and Mary McLean Stewart. Alexander Stewart, a stone cutter by trade, came to St. Louis in 1882, where he became a general contractor. His wife and their twelve children joined him the following year.
Upon finishing high school in St. Louis, James Stewart took up the study of medicine, graduating from Barnes Medical College in 1895. For a year he was an interne in the Marine Hospital. For twelve years he practiced at Holstein in Warren County. In 1898 he married Miss Laura Jasper. He was coroner of Warren County for four years and was local surgeon for the Missouri Kansas and Texas Railway.
In 1904 Dr. Stewart was elected to represent Warren County in the state legislature. He was chairman of the committee on public health, was author of the bill establishing a tuberculosis sanitarium at Mount Vernon, and was particularly active on measures affecting the public health.
Dr. Stewart was chairman of the Lexow committee which investigated St. Louis election frauds and irregularities. He was re-elected to the next general assembly but resigned, moving to St. Louis where he engaged in the practice of medicine. In 1910 he was made medical adviser of St. Louis public schools, and served until he came to Jefferson City in 1925 to become secretary of the state board of health, serving from 1925 to 1933. Through his efforts the notorious medical diploma mills were abolished.
Dr. Stewart was a member of the Caledonian Society of St. Louis, and a member of the local, state and American medical associations, a thirty-second degree Mason and Shriner. He had one daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Van Dyne.
Robert Price Stone
Robert Price Stone, who was Prosecuting Attorney of Cole County, was born on a farm near Mary’s Home in Miller County, March 25, 1863. James Stone, the father of Robert Price Stone, was killed in the Civil War the year of his son’s birth, July 4, 1863, at Helena, Arkansas, leaving Robert an orphan at the early age of four months. At the age of 7 his family moved to Moniteau County, settling on a farm near Russellville. His early education was in the neighboring school; he later attended the Hooper Institute at Clarksburg.
At the age of 20 Mr. Stone moved to La Monte in Pettis County where he was book-keeper in a general store for nine months. He then worked as a carpenter for about a year until he moved to Moniteau County to engage a short time in farming. October 31, 1888, he came to Jefferson City and resumed the work of carpenter.
In 1893 he was made Deputy City Marshall, which he resigned about 15 months later. He was elected Justice of the Peace in November 1894, and Police Judge in 1895, filling both offices for two years.
He was admitted to the bar in 1895 when he began the practice of law. In January 1899 he associated with Mr. Waldecker in the practice of law, the firm being Stone & Waldecker.
Mr. Stone united in marriage March 21, 1893 to Miss Mary Workover of Moniteau County. They had three daughters and made their home at 609 East McCarty Street.
William P. Stone
William P. Stone was born in Jefferson City September 5, 1883, the son of John W. and Mary E. Shadwick Stone. John W. Stone was born south of Jefferson City shortly before the beginning of the Civil War, and spent his entire life in this part of the state, dying in 1910. Mrs. John W. Stone was born near Russellville, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shadwick.
John W. Stone, a farmer, carpenter and builder, moved to Jefferson City about 1900. He was the son of Jim Stone, a native of Kentucky, who homesteaded land south of here years prior to the Civil War, as did two of his brothers. The war caused an estrangement in this as in many other families. Jim Stone’s brothers adhered to the Union cause, and Union sentiment prevailed in his neighborhood. He was loyal to the Confederacy, left home and joined the Confederate army and was killed at Helena, Arkansas.
William Stone learned the carpenter trade as a youth. He worked as a carpenter for wages until the spring of 1912 when he went into business for himself as contractor, and from that date to 1933 he erected many buildings of various kinds. Meanwhile, in 1922, he had acquired an interest in the billiard parlor and lunch room on High Street. When the depression stopped virtually all building activity he retired from contracting and gave his personal attention to the business.
Mr. Stone was married on December 18, 1912, to Miss Mary Goodall. Mrs. Stone was a native of this city, the daughter of W. W. and Sarah Handley Goodall, natives of Cole County. Mr. and Mrs. Stone had three sons, Jack T., William Rupert and Richard Neal. It is interesting to note that Jefferson City’s first modern apartment buildings, the Wymore Apartments, were constructed by Mr. Stone.
John B. Sturm
John Bernard Sturm was born in Jefferson City February 23, 1901, the son of Bernard H. and Mary Hatting Sturm, both natives of Cole County. His paternal grandparents, Andrew and Barbara Sturm of Bavaria, came to Cole County prior to the Civil War and established a home eight miles west of Jefferson City near Scruggs Station. Andrew Sturm died in 1914, his wife in 1924 at the age of ninety-two. Shortly before the close of the Civil War the Sturm farm was raided by Confederate soldiers but none of the livestock was taken. Andrew Sturm became an American citizen, was interested in civic affairs, and affiliated with the Democratic Party.
Bernard H. Sturm was reared on the old Sturm homestead and lived there until 1893 when he came to Jefferson City where he was employed in shoe manufacturing until he retired in 1927. His wife was the daughter of John B. Hatting, a Cole County pioneer. John Sturm was second in age of the four sons of Bernard H. and Mary Sturm. The eldest, George A. lived in Lawndale, California. The third son, Herman, was an employee of the Missouri Pacific Railway, and a resident of Jefferson City. The youngest, Henry, with the Prudential Insurance Company, was also a resident of this city.
John B. Sturm became collector of Jefferson City in 1927. He was educated in the Jefferson City parochial schools. From 1915 to 1917 he worked for the R. Dallmeyer Dry goods Company. He then entered the employ of the Hays Saddlery Company which operated under government supervision during World War I, manufacturing products for government use. After seven years service with the Hays Saddlery Company he became manager of a service station for Standard Oil Company, which he operated two years. He then became a salesman for the Moerschel Products Company with who he remained until after the city election of May 1927.
In 1927 Mr. Sturm was married to Miss Clotilda Dulle, daughter of Edward H. Dulle, a prominent businessman and grandson of the pioneer G. H. Dulle, who founded the Dulle Milling Company. Mrs. Sturm’s mother was before her marriage Catherine Zuber, daughter of Victor Zuber of this city, a veteran of the Union army while his brother, Frank was a Confederate soldier.
Mr. Sturm was a member of the Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus. He was one of the leaders of the Democratic Party in this city.
Prof. John H. Sullens
Professor John Hunter Sullens was born near Brazito, Cole County, January 24, 1869, where he was reared, his early education being in the Centennial public school nearby. He later attended Hooper Institute at Clarksburg. In 1889 he began teaching school; his first engagement was at Russellville where he continued one year, since which time he taught at Lohman, Bass, Elston and Mt. Carmel. He was appointed School Commissioner of Cole County by Governor Stone, to which office he was re-elected.
August 26, 1891, he was untied in marriage to Dora D., daughter of Judge John Musick. This union was blessed with four children: Fern, Clyde who died in infancy, Clarence and Elsie Dean. (this information taken from a 1900 publication).
In 1892 Mr. Sullens bought a farm near Bass where he made his home. He and his wife were members of the Mt. Carmel M.E. Church (South). He was also a member of the State Teachers’ Association.
Larry A. Sullivan
Larry A. Sullivan was born around 1900 northwest of Centertown in the neighborhood once known as “Little Dublin”. In this neighborhood a colony of Irish settled and entered government land in the 1830s. His ancestors were members of this colony. His grandfather, Maurice Sullivan, born in the old country in 1839, served in the Confederate army in the Civil War. He died in 1911. Larry Sullivan’s father was John D. Sullivan who died in 1935 at the age of sixty-nine, having spent his life as a farmer in the old home neighborhood in which he was born. John D. Sullivan’s wife was the daughter of Pierce and Matilda Francis. Pierce Francis was also a soldier in the Confederate army.
At the age of fifteen Larry Sullivan left home, coming to Jefferson City to engage in electrical work. During the ensuing eighteen years, as an employee, he learned all branches of electrical work. In 1933 he went into business for himself. Mr. Sullivan was married in 1923 to Miss Edna Tanner, daughter of Herman Tanner (see sketch).
Dr. J. S. Summers
Dr. Joseph Stewart Summers was born on a farm at Wallace, Indiana, June 27, 1870. In 1881 he came to Daviess County, Missouri. He attended school at Jameson then went to William Jewell College where he received an A.B. degree. He received his A.M. and M. D. degrees at the state university. Before taking up the practice of medicine Dr. Summers taught at the University of Missouri and at Trenton.
Dr. Summers was a specialist in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. He was a member of the Cole County Medical Society, the Missouri State Medical Society, the Kansas City Otolaryngology, Southern Medical, American Medical, North American Radiological Societies and of the American College of Surgeons. He was on the staff of St. Mary’s Hospital and served as eye, ear, nose and throat doctor at the Missouri Penitentiary.
He was a member of the Baptist Church, Rotary Club, and Masonic Lodge. He took an active interest in Boy Scout work had held various local and national positions for that organization. Dr. Summers was the son of Andrew Jackson Summers who was born at Wallace, Indiana March 3, 1840 and died in Daviess County in 1912. A. J. Summers’ wife was Anna Lyza Cunningham, born at Wallace, Indiana March 23, 1847, died February 27, 1929. All his grandparents were natives of Kentucky.
Dr. Summers was married to Miss Nettie Pickett on August 15, 1912. Their son, Joe Summers, born August 26, 1916, became a doctor specializing in radiology and practiced in Jefferson City. Mrs. Summers was the daughter of E. N. and Elizabeth keener Pickett and was a native of Grundy County. Two of her three brothers were physicians; Dr. Lee Pickett of Mercer County, Dr. Clarence Pickett of Mercer County and Kansas City. Her third brother was O. A. Pickett, formerly state senator from the Fourth District of Trenton.
Horace A. Swift
Horace Augustus Swift was born in Zanesville, Ohio, July 1, 1833, where he attended school until the age of 15. His father, Richard S. Swift, a native of New Jersey, owned a large flour mill and a line of canal boats on the Ohio Canal, used for shipping flour to New York before the days of railroads. His mother was Sarah Senter, a native of New Hampshire.
After leaving school, Mr. Swift worked in a wholesale notion store for two years. He later went to southern Ohio and worked for an uncle on a farm. From there he went to Portsmouth, Ohio where he spent three years learning brick masonry, teaching school in winter. He then went to Jackson, Ohio and engaged in contracting, being the contractor for the M.E. Church, a large mill, a block of store buildings and a number of private dwellings.
In 1855 he built a court house at McArthurs Town, Vinton County and later at Point Pleasant, VA. In the fall of 1856 he went to Keokuk, IA where he worked in the contracting business for two years before coming to Jefferson City May 26, 1858. In 1859 he built two additions to the Lunatic Asylum at Fulton, MO. He served a short time in the Home Militia during the Civil War.
Appointed warden of the Missouri Penitentiary by Governor Fletcher, January 4, 1865, he served four years. He also served eight years as Judge of the County Court.
He was married December 1857, at Oconomowoc, WI, to Miss Ada F. Jordan of North Adams, MA. To this union was born six children: Emma, Grace (the wife of W.S. Ferguson), Maude (the wife of E.E. Turner), Albert D., Ulysses (died at the age of 26), and Edison B. (died in infancy). The family lived on a farm in the south suburbs of Jefferson City.
Mr. Swift was a member of the M.E. Church, the AF & AM, and the AOUW.